The fire from the pit roared loudly tonight as a man in red and white leaned against a rather-large rock, sitting down in rest. There was no telling how long he had been out here, but it was long enough to break anyone's will to do much. Day in and day out, it had all been the same. Everything seemed to try its hardest to end his existence whenever he came to view and he was tired of it.

All he seemed to do was bring his knees to his chest before before wrapping his arms around them. Any light of hope that was once in his eyes had all but disappeared and his natural curiosity was fading rapidly.

"I don't even know why I keep trying," he mused to himself as he placed his forehead on his knees. "Just when I think I'm making progress, I'm always stopped within a heartbeat. And even if I did manage to escape here, I'm just living a lie. I'm no matter how much I wish to be..." He simply closed his eyes at these words, unable to cry though he wanted to. Despite the appearance of being alive, he felt he had died in a different sense a long time ago during this harrowing journey.

The only reason he lifted his head after hearing the sound of rustling close by was due to the little amount of curiosity he still had left. Briefly entering the light of the campfire was a splash of pink, shaped almost like a muzzle, leaving behind a simple white envelope that was sealed with a heart. The sudden appearance of the letter prompted him to muster up the strength to stand up and walk cautiously toward the envelope, picking it up before stepping back away from the edge of darkness.

"Now what's this...?" Opening up the envelope, he pulled out a simple white card with writing on it. What was written, however, made him unable to not at least give a small smile.

"Hey there, Willie!

Don't be blue! Sure, life seems tough, but if you stay true to yourself and keep your eye on the prize, you're sure to pull though. Even when things are bad, never forget how to smile and laugh!

~Pinkie Pie"

"I don't think I've ever been called that in my life," he couldn't help but remark before putting the card back into its envelope with great care. He placed it a pocket inside his red vest, hoping to keep it close by, before looking up toward the full moon above.

Tomorrow might just be a good day after all.