This Goes Beyond Obsession


Paulina Amelia Sanchez. Eighteen. Casper High Senior. Head cheerleader, head leadership officer, head prom decorator, head of the A-Listers; she was the Queen Bee.

The Latina was more than that, though. She was popular, beautiful, charming, loved... lonely, ruthless, shallow, cunning, obsess—

The girl shook her head and blinked at her reflection in the locker mirror. She did it let those ugly, ugly words creep into her mind and somehow described herself with them. That wasn't supposed to happen because those words were reserved for the other girl. The girl who ruined everything, if she could even call her a girl; the stupid gothic monster was all those things and more. Not Paulina. Never her.

She was not lonely, cunning, shallow, ruthless, obsess—

A blur of black, blue, red, and white caught the corner of her eye and the girl had to stop herself from clutching her heart and sighing adoringly. Paulina craned her neck away from her locker to see him better, and her eyes veiled over with obsess—love.

Daniel "Danny" Fenton-Phantom walked towards his locker, dark red button up shirt, khaki pants, black converse, and unruly black hair in his wake. A navy blue unzipped backpack slung on his shoulder, revealing unorganized slips of paper hanging from numerous notebooks and books. Teal eyes continued staring at the handsome man—he'd grown taller and muscular—and wondered how his life's been. Which ghosts he fought lately, what he ate for breakfast, what homework he did and didn't finish, how much he knew she loved him.

Paulina noticed Danny walked past his locker (784, she remembered), and she gripped the sides of her locker when she realized he went straight to the other girl.

Samantha "Sam" Manson. Goth freak extraordinaire, friend stealer, homewrecker, every dirty name in the book. Paulina had to admit the freak gained some fashion sense since freshmen year, as Sam wore a light purple sweater, black pants, and those combat boots. Paulina couldn't help but compare her thick, long, wavy mane to the monster's short, straight, and silky hair. The freak just opened her locker and didn't notice the angel that was Danny stand next to her until he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Paulina's eyes burned at the sight of the two. They've been dating for two painful years ever since the Disasteroid incident. Ever since Danny revealed himself to be Amity Park's—and now the world's—handsome ghost hero. He was both Phantom and Fenton, and that monstrous Manson had to just steal him away from being with a real woman like her. Only her. No one else.

The Queen Bee watched the 'lovely couple' exchange a chaste kiss and almost punctured her metal locker with her manicured nails. That was supposed to be her kiss, only hers and no one else's.

The girl continued watching, however, no matter how furious she felt towards the monster. Danny leaned against the lockers as he and Sam talked. Being so far away from them tore Paulina in half, because she had to know what they were talking about. The Latina gazed at her now overfilled Danny Phantom shrine—a shrine she's kept in her locker since freshmen year—before slamming her the metal door shut in hopes of finding a way to listen in on her love and the monster's conversation.

The girl walked slowly down the hall, muscles tense and eyes narrowed in hopes of finding a rather casual place to eavesdrop the conversation between the angel and the monster. She was so focused on finding the perfect spot, she failed to notice the other A-listers, namely Dash and Kwan, great her down the hallway.

A smirk grew on her lips when she found a drinking fountain only five lockers down from the two. Sure, she would be gulping down the school's germs, but it was a risk she's willing to take for her Phantom. Hers. Only hers.

Paulina pushed the fountain's button, allowing a burst of drinking water to come out. She bent down to meet the water, closing her eyes so she can concentrate on the couple's hushed exchange.

"So we're still going out tonight?" Paulina heard Danny question and imagined him asking her that with the crooked smile she's always loved.

"Of course. We paid for those movie tickets in advanced, no way are we missing it now." The goth happily explained moments after.

'She doesn't deserve my Danny' the girl hissed in her head.

"Great! I'll pick you up around six so we can catch something to eat before the movie," the man replied nonchalantly, "I found a great fish and chips place down the block; they have great salads, too."

"You had me at salad," the monster deadpanned before Paulina heard a popping noise that sounded much like a kiss on the cheek, "but sure, it sounds like a plan, ghost boy. But be sure to bring me home before eleven. You know how my parents get."

Danny grumbled, "I know, I know. Geez, I wish I could dress up someone as you and send them to your parents' house. That way I'd have you all to myself without them knowing." The girl gulped down a mouth full of water to save herself from giggling at her love's sudden playful behavior, still imagining those things aimed at her.

"Danny, you'd fall in love with anyone that looks like me," the monster teased, and Paulina's eyes snapped open.

"Danny, you'd fall in love with anything that looks like me."

"Fall in love with anyone…"

"…anyone that looks like me."

Paulina didn't care what those two said anymore. Their voices swirled around her muddled mind, fragments of "You know that's not true" and "I know, loser. Besides, my parents aren't that dumb" lost in the fog. The Queen Bee was formulating her plan. A plan so-so perfect, even her Phantom said it himself.


A/N: Paulina centric fic that is for sure going to be complete in 4-5 chapters because I already typed everything out.

Please review and if you feel as if something should change or your ideas of what should happen, tell me there!