A/N: Please read and review!

The time that passed was the longest in my life. I wanted to pace around them, Damian, Lauren, and Skye. It was taking far too much time for my liking. This was not right. I needed to do something. . .needed to get her out of that kind of a situation.

How they were looking for Birdie was no way to look for anyone, and it was not helping my anxiety for her safety.

That was when Damian stopped looking through his information to walk over to me. He was wearing an empty expression on his face, as always. It was something Birdie would brush off by saying his life had been very difficult back when he had been living with his mother during his formative years.

"That church Skye spoke about is still active," he said to me. He had to resort to use her first name since he didn't know what her last name was. There had to be a reason why he was starting to wear a scowl. "Take who would be trusted to help you."

He was holding that sword of his, and he appeared to be in the belief that he was going to help me. I couldn't allow that to even happen.

"I can't let you come with me," I told Damian.

"My age does not matter," Damian said. "I was raised to take my grandfather's place as leader of the League of Shadows. It was expected of me to be able to fight and be a conqueror."

"Yes," I could not disagree with him. There's no way I could ever ignore that sort of thing, but Birdie promised she would keep the boy safe as long as he was on our world. "I won't make her break that promise to you."

Damian only scowled back at me, but he did not say anything more. I knew he was planning something at that moment, and I made eye contact with Lauren. She nodded, understanding that she was going to have to be the one who would keep him from following after me.

The room started to grow very cold. . .

Because Sam Wilson was very busy helping me look for Bucky, he wasn't immediately available to help me that day. He was very apologetic about it, but he was looking into a lead on that one case. Oddly enough, Stark was willing to help, and that old friend of Birdie's, Nate, and a friend of his were going to help as well.

That had allowed me to start to relax. Or at least, not be quite as tense. Nate could be a good help, and he had proven that in the past. Anyone who he considered a friend would have to be as sensible as he had been. That could help a lot.

The jury was still out on Stark and whether he would be able to help or not.

I started to change my mind when I had arrived. Stark and Nate were staring each other down, handling some kind of an argument. When I saw Nate's friend, I understood why that was the case. He was completely covered, head-to-toe, in red and black, and he had two swords strapped to his back.

"Finally," that friend had said. "The man of the hour has arrived."

Nate and Stark looked at me for a moment before they went back to glaring at each other. That was not what I thought would happen when I went there.

"Hey, Star Spangled Man," Nate's friend said to me. "Their beef is the writer's way of saying that Tony Stark should not be completely trusted. It was her way of foreshadowing what could happen in your next movie that came out recently for the writer."

"What. . .?" I asked him.

That was enough for Nate to turn away from Stark, and he walked over to me.

"Wade Wilson. . .Deadpool. . ." Nate said, sounding like he was trying to choose his words carefully for the sake of his friend. "He sometimes talks like that."

"I tend to talk about the voices in my head," he said as an explanation. "They explain everything that's happening." He paused for a moment as he looked up at the ceiling. "Seriously? Is that the best explanation you can come up with? Are you trying to be ignorant? How about you find someone who could better explain this."

"Like Logan," Nate said to me, and Wade Wilson made some sort of relieved sound and gesture. "Wade had a regenerative healing factor, and like Logan, he became a part of a particular group for him to get that power and work for them."

"They wanted me to hunt Mutants and other problem people," Wade said. "Obviously, it didn't work."

"What you see here," Nate said to me. "Is the effects of his healing factor healing up his brain tumors and constantly getting more."

Stark and I shared a look. That could not really be a good thing. At least he understood that much.

"You should have brought that boy," Stark said to me. "This would even be a more of a problem then."

"Before you waste any more time," Nate said to all us, turning our attention to the real reason why we were together. He was holding a file. "This is everything I could get on the raid on that old church and organization. The new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. believes that wasn't connected in any way to anything HYDRA."

"You trust him?" Stark asked him after sharing a look with me. Anyone still connected to S.H.I.E.L.D. would always be clouded in suspicion.

"Yeah. I do," Nate said. "And before you say something. . .I'm pretty sure. I don't like to make a big deal with this. . .I'm a Mutant. A telepath. You would be able to trust the new Director, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. he would create would be what it was supposed to be when Howard Stark and Peggy created it."