Chapter 5

Jack sat on the windowsill, staring up at the moon, as he waited for Elsa. If everything went well for her, what will happen to him? He's been wondering that since Elsa left the room and was now trying to find answer from the man in moon himself. Will he be sent back to his home? Somehow, that thought was disheartening.

He's only been here for a few days, sure. And he's only just met Elsa. But it felt like the two of them had known each other for a long time, and Jack was sure he knew Elsa more than anyone else. After he's done here, the thought of going back seemed just not right. After all, with all the problems solved, Elsa would surely be more open. She'd smile more, laugh more, and then they'd play some more. And hopefully, he can get closer to her again, skin on skin, breath mingling, hands touching. Then he'd take her in his arms again where Elsa fitted so nicely.

Jack suddenly wanted to fan himself. He was a personification of the cold so naturally, he'd always felt cold. This time though, he could feel his face heating up, spreading wide to his ears and neck, which was just strange. He briefly wondered what was happening to him before he heard a commotion outside.

He looked towards the doors that led outside, wondering if everything was going well. His questions were answered when the walls started freezing much more, culminating a new thick layer of ice that looked rough and uneven. The temperature dropped a few more degrees and the new layer of ice started spreading faster, distorting the beautiful walls and pillars. Elsa must've lost control.

It alarmed him when the ice formed pointy spikes so he rushed outside, worried that Elsa would hurt herself. He burst open the doors and searched for Elsa for a few moments before he found her, standing by herself in the middle of a room filled with those pointed ice, head between her hands.

He looked on sadly for a second before calling out, "Elsa?"

Elsa flinched and relaxed when she'd realized it was Jack. She slowly turned to him and it broke his heart to see the return of the fear in her. He took a step forward to go and comfort her once more, but Elsa took a step back. They stopped and stared at each other for a moment, and Jack resigned himself for now.

"What happened?" He gently asked.

"I've hurt my sister again, Jack." She replied, voice torn and trembling. "And not just her but everyone in the kingdom. I- I didn't know that… that I set off an eternal winter or… or whatever. But it seems that I've taken away the summer in the kingdom and-" she sighed helplessly and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. "I don't know what to do! I don't know how to remove the winter!" She paused then suddenly turned to Jack. "Do you know?"

Jack sadly shook his head. "No."

Elsa turned away from him and started pacing back and forth, looking so distressed and lost. Jack wanted to help her, naturally, but he himself didn't know how. Could their power be reversed? He'd never thought of that before. However, there must be something he could do. Why else would he be here? But what could he do?

Whilst trying to think of a way to help, he noticed something and looked around. When he did not find what- or more like, who- he was looking for, he turned back to Elsa. "Where's your sister?"

Elsa stopped with her pacing and her shoulders sagged sadly. "I… I sent her away."

"What? Why?"

"Because… because I didn't want to hurt her any more than I already had."

Jack started to slowly advance on Elsa as he continued to speak, "But she came here for you."

"She came here… to make me stop the winter." Elsa turned to him and stared, but didn't stop him from getting closer to her. As much as that brought relief to Jack that he wasn't being rejected, he was also feeling happy and pleased that he was allowed to get close to her. "But I can't stop the winter. And she couldn't stay because I'd hurt her. Because this- this curse!" She spat angrily, glaring at her hands. "Can only hurt everyone. I can't save anyone. I can't help anyone." She balled her hands into fists and drew them close to her chest as she closed her eyes.

Jack was standing in front of Elsa now, watching her helpless figure. He could see why Elsa was like this, could see why she thought of her power a curse. But he refused to believe that she could only ever hurt anyone because so far, Elsa had not hurt him at all. Now, if only he could convince her… "You're wrong."

Elsa's eyes snapped open and looked up at him, clearly unbelieving.

"You're wrong." He repeated in a whisper.

"There's a hero if you look inside your heart," he started, softly and gently.

"You don't have to be afraid of what you are.
And there's an answer, if you reach into your soul,
And the sorrow that you know will melt away.

