Love Potion

Third Person POV

Dark clouds hung over Magnolia that day, threatening to burst forth and drench the city.

Unafraid of the threat of rain, Fairy Tail's own "Rain Woman" made her way down one of Magnolia's back alleys. Juvia turned on her heels and looked up at a faded sign hanging above an old wooden door built into the wall.

"Baba's Magic Potions and Lotions," Juvia read out loud.

Juvia smiled to herself as she turned the doorknob and let herself into the small shop.

"Baba's" store was old, and wreaked of aged would and perfumes. The lighting was dim and the paint, once a light pink, was faded and scratched to grey.

"Welcome," a lazy eyed, elderly women called out from behind the counter. "How can Baba help such a lovely young girl as yourself?"

Juvia looked to the women and began to blush, thinking of the reason she had come to this store.

"Juvia wants to make a certain man fall for her," she said looking down, twittling her thumbs. "Do you have anything that Juvia could use."

Baba's one good eye moved up and down, scanning Juvia, before she smiled, showing her yellow crooked teeth.

"Baba knows just what you need youngin'."

Baba reached under the counter and pulled out a pink, heart-shaped perfume bottle.

"This is Baba's special perfume. Once you spray some of this on yourself, then your man will fall all of you."

Baba cackled to herself.

"Juvia will take it!" Juvia cheered. "There's no way Grey-sama won't notice Juvia with it!"

"How hold on there cutie," Baba cackled again. "This little beauty costs fifty-thousand jewel."

"Of course!"

Juvia rummaged through her purse and bulled out several bills. Baba accepted them and began counting.

"Alrighty then," Baba smiled. "Now one final warning to you, sweetie: only spray a little on yourself. If you get too much on yourself, ever man you pass will be driven wild for you, even to the point of leaving their right state of mind. So be careful."

"Juvia will," she said with new found resolve in her voice.

"Good luck," Baba smiled.

Juvia turned about and dashed out the door, tucking the bottle in her purse as she did.

"Oh one more thing!" Baba called. "The potion wears off if it gets wet so no going out in the rain!'

The last call went unheard as Juvia ran out of the alleyway, daydreaming about her precious "Gray-sama".

Lucy's POV

"What a quiet day," I yawned laying my head down on the counter.

"Well what do you expect?" Levy asked. "Most people stayed home because it was supposed to rain today."

"Even then," Mira added still polishing a beer mug, "it's still usually louder than this."

"It's because Natsu isn't here," I, unintentionally, sighed.

"Hmm?" Mira questioned looking around. "Now that you mention it, he isn't here is he."

"So where is he?" Levy asked.

"He told me he and Happy needed to run by the store today, so they won't be here till later."

"What you didn't go with them?"

"Nah. Natsu wanted me to go with him but I didn't want to bother with the crowds at the store."

"Poor Natsu," Mira cried falsely, "being abandoned by his best friend."

"Oh haha!" I smirked. "He'll be fine on his own. Besides if I went with him I'd probably just be holding him back from grabbing everything that looks good off the shelves."

"Gajeel's the same way," Levy giggled.

"Maybe it's just a Dragon Slayer thing," I laughed.

"No," Mira added. "I think it's just a guy thing."

The three of us laughed to ourselves.

Outside the guild, we could hear thunder of in the distance.

"Sounds like that storm is almost here." Mira said.

"Yeah," I said. "Getting up. I should probably get going. I forgot my umbrella so I want to get home before the rain hits."

"Alright," Levy smiled.

"Take care Lucy," Mira giggled happily.

"I will."

I turned and started walking towards the door, not noticing that someone else was rushing in at the same time.

Juvia and I collided into one another and both of us fell onto the floor. The bottle of perfume, or at least that's what I had thought it was, popped open and it's contents spilled all over me.

"Ow," I said rubbing the back of my head. "Sorry about that... Oh, Juvia! It's you. Are you alright?"

"Why did you do that, love rival?" She asked menacingly.

"Ahaha..." I laughed nervously. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Juvia was on her way to see her beloved Gray-sama," she explained "but you were there blocking Juvia's path."

She then noticed the bottle, over half empty, lying on the floor.

"And you used Juvia's potion on yourself!" She yelled.

"Lu-chan! Juvia!" Levy called running over to us.

"Are you two alright?" Mira asked.

"I'm fine," I responded, "but Juvia..."

Juvia was sulking in a corner, mumbling to herself about how I had used her "potion" and how I was trying to steal her "Gray-sama" with it.

Mira took notice of the bottle and picked it up, examining the contents. She held the concoction under her nose and whiffed in its aroma.

"Juvia," she began, sounding both nervous and frustrated, "what is this?"

Juvia looked at her, still sobbing slightly, but didn't answer the question. Mira turned towards her and glared, giving off a menacingly dark aura.

"What is this, Juvia?"

"A... A l-love potion..." Juvia stuttered, clearly frightened.

Mira's aura seemed to grow more intense and darker still.

"Are you two alright?" Gray asked walking over to us. "I saw you..."

Gray stopped talking all at once and took in a big breath, like he was smelling the air. His eyes shot back open and he looked at me with eyes that seemed desperate, and lustful.

"Lucy!" He yelled, somehow also losing his shirt in the process. "I love you!'

