Eris completed yet another patrol of the Pokécenter's lobby. Her training told her she shouldn't leave her master's side but it was her duty to protect him and help him in his duty. To do that she had to make sure the building was secure to allow him to work. She could tell he was onto something, something that had him nearly as worried when they had followed those feathers. Eris stopped at the glass front door, like she had been on her loops around the lobby. She peered out into the night air her breath making a small patch of condensation on the glass. There was no traffic outside for most residents were still at the opening ceremony. Eris turned around to keep walking when she came face to face with the maid Sneasel pair.

"Don't go fogging up that glass we just cleaned that," The one that always spoke warned. Eris kept her expression neutral and looked between the two Pokémon and with a nod towards the Sneasel that never spoke Eris decided to put them on the defensive.

"Can she not speak?" Eris asked making sure her stance was relaxed but she was posed to strike just in case. The two bipedal Pokémon looked at each other and then back to Eris.

"Of course she can speak," The other Sneasel said for her.

"Is that so?" Eris asked. "Can she not speak for herself?"

"Well of course she can!" The same one said.

"Then why do you not let her?" Eris asked arcing a brow the best she could. The seemingly mute Sneasel looked unsure and the other glared at Eris for a second before smiling.

"She's just a little shy. My sister," The lead Sneasel explain wrapping her arm around the other's shoulder and pulled her closer. "Isn't that right dear sister?" The other Sneasel nodded her head rapidly.

"I see. What are your names?" Eris asked so she didn't have to think about them as 'the Sneasels'.

"I'm Shiva, and this is my sister Akachi," Shiva explained using a claw to point at first herself then Akachi.

"I am Eris, a pleasure to meet you," She said ducking her head in greeting. This caused both Shiva and Akachi to giggle.

"Wow so formal and professional," Shiva remarked placing her claws on her hips. The pair of Sneasel looked up back at Grimm as he was busy looking at the computer. "Just like him. You two need to loosen up." Eris just looked between Shiva and Akachi.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Loosen up, have fun," Shiva explained. When Eris still just kept her stoic look. "You know all those things you do other than work?"

"You mean sleep?" Eris asked. Both Sneasel rolled their eyes in unison.

"What about him?" Shiva asked nodding towards Grimm. "What does he do in his free time? He ever make grunting nosing behind closed doors while slapping noses are heard?" Akachi giggled.

"I have not seen him mate," Eris stated plainly.

"Oh so you know what mating is?" Shiva asked arching a brow. This time it was Eris's turn to roll her eyes.

"I know what mating is," Eris said. "I know how just like you know how. I know humans do it. It's instinct." Shiva and Akachi both grinned showing their pointed teeth.

"Well I am impressed," Shiva said folding her arms over her chest. "So have you ever mated?"

"No of course not. I have a duty to perform," Eris said plain and then to forestall any rebuttal from the Sneasel. "And I must get back to it. Good evening." With a curt nod Eris started her patrol once more. All too happy to get away from the Sneasel that made her uncomfortable with their insistent question about her and her master. She couldn't help be feel like the pair were up to something. She finished her loop as she always did at the desk where Grimm was, standing watchful at his side.

Grimm was busy going line by line through the official report trying to find the Pokémon Vulpix that he knew for a fact should be there. He couldn't find it by a search on the computer so he started scrolling through the report manually. It was possible somebody fat fingered a key or mistyped the entry for the Vulpix. Maybe the search function on the computer program just wasn't finding it. Yes, it wouldn't be the first time technology or a program didn't work like it was supposed to. Yes he still couldn't find a Vulpix listed in the confiscated Pokémon section of the report.

Thinking he had heard Lieutenant Savage incorrectly, maybe it wasn't called a Vulpix. He didn't even know what a Vulpix looked like for a fact. Grimm got his book and Pokémon he recently bought and flipped to the entry for Vulpix. The picture left no doubt then. The Pokémon that had clung to his leg that he found in the Pokémon mill. The one that Lieutenant Savage had taken from him was in fact a Vulpix. So he printed the report out and started to go word by word through the report on the hard copy placing a check mark to each Pokémon name he read off. Still Vulpix was missing from the report. Out of frustration Grimm crumpled the paper and threw it into the trashcan under the desk. Heaving a heavy sigh he dragged his hands down his face.

"Great fucking news huh?" Grimm asked flicking his eyes down to Eris. She looked up at him and gently nudged his elbow with her nose. With a soft sigh and half smirk, he placed a hand on top of her head and softly started to rub it with his fingertips. After the initial shock of realizing there was missing Pokémon between the report and what was actually found at the mill. Grimm was determined to find it a clerical error, was hoping it was an error because the alternative was so much worse. "Dirty fucking cops." Grimm muttered. He clicked his tongue as if just saying it brought a foul taste to his mouth.

