There was only one surefire distraction I had available at almost all times. Said distraction pressed against my back, his chest desperately trying to calm down. I slid forward on my arms, crossing them and resting my head against them. I closed my eyes as I felt his fingers trail over my arms, his body resting full flush against mine. I felt my eyes and throat sting.
"Not that I'm complaining…" he muttered, his lips brushing against my shoulder, "but what's brought all this on?" My heart snapped as he tilted his head between my shoulders.
I tried speaking, only to find my throat too tight to do so. I swallowed and cleared it. "What do you mean?"
"Usually you'd be exhausted by now, considering everything. Now this? The fear we collected didn't last this long. Something else is driving you."
That damned ability of his. "Can't I want sex from you in large doses sporadically?"
"I'm not saying that. You're getting defensive." He shifted off of me to lay on his side. I met his gaze. "Too much has happened recently. Too much is happening. You're still recovering as well."
"All the more reason to want to forget, I'd think," I said, finding my body seeking his heat. "Not many other ways to keep the mind busy."
He allowed the contact and parted his legs to allow mine to hook around him. "I'd rather you seek me out than soak yourself in fear alone."
I felt his fingers entwine in my hair, pulling softly. My throat tightened again.
"Hana, I know what you fear. I fear it, too."
I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. He sighed into my neck.
"I've known for some time. I hadn't the heart to tell you, either." He scoffed against my skin.
"What do we do?"
"Nothing but stand by and see what happens. Stupid advice. I know." He pressed his lips to my shoulder again. "The curse of immortality. We live forever, only dying of specific causes. Only to see… this."
"Living long enough to see loved ones perish." I tilted my gaze to his chest. There was no mistaking the increase of his grip.
He had barely muttered the word against my ear from where we were laying. I held on to him tighter.
I listened to the ambiance in the absence of his voice. The fire, his rhythmic breathing now even again, and faint, ethereal cries of the Nightmares outside the palace walls.
"All is not lost, though."
I met his eyes again. "How?"
"I think I have a semblance of a plan. Care to help me iron the rest out? You've always been good at helping fill in the blanks."
I nodded. Anything to keep my mind busy. Anything to keep me from thinking of the inevitable. "What's your idea?"
Downstairs in the stables, Drago tended to Bellini. Chloe had long since retired, but he found he could not sleep. Rather than dare be found in the den, he went to his only other sanctuary.
"It's too much darkness, even for us," Bellini pressed against his mind as he ran a brush over her side. "Too much at once, anyway," she added.
He nodded.
"But at least Chloe is safe. And your mother."
Again he only nodded, not sure how to respond. He only filled the silence with the brush. Bellini was not wrong. He knew the severity was to be expected, though. He just hadn't expected his loved ones to be targeted. He hadn't read into the lore like that. Nothing gave way that the spirit would be that determined.
Though, who would she target next? There weren't many in his life that he loved dearly. His father would be avoided until the last minute, leaving only one option left. Unless the spirit would come back to finish anything she had started. No matter the odds, he did not like them.
Drago felt something flick against his cheek, pulling him from his catatonic state. He noticed his shadows flicking about, softly brushing against whatever it could. He felt Bellini shift and snort. "Easy. You know it won't affect you."
"I'm glad it doesn't. I've seen what you do to humans with it."
"The prisoners, yes. Remember I do target specific humans, after all." He found his brush following the vibrant green spirals in her black fur.
"And now it's too hard to keep your mortal figure."
"Which could come to my advantage. Would make my part of the spectrum easier."
"You'd lose Chloe though. She couldn't be near you."
"And there goes the fun. Spoil sport." He tapped her muzzle and she tossed her head slightly. "Doesn't really matter. If I can't hold this form much longer, I'll have to leave for Germany alone for awhile."
She tipped her head forward. "Or…"
"You could ask your father."
He scoffed. "No way. I'm not letting Dad know. He has enough to worry about."
