The days leading up to Christmas proceeded in the same fashion. Gibbs truly enjoyed himself this year. He and Abby spent it all together, and made the most of the season by doing the Christmas traditions that Abby loved. Gibbs took her ice skating and Abby dragged him to go Carroling with the nuns. He didn't sing, but he did bring along the hot chocolate. They had one day where they had binge-watched Christmas movies in front of his fire. Each night, Gibbs would take Abby to his bed and tenderly make love to her before they fell into an exhausted, sated sleep. Each time felt just as special as the first. Few words were exchanged, and Gibbs found that Abby was more like him than he knew. She was content to just curl into his side or lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. She didn't chatter during these times, and he knew it wasn't because he wasn't talking so she wasn't. She felt what he felt and had the same difficulty in voicing those feelings, and he felt more connected to her that ever.

On the day before Christmas Eve, Abby's friend Carole called her and begged her to go out clubbing that night. Abby wasn't going to go, but Gibbs insisted she go have fun.

"Trust ya, Abbs."

"I know, but I'll miss you."

"Something to look forward to."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I'll drive you two. I don't want you driving at night with the holiday traffic." Gibbs had always been protective of her, and his need to protect her had increased now. Abby didn't seem to mind. Gibbs had also always respected her and he knew how smart she was. She thanked him with an exuberant hug. It din't take Gibbs long to pick up Carole and drop them off. Carole gave Gibbs homemade fudge as a thank you.

Once Gibbs returned from dropping Abby and Carole off he spent some time in his basement. Right now he was working on a new bookcase for Amira, who loved to read. Gibbs spent two hours sanding it before deciding to call it a night and take a shower. He planned to pick the girls up in another two hours and decided to start a fire and read instead. His shower was quick. Abby's belongings had taken up their place in his bathroom, and he smiled as he picked up her shampoo and sniffed it. It wasn't a girly smell; rather it was fresh and clean. Gibbs smiled slightly before lathering up with it. If he didn't have Abby in his arms for a few hours tonight, he at least wanted to smell like her. He hoped she wouldn't mind.

Gibbs realized too late that the clothes he meant to wear after his shower were still in the dryer. He slung a towel around his waist and exited into the hallway outside his room to retrieve them, but he stopped in his tracks. Abby stood in front of him, smiling shyly.

"I thought I was picking you up?"

"I took a cab. Gibbs, guess what?"

"Carole's sister came home early from deployment and surprised her!"


"We didn't stay long at the club. We went for coffee at a small place instead, and I took a cab home. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Abby eyed him up and down. "Do you know how hot you are?" She took the necessary steps to reach him and kissed him before he The kiss rapidly turned hungry. Abby's hand was fisted in his hair and both his arms were around his waist. She tore her mouth away from his long enough to gasp out, "did you use my shampoo?"

"Yeah. Do you mind?"

"That's so hot." She kissed him again. Gibbs used his strength to hoist her up and he lifted he up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her the short distance to his room and laid her carefully on his bed. He undressed her slowly, kissing each tattoo as they were revealed. His favorite was the cross on her back, and he gave extra attention to it. She squirmed under his touch before pushing him away and down onto the pillows. Gibbs had one tattoo; the marine Corps insignia right above his heart. She kissed the tattoo then she kissed where she felt his heartbeat.

There was an extra layer of desperation in the way he made love to her tonight, like the few hours they were apart had been too much and he wanted to show her how much she meant to him. As they lay together in a hazy afterglow Abby spoke up. "I know this time of year is hard for you, Gibbs. Thank you for letting me share it with you."

"Glad you're here. You make it easier, Abbs. Feel happier than ever." She snuggled into his arms and he rubbed her back lightly until he soothed her into a deep sleep, and fell into his own moments later.

Christmas Eve dawned cold. Gibbs took Abby on his normal Christmas Eve trip to the Children's hospital to hand out his hand-made toys, and she dressed as the Grinch again. He was truly happy he could share this tradition with her. He had started going after Kelly had died, but none of his ex-wives ever had known about it. Now he knew he was with the person he was meant to be with, as he was able to share easily with her something that was so important, yet personal, to him. Her infectious joy and smiles for all the children told him it had all been worth it.

Abby insisted on building a gingerbread house when they got back to his house. Gibbs agreed, but regretted it when much of the red frosting kept ending up on his nose, and Abby snapped a picture on her phone, and called him Rudolph. "That picture doesn't get shown to Tony, got it?" Gibbs growled at her, playfully, before tickling her. "Were you planning on going to Midnight Mass tonight? I'd like to take you."

"I'd like that."

"Let's get cleaned up."

Abby used his guest room to shower and dress. Gibbs decided to take her out to eat beforehand. When she exited the room, Gibbs couldn't take his eyes off her. She was wearing a purple velvet dress, but the skirt was long and flowy, and her hair was down, but curled slightly. She wore silver heels, a far cry from her usual boots. Her shawl was black satin, and she wore silver dangly earrings, but no necklace. As if she had read his mind, she said quietly, "none of my chokers went with the dress."

"Come with me." Gibbs led her to the tree and presented her with a small gift. "When I was growing up we used to give one present on Christmas Eve. I want you to open this now." She tore the paper off and opened the small box to reveale a simple diamond necklace. Abby gasped. "I got this from a place that sells humane diamonds only. I know how important that is to you." Tears filled her eyes, and Gibbs turned her around to fasten it around her neck. When she turned around, he smiled. "It suits you."

"I don't know what to say, Jethro. Thank you! It's perfect!" She threw her arms around him in a hug, then dove under the tree, fished out a small gift, and handed it to him. "Then you should have this now." He opened it. The box contained an elegant and understated silver watch. The face of the watch contained the Marine Corps insignia. He knew without asking that it must have cost a fortune, and he had never seen anything like it before.

"Abby, did you have this made?"

Abby nodded. "I did. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Abby, this is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you." He took the watch he was wearing off and Abby fasted the new one around his wrist. It was a perfect fit, and Gibbs had the distinct impression she must have snuck one of his other watches off to measure it, and he smiled again at how thoughtful it was.

They had some time to kill before leaving, so Abby turned the Santa tracker on the news on and Gibbs turned on some classic Christmas music. Abby called her brothers to wish them a Merry Christmas Eve, and Gibbs knew that she would call them again tomorrow anyway. When it was time to leave, Gibbs helped Abby to his truck so she wouldn't slip. He chose a family owned restuarant near the Catholic church and they enjoyed a quiet meal, and Abby smiled at Gibbs and squeezed his arm when she noticed he had tipped the young waiter double, who had been attentive and kind during the meal.

Abby gasped when they entered the church for Mass. It had been decorated to the nines, and each person was dressed in their finest. Gibbs suddenly felt out of place in his suit, but Abby took his arm proudly and led him to a pew near the front, and he slid in after her. He took her hand and didn't let it go during the service. He'd squeeze her hand every so often, and she would beam at him. When it came time to greet their fellow churchgoers, Gibbs pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Abby, more than anything."

She clutched at him. "I love you more than I can even say."

The fact that Gibbs first told Abby he loved her in a church seemed so right. Only God would grant him somebody so sweet, so kind, and so pure. He knew from the way she wouldn't let go of his hand now that he had found his soulmate; his other half. Gibbs sent up a silent prayer in gratitude, but still heard Abby's whispered, "thank you."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it!