Grimm looked at his watch, it was nearly 2300 his shift was almost over but that also meant that Lieutenant Savage should still be on duty himself. He looked at the phone sitting on the desk and was debating on what to do. On the one hand he should report this immediately to his superiors. While Savage wasn't directly in Grimm's chain of command when the T.R.U. wasn't on mission Grimm trusted him with his life. The flip side to that was what if it was some kind of error? A report that wasn't complete or purposefully missing information so it wouldn't be on a record for some kind of undercover sting? If that was the case and he started shouting about corrupt cops he'd destroy the trust he had with his fellow officers. 'The boy that cried wolf'.

He picked up the phone before he could stop himself and dialed Savage's work cell phone number. As it started to ring Grimm was nearly overcome with the urge to hang it up but he fought to overcome it. The longer it rang the stronger the urge became and he had to grip the phone tighter to quiet that urge. Just when it was going to ring too long and Grimm was about to resign thinking Savage wasn't going to answer the other line clicked.

"Lieutenant Savage," The calm voice on the other end said. Grimm sat up straighter in his chair.

"L.T. it's Grimm," He said feeling his palm start to sweat holding the phone.

"What can I do for you Grimm?" Savage asked his voice relaxing just enough. Grimm paused not sure if he could bring himself to say it. A mistake on the report and dirty cops. He opened his mouth.

"Uh," Grimm started but paused. He felt like he could tell Savage he had to tell him but he couldn't, not over the phone. "I just wanted to see if you were going to Hawk's wake tomorrow night?"

"Of course," Savage said quickly and then with his own pause. "Was there something else Grimm?" Savage asked lowering his voice. Grimm smiled bitterly on the other side of the phone. He should have known that the lieutenant would pick up something was wrong.

"Yes there is," Grimm said knowing better than trying to lie to Savage. "I'll talk to you at the wake."

"Alright Grimm take it easy," Savage said his voice back to a normal level.

"Always," Grimm said and hung the phone back up. Grimm looked down at Eris who hadn't left his side. Reaching down he gave the top of her head a quick scratch. "Well the ball is rolling but is it too late to stop it?" He mused out loud. "What do you think?" He asked turning his gaze to Eris.

Eris tilted her head up to look Grimm in the eyes. She could understand what he was saying but not really what it all meant. She could also tell he was anxious about something but she couldn't tell what. She only knew it was something different then what they found at the warehouse. The markings on the wall in blood she did not understand. She recognized it as human symbols, and while she could understand the human spoken language she could not understand their symbols. Her instincts wanted her to lick Grimm's palm to show she was there for him but her training forbade it. So instead all she could do was move closer so her body was pressed against his leg. Her master forced a smile and chuckled.

"Yeah I don't know either," Grimm said looking at his watch. "Almost midnight be out of here soon." Grimm gathered up his hand-scribbled notes about the mission Pokémon, logged off the computer and stood up to stretch his stiff muscles. The sound of something hard lightly tapping the tile floor drew his attention to the pair of Sneasel as they approached the desk carrying a bucket between them. Grimm narrowed his eyes at the pair and even Eris took a defensive stance facing them. "What do you want?" Grimm asked his voice cold and hard.

"Oh my, so serious officer," The Sneasel known to Eris as Shiva said. "As much as we love staying in a Pokémon center and cleaning. We just wanted to see if our hero would adopt us." The seemingly mute Sneasel Akachi nodded rapidly in agreement with Shiva's statement. "Not only can we clean but we do dishes, laundry and even cook. You know add a little bit of feminine…services to your life." Both Shiva and Akachi grinned a gleam in their eye that Grimm had not seen since…

Grimm actually paused and gave their offer half a thought. To come home to a clean home, dishes and laundry done. Dinner waiting for him. All the things he didn't want to do already done for him. He quickly dismissed the thought with a flare of anger. How lazy was he? What was this some 1950s sitcom and he had a live in maid? Not to mention adopting someone or something just for the service it could provide you was a crime in his book. People taking in foster kids just to get the money from the government or people that adopt pets just to catch mice or be a guard dog with no care towards them was selfish and narcissistic. His eyes flicked to Eris for a moment but before he could think too much on his own feelings he turned his anger back towards the Sneasel.