"Drago, your father IS a shadow. He of all people would know how to teach you to keep your form together. I think he'd find it a welcomed distraction. And you could use the skill rather than seek out your sister."
He chewed the inside of his cheek, knowing Bellini wasn't wrong. He had wanted to learn how to handle it on his own, while Emily-Jane helped keep the shadows calm. They were growing faster than he could keep it under control. Given his heritage, it was to be expected.
He stepped away and tapped the brush against his opposite palm, weighing his options. Not many choices came back to him.
"I'm thinking."
"I'm aware. That's what's scaring me."
He threw her a look and she tossed her head in amusement. "Dad said he was military and that he would be able to figure this out, but… I don't know if he can." He put the brush in its proper place. "I mean, I know generals have to be quick witted on the battlefield, but this is one target. One very elusive target. From what I know of his past, he'd be used to massive battles."
"I'm sure he fought his fair share of solo battles. You don't become a general for your wit alone." Her head tilted up, over towards the area they kept clear for weapons practice. "Given his talent with every weapon he's ever used around us, and his knowledge of any combat situation we've ever seen him emerge from, he's always shown great skill and overall calm. You don't get that overnight."
Drago chuckled and leaned against the stall wall. "No, but you could get that from having an immortal lifespan. Even Mom is a small fraction of his age and look at what she can do."
"Not just that." Bellini shifted and took a few steps to stretch her legs out. "I'm not that much older than you, true, but I've never seen him loose his composure in a battle. He's always come out at least two steps ahead. Yes survivability would help with that, but so would military training. A general's rank for sure."
He shrugged. "Okay, so what does that mean? That I leave everything in his hands while this psychopath is literally filling the streets above our heads with blood? I know it doesn't bother him if innocents are killed while he protects his family and the larger picture, but it bothers me." He gripped his arms and shifted against the wall. "I mean, Dad hasn't shown much compassion to those outside his bloodline my entire life. I don't expect him to change now. Mom isn't much better, to be honest."
"They do what they have to. You and Evilyn are their top priority. Everything else is collateral."
"Yeah and it shouldn't be." He shifted off the wall and started pacing. It was a habit he knew would drive his mother crazy if he ever did it around her. "I know, we're the evil ones. We keep to the darkness to make sure balance is kept. Fear, dread, anxiety, pain, they're all required to keep everything in order. It's why our family is so strong. It's why the shadows continue to grow faster than I can keep up with. But still, we should be doing something."
Bellini shorted, watching her master. "Like what? Throwing ourselves to her feet? She is after you. The last thing you should be doing is going out there to try anything. She is old. Old things survive for a reason."
"I'm not afraid of her."
"Tell me, when was the last time you won a fight with your mom."
"Last week when-"
"Physically. When was the last time you won a physical fight against your mother?"
He went quiet then.
"Because that spirit is about as old as your mother. It has had the same amount of time to gather power, to grow and learn her abilities. She is much older, stronger, and faster than you." She snorted and tossed her muzzle into his path. "You're not even eighteen yet. What do you hope to do against a spirit centuries your senior?"
He ground his teeth, more of his shape slipping. The skin of his cheek turned to smoky dust, sloughing off and joining the rest of the snapping tendrils. The sclera of that eye began to look as if someone had dripped ink into the veins.
"Look at you. How do you think you can save Chloe now? You can't even control yourself."
His shadows solidified. He ground his teeth. "Shut the fuck up, Bell, you have no fucking idea what I have to do!"
The half-Nightmare took a tentative step back. "I know you need to see your father. There is no excuse now."
Drago growled and looked at himself in the stall mirror. His heart stopped when he saw his form. He was only 3/4ths himself. The rest were snapping shadows. The sclera was now completely black, and the ink effect had started to spread to the other, leaving his dusty yellow irises brighter than normal. He took a staggered step back, just beginning to notice the wriggling sensations of the rogue shadows. Bellini was right
It was time to talk to his father.