Hey guys, what's up? This is ConEmber signing in, and today I have for you the fourth chapter of Journey's End (in case you couldn't tell already). Sadly, no more OC's will be accepted, but the ones I have are all really good. Most, if not all, will be introduced soon. Now that that is out of the way, let's get started.
As the graveler was rushing at us Gabby and Fuz hid behind me. I mega evolved to get a slight edge on him. He didn't seem deterred from trying to grind us into dust. I wrapped my tail around Gabby and Fuz and flew upwards. When I stopped in the air I thought to myself I really wish I had bothered to learn special attacks. Wait a second, I'll use focus blast! It's been a while, hope I remember how. I concentrated on the graveler. He screamed, "Get back down here and fight like a champion!"
"I don't need to," I said and I fire off the beam of per fighting power at the graveler.
He screamed and tried to get away but he just couldn't. My focus blast hit him into the ground and when the dust cleared he was on the ground, "No," He said quietly, "How, how could I be beaten by a wimp like you?"
I flew back down with Fuz and Gabby still in my tail's grasp, "Because I'm not a wimp, I can beat any number of you anytime, anywhere, and anyplace." With that I put down Gabby and Fuz and started to walk back towards my home.
When I got there I saw that both Striker and Terra were gone, "Where are they?" I mumbled to myself. As I worked my way to the back of my cave it seemed more and more apparent that there was a struggle between my friends and whoever else had come here. When I saw what was at the back of my cave I somehow knew who had come here while I was gone, scrawled on the wall was the message, "Come to the Victory Road exit of the forest alone." I figured it was a trap from the start but I didn't know how bad it would actually be for me until I got there.
When I arrived at the Victory Road exit of the forest I saw Striker knocked out, hog tied with his own tail and Terra tied up in vines, struggling fruitlessly. I looked around, this was a trap, and I could feel many pairs of eyes on me. "Come on out! I know you're there!" I said.
Terra noticed me and said, "Connor run! It's a trap!"
I walked toward Terra and after I was about half way to her a flock of about 17 pidgeottos came out of the bushes. I readied myself and mega-evolved. I used shadow claw on one hand and dragon claw with the other. I slashed through my opposition rather quickly, disable, move on, disable, move on. Then I saw the one that just kept coming after me, that one douche that wouldn't leave me alone, "Good to see you again, Connor was it?"
"Shut up, you little magikarp with wings."
"What did you just call me?" He said.
"Did I stutter?" I asked sarcastically.
"RAAAH," He screamed as he flew at me with an aerial ace. I caught him by the wings and slammed him into the ground. Then I tossed him into the air, flew up and dragon clawed him down. Just before he hit the ground he flapped his wings and stopped himself. Then he sent a silver wind at me and I slashed through it with shadow claw. Fire poured out of my mouth and rushed at the pidgeotto with a fire fang. I bit him and he screamed in pain. I flung him to the ground once again.
"Stay away from my friends and I, or else next time you won't make it out," I said.
That frightened enough for him to fly off, I cut Terra down from the tree and caught her. When I did she flung her arms around my neck and sobbed into my chest. I hugged her and patted her back, "Don't worry, it's okay. That mean bird won't hurt you anymore."
I knew that Gabby and Fuz were watching and I didn't really care, Terra needed to be comforted right now. She fell asleep like that and I carried her as I untied Striker. I flew back to my cave and set Terra where I usually slept and Striker in my backup sleeping spot. Now where am I gonna sleep I thought.
"You know what you did back there was really nice," I heard Gabby say behind me.
"Just a part of being a charizard," I started, "Fiercely loyal, powerful enough to defeat almost any pokemon out there, fast enough to outspeed a fighter jet, and a comforting warmth for whoever needs it."
"Uh, m-mister?" I heard Fuz say.
"Yes?" I said turning around.
"How did you get so strong?" The pichu asked.
I sighed, "It's a long story, little thunder maker."
"Yeah," Gabby said, "That's not gonna stop my brother."
I sighed again and said, "Alright fine, I'll tell you."
"Yay!" Fuz said.
"Once I was only a charmander, knowing only a single damaging move. I was chosen by a trainer as the first pokemon he would ever have. We trained, I helped him catch all the pokemon he has. I was the first one in and the last one out in every battle. I evolved into a charmeleon and learned dragon rage, I fought harder than ever. I fought because I wanted to get stronger for my trainer, I evolved once again into a charizard. About two weeks later was the pokemon league, my trainer and I made it through almost every battle, then came the championship. We came so close, the other trainer only had a single pokemon left. I was sent out of the arena by a fire blast and the other trainer won. He offered for me and my trainer to accompany him to a region called, 'Kalos,' my trainer took the offer and we trained there. A few weeks ago we fought what he thought was a legendary, Yveltal I think it was called. I took it down with a dragon claw and my trainer caught it. He released me in Charizitic Valley the next day, I looked for him for three days," I started to tear up, "Not stopping for sleep, hunger, thirst, anything. I didn't find him and I thought he released because I was weak. That I wasn't worth his time. I realized only recently that he released me because he wanted to know that he was doing well raising his other pokemon. I fought from when I thought I was too weak until now and I'm stronger for it," When I finished I saw that Fuz fell asleep too, "Heh, guess it's a good bed time story."
"I just think it's a good story over all," Gabby said.
"Thanks," I smiled at her, "I'm going to go to sleep, and if you need a place to sleep you can stay here for the night."
She smiled at me and said, "Thanks, I think I will."
I curled up with the fire from my tail in front of my face and felt something squeeze into my arms. I opened my eyes a little to find Gabby there. I smiled and shut my eyes again.
Yay! No cliffhanger of doom! This time. So the fluffiness begins. More OC's will be included and I have a plan for a sylveon that was submitted to have some to do with a mawile and Striker. Thanks for reading and remember, there's a special for chapter ten, so stay tuned for that!