Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own The Lord of the Rings. Or any of its characters. If I did, I would be running around Minas Tirith with the Fellowship :D

A/N: this is my first LotR fanfic on this site. Please review!

One particularly sunny day, Elrond was finishing off his paperwork. He kept sneaking glances up at the clear blue sky and green grass. He could hear the waterfall in the background. It was very peaceful.

There was a splash, and a sound of young laughter. Elrond didn't look up. He had just finished all his work for the next month you see, and wanted to celebrate by reading a book someone had brought him. It was about elves, and a celebration called Christmas that he had never heard of before.

Just as he opened the book, (only to find a very inaccurate illustration of an elf), the laughter came again. Much louder.

Closing it with a snap, he strode over to the window. What he saw next confused him.

Elladan and Elrohir were running across the path, holding a washing basket. Inside this basket was Estel, laughing like a maniac, with, was that a colander? tied around his chin.

Elrond was happy to see his sons playing together, especially that they had let young Estel play too. They sometimes left him out, after which he would come crying to Elrond. This gave him horrible headaches sometimes.

His happiness was soon replaced with a more familiar emotion: fear. What were his sons doing with Estel in a basket, wearing some sort of helmet?

He watched them run down a path, still laughing, then off a side path. But Elrond knew that path only lead… To the Waterfall! (duh duh duh)

Before he knew what he was doing, Elrond leapt up and ran off. His earlier fear had been replaced with panic, and he had horrible images of poor Estel smashed on the rocks below.

He snagged Lord Glorfindel on his way up the path. The poor elf was talking to a pretty elf girl, and looked most disappointed to instead be running up a path with Elrond.

When they reached the mouth of the waterfall, they saw no sign of Estel. Elladan and Elrohir were giggling nearby.

"WHAT HAVE YOU TWO DONE?" Elrond's fury only made the young elves laugh louder.

With a thud, something landed on Glorfindel's head. Something small, human, and very energetic. At the same time, Elrond found himself in a basket. This basket was in the mouth of the waterfall.

The last thing they heard of him was his angry yell, that turned into a yelp of fear several octaves higher.

1 hour later

Elrond walked into his office, dripping wet and furious. There had been all sorts of traps laid out for him at the end of the waterfall. He was scratched, covered in mud, and his finest robes were ruined.

Through his window, he saw Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir and Estel laughing and play-fighting with swords.

They were going to pay.

But he kind of wanted another go.