Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series, nor do I want to own it, although it would be nice. I am in no way profiting from this story or any of its characters.

Chapter 1: Introduction

It was with dull, lifeless eyes that Harry sat in Dumbledore's office. Sirius was dead and he believed it to be his fault. It was his fault anyone was there in the first place? He might as well of cast the Killing Curse on Sirius, not that he ever could. Harry was definitely not a happy person but he could never be driven to hate someone enough to use the Avada Kedavra on them. Isn't that why the Cruciatus on Bellatrix didn't work? Even though she had taken his last bit of family, except Remus of course, away from him, he couldn't hate her enough to cast an unforgivable.

"Harry?" asked the Headmaster. "Have you heard anything I said?"

"Huh? Uh, no. Is there anything important? I'd really like to go see how Hermione is doing." Said Harry, wishing he could just sulk in his dorm for a few days.

"Harry, I need to know how much of the prophecy was heard."

The prophecy? Who gives a damn shit about the prophecy? It's the whole reason Voldemort lured me to the Ministry anyway. Thought Harry, visibly getting angrier and angrier. So angry that his magical aura had started showing.

"Excuse me, Sir, but if you had told me about the prophecy in the first place, then Sirius wouldn't be dead and we wouldn't be having this conversation! I thought that I should be blaming myself, maybe it's you who is to blame! If you hadn't been playing your 'game of chess' claiming it's for the 'Greater Good'then I would have known not to go to the bloody Department of Mysteries in the first place!" Screamed Harry, his aura lashing out in tendrils of a light grey colour, some were even gripping the little silver instruments around the room and snapping them in half. "And for your information, I heard it all. As did Lucius Malfoy, I suggest he gets death instead of Azkaban."

"My dear boy, surely you cann-" Dumbledore started, only to be cut of as one of Harry's 'tentacles' shot past his head and grabbed a rather expensive version of a Trace Detector, tuned to Harry's signature.

"That's where you're wrong. I believe that I have every right to destroy everything in here and castrate you in retribution for the childhood that you have deprived me of again and again! The constant physical and mental abuse at the Dursley's, the Tri-Wizard Tournament and not to mention all the other times my life has been endangered at this very school! And you, Headmaster, should be preventing that! Not setting up tests that we easily passed so I got to go face off with the most powerful Dark Wizard in centuries! At the age of eleven! Not to mention, I killed a man that day! With my bare hands! I blame you for all of this!" When Harry was finished screaming at the Headmaster, he let out a blood-curdling scream and promptly passed out on the floor, but not before one final pulse of magic disintegrated the last of the tracking devices Dumbledore used to monitor Harry.

"Shit." Was all the Headmaster had to say.


Harry awoke the next morning in the Hospital wing, in his usual bed. Sitting up in her bed across from him was Hermione.

"Hey Harry. Awake at last." Hermione smiled at him but winced in pain when she did. Harry then noticed the large bandage going from the left of her hip to her right shoulder.

"Hermione are you okay?" Harry asked, worry evident in his eyes. "Wait, how long have I been unconscious?"

"I'm fine Harry, just a scar. We can match! You've been unconscious for about a week now. Madam Pomfrey said something about a power block being way too forcibly broken. That's what caused you to slip into your coma."

"A whole week? Power block?"

"Yes, Mr Potter, a whole week. And the power block had been limiting you to about thirty percent of your full core. I daresay you will have to learn how to control that magic, or you'll be back here hassling me! One day I'll get a plaque with your name on it above that bed!" Said Madam Pomfrey, quickly running some diagnostics on Harry and giving him a few potions to relieve pain. "I suggest you refrain from using magic for a month or so. Shouldn't be hard since you're underage until the end of July anyway. Also, you have an alarming amount of mail from Gringotts. I suggest you find out what they are. The Goblins don't take kindly to tardiness."

Harry looked to where there was a stack of yellow-white envelopes, addressed to 'Heir Potter'. Since he was the only living Potter, it made sense that he was 'Heir Potter'

He opened the first letter and read it


Heir Harry James Potter,

RE: The Will of Lord Sirius Orion Black.

It is with great regret that we must inform you of the death of one Sirius Black.

As you are mentioned in the will, you must attend the reading on Saturday the twenty-ninth of May at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Our condolences,

Gringotts Bank.

*End Letter*

The other letters had been one for each day since Sir- it happened. Each one had asked for a reply and Harry realised just how much trouble he'd be in with the Goblins.

"Hermione. What day is it?" asked Harry, a look of worry on his face.


"And the time?"

Hermione checked the golden watch she had gotten for her seventeenth birthday. "Two twenty five."

"Shit!" Harry shot out of bed and ran out of the Hospital Wing door.

