Chapter ten! I'm not very happy with this chapter but I hope you guys like it. The next chapter will probably be another time skip.

I own nothing but the children and Samuel.

If you have any questions or just want to say hi don't hesitate to PM me! ^^

Enjoy! ^^


It had been six weeks since the children had gone missing and other than the weekly web calls from Samuel the search had come up short. Currently Sherlock and the others were standing once again in Mycroft's library waiting for the call. After the first one Myroft told them that Samuel had been a very promising Bio chemist but instead put his knowledge into bio weapons instead of choosing to help the populace.

When the call finally came they were greeted by the normal sight of Rory, Remy, Charlotte, Nikolai, Hamish, and James sitting in front of the camera. They had deduced that Rory, Charlotte, and Hamish were the three that had received the syringes "with a kick" as Samuel had put it since according to John all three showed signs of having contracted a strong strain of the common cold. But the one that worried everyone the most was Sherringford.

During each call Samuel would hold the girl in his lap after dressing her up like a doll. It was clear the girl was ill by her deathly pale skin, sunken feverish eyes, the glassy stare her sea blue-green eyes held, and the way she trembled clearly lacking the strength to sit up on her own.

"Hello again Mycroft. I see you lurking there Sherlock along with all the others in your little so called 'family'." Samuel greeted petting Sherri's sweat drenched hair as Sherlock snarled

"Stop touching my daughter!" He growled causing Samuel to laugh

"Oh do keep the boy on a chain Mycroft wouldn't want a psychopath loose on London again. Must keep the streets safe and all, I mean isn't that your job Mycroft?" The mad man sneered pulling the girl closer none of them seeing the flash of silver in Sherri's hand till the girl's eyes flashed with life looking for all the world like a tiny female Sherlock as she turned around.

"He's a sociopath do your research!" She told him before shoving a pair of wickedly sharp scissors through his jugular coating her in his blood as she turned back to the screen

"And since all of you seem too stupid to remember uncle Mycroft had Rory and Remy microchipped and Hamish, James, Charlotte, and I are all still wearing the bracelets with tracking devices in them. Now would you lot please stop fooling around with pointless searches and find us already?!

"I do believe we are in a wear house somewhere outside of London and with my fever rising I'd very much not like to die out here!" She lectured before coughing harshly coming away with blood on her lips.

In the end it didn't take long for the children to be found, admitted to the hospital, the body to be disposed of, and the rest of Samuel's men to be placed behind bars.

When they had found the children Charlotte, Hamish, James, Nikolai, Remy and Rory all ran into their arms while Sherri sat on the lap of the man she just killed giving them all a perfect copy of Sherlock's glare clearly showing off her Holmes blood

"Finally you idiots arrive! Papa, Uncle Mycroft I for one am disappointed in both of you. This should have been easy and if it wasn't for the fact that I can no longer move and the only reason I had the scissors is his assistant was careless enough to leave them out where I could take them when she dressed my up!" The girl spat as John checked her and the body before letting the paramedics take his daughter away.

Sherri was the only one in need of an extended stay after they were all treated for mild dehydration and minor injuries seeing as she had some unknown virus coursing through her veins and was put in a medical coma.

Sherlock was beating himself up for forgetting about the trackers and the chips his brother had implanted while said brother was being yelled at by Lestarde for microchipping their children like dogs.

"Sherlock stop blaming yourself for this." John told him tiredly as walked up to his lover leaving their two other children with Mary and Victor

"But Sherri's right John. How could I have been so stupid to forget those stupid tracking bracelet's the Yard were trying out?! I mean they were all wearing them! I was just beat by a six year old!" Sherlock cried as John pulled him into his arms

"Yes but she's our six year old and the daughter of Sherlock Holmes the most brilliant man in the world. Sherringford is exactly like you Sherlock, and while I don't think the world is ready for two of you, I do think that her mind is something to be celebrated." John told his husband with a kiss.

The doctors let Sherringford sleep a week and a half to make sure her fever had in fact broken before slowly bringing the comatose girl back into the world of the living. Sherlock and John were waiting outside with Lestrade, Mary, Mycroft, Victor, and the children as Sherlock paced the hallway.

"Oh Sherlock would you please calm down? That girl does not need you adding any kind of stress brother mine." Mycroft told his brother who stalked over to him and towered over the politician

"In my view brother mine this whole thing was your fault seeing as Samuel was your acquaintance." The younger Holmes growled as John pulled him away

"Sherlock this wasn't your brother's fault. Sure he knew the person who did this but our children are fine and Sherri is waking up today." John soothed as Sherlock started to relax.

they didn't have to wait long before a doctor stepped out and told them the girl was awake and was asking for her parents. When Sherlock and John heard that they both rushed into the room where a very groggy Sherringford lay on the bed looking over at them with tired sea foam green eyes and a small smile as she reached for them

"Papa! Daddy!" She cried as they pulled their daughter into their arms holding her close

"Oh Sherri I'm so sorry I didn't figure it out in time and for forgetting about the trackers." Sherlock told her running his hand through her hair

"It's alright papa and I'm sorry for calling you stupid but sometimes you really are quite daft." She replied causing both her parents to laugh as the others walked in to celebrate the beginning of Sherringford's recovery.

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