"You," Grimm started but had to pause when he felt his anger wash over him. He wanted to swear to call them many insulting things. He paused to get his bearing back. "You two were helping those gang bangers." He said his voice strained to keep from shouting. His right hand clenched into a tight fist expect for his forefinger which was pointed at them accusingly. "You weren't in cages, your uh fur or feathers was clean and you look well fed. That's not even taking into account what you were doing when I found you or what you did after. You were a part of that gang."

"Ever hear of Stockholm syndrome?" Shiva asked with a smirk. "People identifying with their captures and even sympathizing with them as a way to survive a traumatic event?" Grimm scoffed out loud before he could stop himself.

"Ever hear of a sociopath?" Grimm asked glaring down at the pair. "With narcissistic tendencies?" The pairs stared at each other without saying a word for a moment.

"Soooo….is that a 'no' to the adoption then?" Shiva asked. Grimm opened his mouth perhaps about to say something vicious but just then the door to the Pokémon center opened. Another T.R.U. member in patrol uniform but wearing their tactual vest and carrying their rifle walked in. Grimm turned to face the new arrival his face quickly changing from an angry snarl to a neutral expression.

"Hey Blackfoot," Grimm greeted the fellow office by his callsign.

"Hey Reaper," Blackfoot greeted back. Blackfoot's eyes swiftly went between Grimm and Eris to the pair of Sneasel. "Everything all right?" He asked the veteran cop able to read people to determine there was tension between the four of them.

"Yeah," Grimm said relaxing his stance picking up his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder. The Sneasel walked off carrying the bucket saying nothing else and Blackfoot didn't say anything while Grimm got his things together. "You come from the stadium?"

"Yep," Blackfoot said.

"How was it?" Grimm asked.

"Crowded but not too bad," Blackfoot said with a single shoulder shrug. "Ceremony is wrapping up now so the bars will be packed, it's after bar-close things will get busy I'm t'nikin'." Blackfoot letting his Irish accent come out on the last word. Grimm snorted.

"Yeah then I best get home before that happens," Grimm said started to walk towards the door Eris trotting alongside.

"Take it easy Reaper," Blackfoot said settling behind the desk. Grimm simply nodded and went into the cool deserted night air rifle sling in his left hand, Eris leash in his right. He was heading towards the back parking lot to find his cruiser wanting nothing more than to get back to the station, sign out and go home. His normally alert senses were dulled from the long day and his mind was occupied turning over the possibility of corruption. So he did not notice the pair of figures that were walking down the sidewalk towards the cop and Houndoom. The unavoidable happened Grimm bumped shoulders with the figure.

"Sorry," Grimm mumbled without breaking stride.

"Officer Grimm?" A vaguely familiar voice asked. The nagging familiarity of the voice caused him to halt and pick up his head.

"Yeah?" He asked turning his head to see who had addressed him. He found the half smiling face of Tamono and her Gardevoir Athena he had bumped into. "Oh. Hello Miss Mae." Grimm said standing up straighter and trying to place a nice tone into his normally guff voice. "What are you doing out this late?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"We were coming from the opening ceremony from the tournament," Tamono said her smile becoming wider and warmer. "And please call me Tamono or simply Tamo." Grimm cleared his throat and shifted his weight between his feet.

"Alright Tamono," Grimm said hands gripping the sling and lease tighter. There was a moment of silence where Grimm just stared at the trainer not really sure what to do or say. Which he found odd since it's not like he couldn't speak to women or haven't tried to pick them up before. There was something about her though, something that he couldn't put his finger on that made his heart race.

"Are you working?" Tamono asked after the silence had hung in the air.

"No. Well yes. I mean I was," Grimm explained. "I'm off now and about to head home." Tamono nodded.

"As are we," Tamono paused for a moment seemingly to be waiting for something but then added. "Well, have a good night officer." She said turning to leave.

"Wait," Grimm winched for he said that quicker and louder then he'd like. "I…uh…." God what was wrong with him? He thought. "Would like to thank you for the hospitality the other day. Could I buy you a cup of coffee?" Her mouth opened ever so in surprise.

"Oh uh….I don't really drink coffee and it is rather late for it," She said simply.

"Ah," Grimm said hiding disappointment out of his tone, a wave of awkwardness overtake him. "That's fair."

"But I do eat dinner," Tamono added quickly and Athena smiled watching the two.

"Ah," Grimm said once more just nodding, then it clicked. "Oh! Dinner. Right." He said looking at his watch. It was very late but there might be a late night café open or something. He was racking his brain trying to think of one nearby.

"Does Sunday work for you?" Tamono asked causing Grimm to look up confused. Sunday? It was Saturday currently. Well, Sunday now. Then it clicked again.