"Language, Mr Potter! Wha- Where'd he go?" asked Madam Pomfrey.

Hermione merely shrugged her shoulders and picked up a book off of her nightstand.


Harry had quickly made his way to the Gryffindor common room, gotten changed into his best robes and was now making his way towards Professor McGonagall's office. He turned the second last corner at ten minutes to go and collided with a head of blonde hair, connecting with his nose.

"Ow!" They both said in unison. She had dropped her books and looked up at Harry and his gushing nose.

"Potter!" said Daphne Greengrass, taking out her wand and casting an Episkey on Harry's nose.

"I'm really, really sorry but I'm late for something." Harry apologised, picking up her books and handing them back to her. His emerald green eyes met her bright violet eyes and Harry noticed just how beautiful she was. No, he thought, I like Ginny. "Sorry again." He said and ran past her into the Transfiguration Room.

"Professor, I need to use your floo. Sirius' will reading is in three minutes at Gringotts and-"

"Yes Mr Potter, I know, I am leaving right now. Take some floo powder, the address is simply Gringotts." Said McGonagall with a sad smile on her face, "You know, I'll miss him too Harry."

"A lot of people will, Professor. Thank you." And with a genuine smile and a mumbled 'Gringotts' Harry Potter disappeared in a whirl of flame, closely followed by the feline animagus Transfiguration professor.


Meanwhile, Daphne Greengrass was standing in a girl's bathroom just down the hall from the Transfiguration room, desperately trying to locate any blood that might have been left in her hair by Potter.

Who was he to run around and head-butting people? Okay, Potter came off worse than her but still! Completely obnoxious! And then to just run off once again! How rude! Heir of a Most Noble and Ancient House her perfectly formed arse!

But she couldn't help thinking about the moment she looked into those emerald eyes. The moment her breath hitched and for once in her life, the Ice Queen was speechless.

The moment she met Harry Potter.


Harry and McGonagall entered Conference Room 3 with just seconds to spare.

"Ah, Mr Potter, nice of you to join us. I trust you have an explanation as to why you did not reply to any of our seven letters?" asked the Goblin, Bloodtooth, with a scowl on his face.

"Yes, sir. I've been I a coma for the past week." Replied Harry.

"Ah, yes, that would explain it. Well, for those of you who don't know what this is, it is a counsel's pensieve. It projects memories instead of you having to go inside them. We use these so that the deceased can dictate their own will." Walking over to the shallow bowl, Bloodtooth poured a vial of silver liquid into it and pressed a rune on the underside of the pensieve. Suddenly, a projection of Sirius Black stood in the middle of the room. It reminded Harry of the muggle movie Star Wars.

"I, Sirius Orion Black, an adult residing 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England, being of sound mind, declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I revoke all wills and codicils previously made by me. Well, now that the formalities are done with you guys to find out what you get! I sincerely hope that my death was accompanied with many explosions and fireballs, but anyway, lets get this over with. Firstly, to my dear cousin, Andromeda Tonks née Black, I hereby reinstate you and Nymphadora Tonks, into the Black family. I also leave you a total of five million galleons. That should support the future House of Tonks for a few generations. Secondly, to the last remaining Marauder, Remus Lupin. I leave to you, the Black family house in France and the Savoy hotel in London, my mischief has been managed, Remus. Thirdly, to Minerva McGonagall, or Minnie for short, I leave you my journals of years one through seven, don't worry! Nothing too personal in them, I suggest you read them and challenge the new pranksters of Hogwarts. Fourthly, weird word to say, to Narcissa Malfoy née Black, I hereby annul the forced marriage between you and Lucius Malfoy, I know how much you hated the bastard. And lastly, Harry James Potter, I hereby leave you the Heirship of Most Ancient and Noble House Black, and all the assets that House Black has attained over the years. Along with this comes your early emancipation! Congatulations Lord Potter-Black! I also ask of you to provide money to Narcissa and Draco so that they can get back on their feet. Good luck Harry, you'll need it. Sirius Black out!" And with a mock salute, Sirius vanished.

"Well Lord Potter-Black, how does it feel to be the most powerful person in magical Britain?" asked Bloodtooth.

Harry let out a small gurgle and promptly passed out on his seat.


Well, first chapter, first story. It's a bit short but they'll get longer. Hopefully. I'll try to get out chapters weekly but exams are coming up and I don't know why I started to write this story. Anyway, I made it so that students start Hogwarts at twelve, in Hermione's case she started at thirteen because her birthday is in September so she turned twelve too late to be in the year before Harry. Other than that, almost everything before, and including the DoM, was canon.

So… R&R and see you guys in a week!

Stay classy ?