A/N: This is a gift fic to my friends Alexa and Feety(for the few ships that we share that can be counted on one hand). Hope you like it!

Chapter 1

Someone was calling Jack.

He whipped his head around in search for the direction of the faint voice and for a moment, he thought he'd imagined it. But it came a second time, louder, clearer, and although there was not a word Jack could understand from it, there was the sound, the voice, and that was evidence enough that someone was indeed calling him.

He looked up at the moon for a say from the man in it but he heard nothing from it and he hesitated. He didn't know what to do with the voice calling him. It came once more and he paused in thought. Then with a determined nod, he made a decision. He's going to look for the owner of that voice.

The wind blew him away at his call and he looked around him while in his flight. The voice was still there and bit by bit, he could finally hear some words.

"- them in." It was but a whisper but he heard it. It was there.

"- em see." Clearer this time and he knew it was from a girl. And as if confirming his assumption, the voice said, "- good girl." Yet it didn't sound like a good thing.

This child must need him, Jack was convinced. And that's why she's calling him.

"- ceal."

Her words seemed like they were now directly whispered to his ear so he must be getting close. He looked around him once more; at the rows of houses with roofs white and covered with snow; at the children chasing around one another with laughter bubbling in their chests. He felt a smile pull at his lips at the sight of them and he was even more determined to find the child.

"Don't feel." Yes, she needed him. Jack could now hear the distress in her voice and it made him frown. How could those words come out from a child? Any child should feel; the fun, excitement, joy. This must be why she's calling him. And fun he'll be sure to give her.

It's been minutes since he started flying and although he knew he was getting closer, he wasn't getting anywhere at the same time. With a slight frustration starting to grow in him, he increased his search on his surroundings, not paying attention to his front anymore. When there was still no sign of the child, he looked up at the moon but was greeted by a portal.

With shock painted all over his face, he was brought right into the portal by the wind and with a cry, he was sucked into the swirl of distorted dimension.

"Don't let them know." At first, Jack thought that it was the man in the moon who told him that; perhaps to not tell the other guardians of what was happening with him, but he realized that it was still the child's voice and it confused him a bit, wondering what should not be known. Well, only one way to find out. And the portal must be leading him to the child.

After a dizzying trip within the portal, Jack was spat out of the distorted dimension and into the ground of white. He immediately knew he was sitting on snow, what with how he's so familiar with it like it was a part of his own body. He picked up his staff that was spat beside him and stood up then looked around.

The portal was no longer around to be seen and everywhere he looked, there was only a wide expanse of snow. There weren't even houses or any other presence of warmth and it confused him that he was sent to such isolation. Where was the child he needed to save? He gasped when he realized the child must be lost somewhere within the pile of snow and started to frantically search around.

He called unto the wind to take him up midair and from there he looked for anything that resembled a child. When he turned to his back, he froze and a gasp escaped his lips, with his eyes wide open. Instead of finding the lost child, he found a lone ice castle that was nothing like he'd ever seen before. It was beautiful, breathtaking, and after he confirmed that there wasn't any lost child anywhere around the snowy mountain, he headed straight to it.

He landed in front of the doors of the entrance and only stood gaping there for a second. The design carved on the doors was beautiful, different from the normal way ice forms from his touch, and he unconsciously brought up a hand to touch it, feeling the smooth surface of the ice against his fingers. He tried giving it a light push, just to see if it would open and it did. He made an opening enough for him to enter and another gasp was tore out of him as he stepped in and gazed at the interior.

Everything from outside to inside were made of ice; the floor to the ceiling to the chandeliers that lighten up the place. He couldn't close his mouth at the sight of it all until he wondered who lived in this ice castle and was reminded of the child that he needed to attend to. This time, he looked around in search of another person and when everything was still, he called out, "Hello?"

There was no answer and no sound other than that of his barefoot hitting the icy floor as he walked further in. He called out again, in a much louder voice, "Hello? Anybody home?" He stopped in the middle of the entrance hall, waiting.

"Who are you?" A melodic female voice finally answered to his call and Jack spun around to see an enchanting beauty standing by the railings of the second floor. Jack only stared at her for a moment, with his mouth falling slightly open as he took in the sight of the lady that was looking back at him warily, cautiously. Instantly, Jack knew that she was the goddess of the castle.

Her elegance and poise as she stood was not of an average person; it spoke of pride and a high stand but not condescending and arrogant. Her hair was a light color, thought nothing like his silver strands, and they flowed smoothly on a braid on her delicate shoulder to her chest. And her eyes. Her wary blue eyes. Jack could see the fear in them and that snapped him out of his trance.

"My name is Jack and I'm kind of… lost." He immediately explained to appease her. And although the fear lessened, she was still guarded, her body language screaming defense. This was natural of course, so Jack just went straight to his business. "I would just like to know. Is there any child around here?"

The lady's delicate features scrunched in confusion as she replied, "No. No, the city is quiet far from here. And in this weather…" she trailed off.