Elsa was staring up at him with wide eyes. He smiled, and continued with his way of convincing her. That hope was not lost. That there's something she could do. That she can help people too.

"And then a hero comes along,
With the strength to carry on.
And you cast your fears aside,
And you know you can survive.
So, when you feel like hope is gone,
Just look inside you and be strong.
And you'll finally see the truth,
That a hero lies in you...

He wanted her to see that he was here with her. That she was not hurting him. That he believed in her. That he would be willing to help her. That he's not afraid of her. So she didn't have to fear herself.

"It's a long road, when you face the world alone;
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold...
You can find love if you search within yourself
And then the emptiness you felt will disappear...

There was hope. She didn't have to be alone. That's why he was here with her. And now that he thought about it, maybe her sister believed the same. Maybe that was why she came here, and Elsa just needed to realize that.

"Lord knows dreams are hard to follow,
But don't let anyone tear them away.
Just hold on, and there will be tomorrow,
And in time you'll find the way.

He caressed her cheek, hoping that this would be enough to make her understand. He hoped that Elsa got his message. "That a hero lies in you."

Silence fell between them as they only stared into each other's eyes, passing message through the windows to their souls. Until Elsa broke into a smile and she launched herself to Jack, arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Jack laughed in relief, wrapping his arms around Elsa and hugged her close too. She got his message, there was no doubt, she got his message.

"Thank you." She whispered into his ear. "Thank you, Jack."

They drew back to look into each other's eyes again, now smiling. And as Jack looked at Elsa, with her in his arms, fitting in so naturally as if she's been made to be there, he felt it. He felt the urge to close the distance between their lips and be closer than they'd ever been.

He glanced down to Elsa's lips and when his eyes returned to hers, he could tell that she felt it too. Their heads suddenly started to slowly close in together, covering the distance that separated them, and with only a few inches away, Elsa closed her eyes. Jack gained more confidence and was just about to close the distance and bring their lips together when something colorful caught his eye.

He looked up with a sinking heart at the portal that had opened behind Elsa. "Oh no." He breathed out as he gazed at the swirl of colors. He didn't understand. Why had a portal opened up? Was it his time to go home? But why? Elsa had not solved her problem yet. He shouldn't go home yet.

"What is it?" Elsa opened her eyes and looked behind her, following Jack's gaze. Her brows furrowed together in confusion as she took in the sight of the portal. "What is that?"

"My way home." Jack answered in a whisper, still uncomprehending of what was happening. He didn't want to return home yet, he couldn't return home yet. He still needed to help Elsa through and through, he still wanted to see her smile and beam in happiness when she'd finally dealt with her powers.

"Home?" Elsa repeated, sounding surprised. Her head whipped back to Jack and she searched his face. "You- you're going home?"

His heart clenched at the sadness in Elsa's voice. He didn't want to go home too. He told her as much with the look in his eyes but what would happen with the portal? Would it close on its own without him?

There was a slight panic in Elsa's eyes. "Do you have to go?"

Jack shook his head. No, he didn't want to go home. He wouldn't go home. Not now.

Then the wind started pulling Jack into the portal. He held unto Elsa tightly, refusing to give in to the force of the wind, even as he was slowly being sucked into it. They looked at each other with swirling emotions that they shared.

Jack had a lot of things that he wanted to tell her. And he could tell that Elsa wanted to tell him something too, and he might just have the idea what it was. But neither of them said anything. They just held unto each other's arms for as long as they could, held each other's gaze with their own.

All the unsaid things were in their eyes and they both knew and understood what those things were. They knew what emotions were there.

"I-" Elsa started but hesitated.

Feeling that they couldn't continue to hold unto each other anymore, Jack smiled at Elsa and brushed a thumb across her cheek. "I'll be back."

And with that, he let go and was swept into the portal, which then closed as soon as he was gone.

Song is Hero by Mariah Carey

A/N: Woohoo, an update! Sorry for the lateness, I moved to Canada! Weeeee, when will spring come? Next chapter is last chapter. Thank you to everyone who follwed/favorited/reviewed! I love each and everyone of you and you're all my motivation to finish this. See you next chapter!