I am so sorry everyone that I have not posted anything in so long. I hope no one is too mad at me for not updating. I know that my writing is like a twelve-year-old writing it so after both of my books are done then I would go back and rewrite them/edit them. I love you all and on to the story.

Chapter 12

Third P.O.V

Yumi finally stopped crying a few minutes after Pein put her in his arms. He is very protective of Yumi, even though she's not his daughter. He was rocking her gently, trying to sooth her silent tears. He absolutely did not want his "daughter" to have another panic attack. Quietly her sobs turned into tears.

"So what shall we do Leader?" Itachi asks, his eyes never leaving the sleeping child.

"Let's just wait till she is awake. Then we will decide on what to do with her and her training. But for now, just take her to her room." He handed her to Itachi to take. It took a while to pry her hands on Peins shirt but once she felt Itachi, she loosened her hands. Only seven months ago did Itchi leave the leaf village, leaving his brother behind. Only to gain a sister. He will always be there for her, do things for her that he couldn't do for Sasuke.

Itachi walked away, leaving Konan and Pein behind in the hallway. Silently we walked to his room that he shares with Kisami. Knowing very well that no one else would come in and disturb them. If they do, they will just get stuck in a genjutsu.

"Hey! Itachi where you going un?" Deidera asked as he walked towards the Uchiha.

"F*ck-off." The Uchiha said then walked to his room and closed the door. Deidera was dumb fold at the Uchiha. Not only did he spoke but cursed at him. Dei stood there shocked and mouth's open.

When Yumi opened her eyes she noticed that she wasn't in her room.

"Wait…this isn't my bed?" She thought. She raised her head and silently squeaked. Laying down next to her was a sleeping Itachi with his arms around her protected. She tried to get out of his arms but he pulled her closer to him. One of his arms formed her pillow while the other was around her waist. He still had his cloack on so to Yumi, he was very warm.

"Tachi….Tachi-nee" She said quietly. She didn't want to wake him up but she was hungry. She even shook him a little. "Tachi-nee. Im hungry…" He didn't move a muscle.

Then the door opened and came in Kisami. He looked over at Itachi's bed and had to look back twice because he didn't believe what he saw. Yumi, noticing his presence, picked her head up so they both can see each other.

"I'm hungry."