Hello guys, i know it's been like a freaking year since i published on here. Last summer i realized it was taking me way longer than i wanted to to finish this story so i wrote and typed out all the way to the very last few chapters when my house was broken in to and robbed. They took my laptop, along with allot of other things, and i sort of gave up finishing it because i was so pissed that i was almost done and then it was all just taken. But i've been re-reading and brainstorming ideas so I've decided to start writing again. I was going to wait to post this update till the next chapter was ready but i think posting this will force me to write NOW. So expect a chapter in the next few days! I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long, and all your reviews and PMs have really helped me in deciding to continue this story. Thank you guys, love you, KISSES