Jack smiled and nodded. "I understand. So, how do I get to the city?"

"Just down the mountain and head south. It's quite a long way…" she tailed off again but now she's running her eyes from his head to his toes. And they stayed glued to his bare feet.

He laughed, knowing exactly what she was thinking and he unconsciously wagged his toes. "Oh, don't worry, I go well with the cold. And it seems that you do, too." He gestured at her with a hand. "What, with living in an ice castle in those clothes."

She visibly shrunk, her arms curling up to her chest, her face flashing with fear and she took a step back. But that's as far as she went when she seemed to have realized what he said and her brows furrowed. "What do you…? Have you been cursed as well?"

"Cursed?" Jack repeated before breaking down to laughter. He propped his staff to his side, rested both hands on it and leaned heavily on it. He breathed out the last of his laughter and spoke fondly, "It's hardly a curse. More like a blessing really, when it makes me capable of making the children happy."

The blues of the lady widened and she looked so lost and confused. "What…? But, how…? I mean…" She became a stammering mess and she stopped, looking a little frustrated.

Jack started to wonder why this lady was so conflicted. She wasn't anything like he thought she'd be the first time he saw her and it piqued his interests. Child or not, she was obviously going through something and he wanted to help her out some way.

He cleared his throat to get back the attention of the lady who was clutching hard unto her arms that her nails must've been digging on her skin. She turned to look at him and slightly straightened up, calming herself down.

"Um, to tell you the truth, I'm Jack Frost." He said in an answer to her unstated question.

She only looked at him in confusion, one eyebrow raised.

They both fell in silence, Jack looking at the lady expectantly, the other looking at him confusedly. Until it clicked into Jack and he gasped in disbelief. "You don't know me?"

"Um… no?"

Jack gaped. How could this lady even see him when he didn't know him lest believe in him? He looked at his hands, at himself, wondering if he'd suddenly solidified into a real human being. Realizing just how impossible that was though, he turned back to the lady, still looking bewildered. "You can see me?"

The lady was now looking at him like he'd gone crazy. "Uh… yes?"

"Hold on, hold on." He waved a hand at her then slowly asked, "So, you don't know me but you can see me?" She gave a slow, hesitant nod. "Which country am I in?" Because that could only be the only reason he could think of. He must be in a country that didn't know Jack Frost, that's it.

"You're currently within the kingdom of Arendelle."

"Arendelle?" He paused in thought. "I don't think I've heard of that country before. Must be why you don't know me."

They fell silent again, Jack wondering why he was in a country that didn't know him to save a child that might not even be able to see him. Should he consult the other guardians? No, he didn't want to depend on them. The child was calling for him, so he should deal with this himself. Speaking of the child… Jack's head snapped from his left to his right and around. He couldn't hear her calling him anymore.

"Um…?" He was broken out of his reverie by the lady and he turned back to her. She took her step back closer to the railings, a hand reaching out to hold unto it as she looked at him curiously. "What do you mean by you go well with the cold? That is, if you're not cursed."

Jack considered telling her about him and shrugged. Might as well start to make himself known to this country. "I go well with the cold simply because I am a sort of personification of it. Watch." He made sure that her eyes were focused on him as he tapped his staff unto the floor.

Fern-like patterns of thin ice started to spread from the tip of his staff, branching out slowly to cover the rest of the floor. He watched it work for a second then looked at the lady for a reaction. As expected, she gaped. She looked at the forming patterns with unveiled surprise and just a bit of amazement, which was unusual to Jack. Normally, the children would be so thrilled. Maybe because she's not a child, she didn't have the same reaction?

After watching for a moment, the lady's eyes returned to Jack's own and it looked like she was at a loss for words. So, Jack initiated. "And what about you? Why do you do well with the cold?"

"Well, I…" The lady looked at her hand and couldn't get past her stuttering of, "I…"

Jack guessed that it must be difficult for her to talk about it. To ease her tension and give her the time to open up, he looked around for another source of conversation and brightened up, "Did you build this castle?"

The lady looked at him and nodded.

Wow, she must be strong. He wanted an ice castle, too. Thinking about it, he got rather excited. Well, he was Jack Frost so it wouldn't be too far off for him to live in an ice castle. The children must already think that he did, no? Getting riled up by the idea, he beamed up at the lady. "How did you build this?"

She seemed taken aback by the question and her brows knitted together in thought. "Well, I… that is, it's kind of my…" her shoulders drew up together, her head hung low as she whispered, "… power."

Jack's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "That's amazing!" He spun around to look at the castle once more, saying, "So you can use ice magic too? Then aren't we the same?" When he turned back at her, her eyes were wide with realization.

"… So we are." She breathed out in a whisper.

He grinned up at her and asked, "What's your name?"

The lady paused, looked at him hesitantly before her shoulders relaxed a bit. And for the first time since he entered the castle, she smiled. It was small, but it was there. "I'm Elsa."