After what feels like 100000 years, I finally have a bit of time to write again,
so, as usual, I can't promise regular updates, but hopefully I can get a chapter out every few weeks in my spare time

"normal speech" ~in Rin and Toshiro's mind~ thought i should make it a bit clearer so thats gonna be the way i show convo's from now on

Toshiro woke up wrapped in the warmth that was Rin Okumura. He didn't feel uncomfortable or sweaty though, it was a nice heat, one that he had learned to associate with his dark haired teen.
He leaned forward and kissed Rin softly "Get up furball, we gotta get to our class" he got a long groan in reply, one that was both cute, and unbearably arousing.
Toshiro promptly shoved Rin with enough force to crash him into the opposite wall to stop things from developing any further, they couldn't afford to be late again.


~stop whining, that hardly even scratched you, get over it, in fact, you probably got turned on by it knowing you ...~ Toshiro frowned. Talking to Rin in his head still felt weird, but kinda cool. Also, although they hadn't "gone all the way" yet, apparently, demons' libidos were no laughing matter, they ended up doing something at least twice a day... Not that the snowy-haired teen complained or anything...
"Fine, fine, gees... and, just for future reference, that is something I will never be turned on by, even if its done by you, being shoved into a wall is not sexy. At all. ever."
From there the normal routine of having breakfast, brushing teeth, and the usual ice cream competition (this was a competition the teens developed where, to see who was stronger, they would set a large dollop of ice cream onto to table top, and Rin would try to melt it, while Toshiro would try to freeze it to the table. whoever lost, had to clean up the mess, and buy next weeks load of ice cream) ensued, after which they headed into class.
Today was a physical lesson, where you had to run from demons which were collared in case you couldn't run or dodge fast enough. And although the two teens had never had any problems or dealings with their fellow classmates, today, both of them were getting particularly irritated by a certain person glaring at them for most of the day, and when the teacher left for no apparent reason, the tension reached boiling point.

"hey, you guys!" the kid said. They'd heard his name was Bon (who even gives themselves a nickname that bad?!) "what are you even doing here?! You both just mess around, and don't even pay any attention in class! Why don't you just drop out now and save us all the trouble of having to tolerate you here?"
Rin started to growl low and deep in his throat, as Toshiro put an arm on his shoulder to try and restrain him as much as possible, although he could see his fangs just barely starting to elongate and his ears start to get just a little longer and pointier.

"I'm here to destroy Satan!" Rin huffed "I don't need to be able to get good grades! I'm more focussed on the practical part anyway! Some people just aren't good at studying!" Rin replied fiercely, glaring deeply into Bon's eyes, as if challenging him to say anything different.
Bon seemed taken aback, but quickly covered it up. One of his friends started saying "B-Bon isn't that what you w-" Bon whipped around and glared at him "SHUT UP!". Taking a breath, he turned back to Rin "fine, if you say you're more of a practical person, then prove it, stay down in that pit and avoid all the demons" he challenged.
"pff, no" replied Rin nonchalantly "that's just stupid"
Bon seemed to grow angrier and just glared harder before turning and running to the pit "Fine, back out like a coward, but I'll show I'm not afraid to do anything I ask of someone else" and he jumped down.
"IDIOT!" everyone yelled, even Bon's two companions.
As much as Toshiro looked forward to seeing that idiot being taken down a notch or two, something blurred past him into the pit. He realised it was Rin too late, and Rin was already making his way to Bon.

~You're too kind, furball~ he said ~Just make sure you don't get caught~

~PFFT like I could!~ Rin sent back, a huge grin on his face. Toshiro scowled. why did he like that idiot?

Bon was getting himself into some serious trouble, he was dodging one demon perfectly fine, but the other three were closing in fast! To avoid them, he ran to his right, but too late, he realised he was up against a steep wall. He was screwed. Just as he turned around to accept his fate, thinking "this... was actually a really stupid idea..." the first and closest demon pounced, it's jaw opening disgustingly wide, and although Bon didn't flinch and faced it, head held high, he was scared.
Just as his view was completely filled with nothing but that huge mouth, it disappeared, revealing a very angry dark-haired teen in it's place. Rin had an expression of extreme anger on his face and Bon was afraid he might actually attack him, but then Rin turned to face the other three demons. The first attacked him head on. Bon watched in wonder and awe, as Rin didn't even move from his spot, but draw his fist back.
Rin threw his fist forward and down, slamming it onto the demons head, and the demon was practically launched into the floor, bits of concrete cracking and breaking in a small radius around the now unconscious demons head. Rin then grabbed the top of a red bag on his back, and in one swipe, pulled it from his back and slammed it into a demon to his left, mid-pounce. The demon flew from Rin, and was only stopped by the wall of the pit 50 meters away, more cracks forming around that demon too. Lastly, Rin switched that bag and whatever was in it, to his left hand and just placed the palm of his right on the last demon who was right in front of him, about to close its jaws around Rin's leg. Rin closed his eyes for a few moments, and when they opened, the demon simply walked away.
Bon was speechless, awed. He had never seen such a display of raw power in his life! Rin hadn't even moved from that spot he'd arrived at.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Rin turned back around to face Bon, anger still in his eyes, but a smug smirk of satisfaction covering his face.
"how's that for Practical?" he said, that smirk turning into a grin as he turned on his heel and walked away, that red bag slung over his shoulder.
~Hey snowball, I was totally badass there, right? RIGHT?!~

Toshiro could imagine Rin's tail wagging in glee. He sighed, it would take at least a month before Rin stopped talking about this...

Hope this is ok, I barely had enough time to finish it, so I will have to read through for any mistakes later.
sorry for taking so long and see you guys soon! :)

so I just spent quite some time going through this chapter after it got completely spazzed out O.o also, it took so long because my mom decided she would actually touch the computer, resulting in it completely dying, hence why it's taken me so long to fix this. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again -_-

anyway, next chapter shouldn't be too far behind, for those of you who are actually still following this, because, if i'm honest, i wouldn't given how bad my updating has been :o ah well, see u guys soon .