Flynn hugged Taylor's shadow, unhappy with Sawyer's decision to arm Taylor. They jogged along the side of the trail, Sawyer on one side, gun out and ready and Taylor on the other, with Flynn right behind him, berating himself for not arguing more forcefully against letting Taylor have his gun. Considering all the medication he'd been given, it was far more likely he was hallucinating. Strange that Sawyer never really hesitated. What did Sawyer see that Flynn had missed? Or was it what he said? He needed to ask Sawyer about that.

As the rounded the next curve, he suddenly felt a sting in his leg, Taylor shouted and shoved Flynn off the path. Twenty yards ahead of them, were Christian and Ana locked in a passionate embrace, Christian palm possesivly caressing her baby bump. Sawyer ran zig zagging ahead, yelling and suddenly went down. Taylor moved out to the center of the path and started firing. He saw the glint of the scope and squeezed the trigger gently. Almost immediately he felt his chest explode. He had time for one last thought, that wherever the bullet hit, it was a fatal wound. He would not survive this. Everything went black and he felt himself falling even as his fear grew.

The next thing he knew, someone was calling his name. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he opened his eyes. His heart was racing, his hands were on his chest and he was gasping for air. "Shit, Taylor. What the fuck were you dreaming about?" Taylor looked around and saw he was in his office, sitting behind his desk. Taylor sighed in relief and said, "Luke, you really don't want to know. It was no dream, it was a fucking nightmare to end all nightmares."

"Tell me about it?"

"Let's just say in the end, the boss and Ana were sucking face like usual, in the middle of nowhere on a wooded path. Somewhere above them, in the wooded hillside is a sniper ready to take them out. First he shoots Flynn, "

"Flynn? What the fuck was he there for?"

Taylor shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who the fuck knows. Anyway, we see the boss and you try running a zig zag pattern to get to him, yelling at them to get down but then you get hit. So I get out in the middle of the oath and just start firing up into the hillside where I think he is you and then, bam, I feel the impact of the bullet right in the fucking chest!"

"What happened?"

"Everything turned black and then I woke up."

Sawyer laughed, "Jeeze, T, maybe you need to see Flynn. Want me to call for an appointmen?"

"Fuck you, Sawyer. A man has to have some secrets."

Luke looked at Taylor thoughtfully. When it came to secrets he had no doubt T had plenty. He was even more sure he'd have to be at deaths door to part with any of them. So he smiled to ease his friends mind and agreed, "You're right, T. A man has to have some secrets. Now how about we have dinner. Gail is waiting in us. She sent me to get you and if we don't hustle our asses, she's gonna be pissed."

Taylor smiled at the thought of Gail, stood up from his desk and put the disturbing dream behind him. He did, however, make a mental note to call Barney in the morning and run a few things past him. Just in case.