My jaw dropped as soon as the words left his mouth and I swear I could feel the daggers in my back from where Juvia was glaring at me.

"Please," he continued, "will you be mine and mine alone?"

"What the hell...?" I gasped.

Suddenly an iron pole extended from across the guild hall and struck gray in the face.

We all turned to see Gajeel marching over towards us.

"So ice stripper," Gajeel growled, "but bunny girl can't bee your's, because..."

He pointed a thumb at himself and gave a huge smirk.

"She's already mine!"

"I never agreed to this!" I yelled.

There was a sudden thump against the floor and I turned to see that Levy had blacked out.

"Levy-chan!" I yelled trying to wake her.

Suddenly, a massive, clogged foot stomped down near me. I squealed and backed away.

"Having Lucy as mine makes me MANLY!" Elfman yelled.

A dark aura filled the guild once more, this time originating from Evergreen.

"Elfman..." She growled walking towards him.

"Huh!?" He bumbled.

Evergreen smacked him with her fan, and as he turned to look at her once again she removed her glasses, transforming him into stone.

"You dumbass!" She yelled smacking the stone.

"Lucy!" Gray yelled running towards me.

Juvia tackled him and wrapped her limbs around his neck and waist.

"No! Gray-sama!" Juvia cried. "You belong with Juvia!"

I stared for a moment before I turned looked around the guild to see that almost all the men were staring at me with hungry, lustful eyes.

"Wh-What's wrong with all of them?" I asked.

"That must have been a perfume type love potion Juvia spilled on you," Mira said putting herself in front of me.

"Perfume type?" I asked. "You mean that one whiff of this stuff and they..."

I thought about it for a moment and began to back away.

"They want me!"

"That's right. Any man who gets some much as the slightest whiff of that potion will be infatuated with you," Mira said. "Now, Lucy, run home quickly and lock the door. I'll hold them back here as long as possible."

"Got it!"

Mira nodded before she began to glow, changing into her Satan Soul.

"Now then, come at me!" She yelled. "If any of you want Lucy then you'll have to get through me!"

Almost all at once, Fairy Tail's men sprung to their feet and charged at Mirajane.

I turned and looked one last time, Levy blacked out on the floor, Juvia crying while holding her "Gray-sama", and Mira fighting every man in the guild.

This is utter chaos.

I sprinted out the door and started my run home.

Thunder boomed overhead once more and the rain began to pour down on me.

I guess Juvia crying just sped up the rain, I mentally sighed.

I finally reached my apartment building and began to pant before opening the door and proceeding inside. I walked up to my apartment and proceeded inside.

"Alright," I sighed, "as long as I avoid guys till the potion wears off I should be fine."

"Yo, Luce!" A voice called out.

"Aaahhhh!" I screamed. "Natsu, what the hell are you doing here!?"

"I just wanted to see you," he said casually. "You act like that's surprising."

"Well... It's just..." I stuttered.

"Luce, your soaked," he said, sounding concerned. "I'll get you a towel real quick."

Natsu went around the corner and quickly returned with a towel.

"Here," he said, placing the towel over my head.

I could feel the heat radiating from his body, like he was using it to help dry me. I felt my face heat up as he leaned in close to me, to the point where our noses almost touched.

"Any man who gets some much as the slightest whiff of that potion will be infatuated with you," Mira's words echoed in my mind.

I squealed and quickly backed away from Natsu.

"I- I can finish drying myself," I said. "Thanks Natsu."

"You okay, Luce?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah!" I laughed nervously.

"Your weird, Luce," Natsu laughed.

I furrowed my brows and pouted at him.

Natsu put his arm around me and grinned.

"Put that's what I love about," he grinned even wider.

I felt my whole body heat up once again and my face felt hottest of all.


"Not like this!" I yelled pushing him away.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I don't want you to say you love me like this! Not right now!"

Natsu stared at me, clearly confused.

"I'm still confused," Natsu said.

"Natsu, I..."

I summoned up all my courage.

"I love you."

His eyes seemed to brighten up and he grinned happily.


His face dropped again.

"But I don't know if its actually you talking right now or if its that love potion."

He raised an eyebrow to me.

"What love potion?"

"It was a perfume potion that Juvia accidentally spilled on me. Every guy at the guild started fighting over me because of its effect."

Natsu seemed a little frustrated at that but he quickly shook it off.

"Luce, I can't smell any potion on you at all."

I felt my jaw drop slightly.


"I guess the rain must have washed it off of you."

"Wait... So that means I just..."

I was silenced as Natsu took my cheeks into his hands and pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you too," Natsu said after pulling away.

I stood, dumbfounded for a moment before pulling Natsu into another kiss. This time, I wrapped my arms around his neck and, in return, looped one arm around my waist and used the other to run his fingers through my hair.

I need to thank Juvia for that potion sometime.

The Next Day

"ALRIGHT!" Natsu yelled, wrecking part of the guild as he sent Gray and Gajeel flying. "ANYONE WHO WANTS LUCY HAS TO GO THROUGH ME!"

"He's going a little overboard," I laughed nervously.

Natsu continued his rampage, but I honestly couldn't help but smiled.

I love you too, Natsu.