Hiccup's POV:

It had been six days since the pirates had kidnapped Mana and I, which meant it was the sixth day I had to live on this earth without Mana.

In the heat of the moment she had managed to disguise herself as me and take my place as sacrifice for the pirates.

I wish I had done something then, even if it meant we could die together, I couldn't move. I could only cry as I watched her smile so sweetly at me, despite how she was facing death for me.

Her little brother.

Dad had explained everything to Snotlout and I, making everything clear before letting us mourn Mana's death.

He told me that before I was born, he bore child with another woman who died giving birth, and that he couldn't bare the burden of raising a child who killed his wife.

Spitelout and his family took Mana in and raised her from the day she was born, and when my dad met my mom, I guess he fell in love a second time - and I was born.

Mana and I were never meant to know of each other's existence, and that made my blood boil and every fibre of my being ache.

I cried for six days and six nights before I visited her grave once more.

I sat before it and spoke to her quietly, despite the villager's whispers and my father's inquiries, I felt hollow inside.

I felt absolutely empty without Mana here.

She had died for me, and even when she drew her last breath, all she did was smile at me as she had whenever we spoke on Berk, whenever we parted ways she would blush and smile, looking away before I'd take her hand in mine.

'Because I love you.'

My heart would yearn forevermore.

I cried as I lay sprawled out across Mana's grave, as if trying to be near, even in death.

And I felt her heart beat in unison with mine, for one last time..

"I love you, Mana."