"Oh! Yeah I have Sunday off," Grimm said. Was it only Sunday? He has had some long days and nights recently.

"Meet at my place say…Seven?" Tamono asked sheepishly.

"Yeah," Grimm said too quickly and too loudly once again. "I mean yeah that'll work for me. Hawk's wake was at five he'd have plenty of time to stop and pay his respects and talk to Savage then make it over to her place. Tamono smiled warmly as did Athena.

"Great! See you then officer," She said turning once more.

"Adam!" He called after her and she giggled.

"Alright. See you then Adam!" She called back.

"Alright," Grimm said to himself while he turned around to resume walking. Eris had watched the entire exchange and found it to be odd. She could sense the nervousness of her master and that of the human female. Who she felt was even more nervous than her master. It was why the two were nervous that she couldn't understand. How could a human female make his heart beat so fast? She could also smell the heavy musky order of his body order and knew he had been sweating during the whole exchange. She had seen him face down bigger tougher humans without so much as breaking a sweat. What was she missing? They reached his cruiser not soon after and Eris took her place in the backseat. Once she was settled in she opened her mouth in a wide yawn the exhaustion of the night and the night before setting in.

"Yeah me too girl," Grimm muttered stifling his own yawn. "We'll be home soon." Grimm drove back to the station and after filling out his log, turning in his gear and changing back into his street close the pair started the walk home. Grimm didn't even bother with the leash and let her trot alongside. The streets were unusually vacant this close to down town even at this hour. Typically there were groups of people heading to or leaving one bar or another. Grimm knew it was because of the event and people were still celebrating there but it wouldn't be much longer before the streets were packed with people and Pokémon alike.

The pair reached Grimm's apartment without any trouble. Grimm pulled out his key and inspected his door finding the bit of paper he stuck between the door and doorjamb was still there. Meaning no one had opened or tried opening his door since he locked it. Ramirez had always told him he was paranoid and Grimm has always corrected him that he was vigilante. Once inside Grimm locked the door behind them and made a bee line to the bottle of whiskey and glass he kept on the counter. He poured himself a glass of rotgut and lifted it up to the ceiling.

"To you Hawk," Grimm spoke softly. "May you find peace at the end of your watch." His toast made Grimm down the glass in one go making him wince. He forcefully set the glass back down on the counter and then looked at Eris. "Time for bed eh?" Grimm said heading towards the bedroom Eris following behind. Grimm stopped at his closet and started rooting around along the top shelf digging through piles of neatly folded clothes that looked like they had been there for a while. Eris just sat and watched expecting him to pull out yet another weapon like he did the shotgun the other night. Instead he pulled out a fleece blanket.

"A gift from the Ramirez's," Grimm explained as he folded it and placed it on the floor at the end of his bed. "When they found I was still using my wool blanket from the service." He explained smoothing out the blanket and then patted it. "Should do nicely for you though." He looked right at Eris upon saying this. Eris walked up and sniffed the blanket and then took a careful step on it. She stepped onto it fully turned in two complete circles in place and then laid down on the blanket it. She looked up at Grimm with what he guessed was a smile. "Glad you like it." He said giving her head a scratch.

As he started to strip down for the night he spotted the shotgun he had leaning against the nightstand. He frowned upon seeing it. Why had he gotten it out? What was so dire he needed the scatter gun? Then his eyes suddenly widened in realization as it all came flooding back to him. The warehouse, the feathers, the message on the wall! How the hell could he forget all of that?! His heart started to beat quickly in his chest as he felt fear starting to creep in and take hold. Then the strangest thing started to happen the fear started to pass. He wasn't making light of the situation by any means, he just didn't feel afraid. At least not like he did last night, instead he felt….calm and ready. Still he even knew it was odd to go from hot, to cold like that but he chalked it up to lack of sleep and the glass of 'liquid courage' he had moments before. Now down to his boxer and undershirt he turned the light off and climbed into bed.

"Goodnight girl," He called out to Eris while his eyes drifted closed. One hand reaching out to touch the shotgun lightly to ensure it was there. Eris meanwhile had adjusted to the darkness and was staring at the door. Her master had been worried about some threat and she wasn't sure why he wasn't but she would keep watch. She stared at the door determined to stay awake. Yet the more she stared the heavy her eye lids became. They started to droop halfway closed and she had to force them back open only from them to droop once more. She let out a yawn her head starting to lower. She managed to lift it up an inch but it sank two inches. Until it was resting on her paws and her eyes were almost closed. What she thought she could see through the barely opened slits was a purple mist floating through the door but that was impossible. Her eyes finally closed all the way and she drifted off to sleep.

Eris jerked her head back up once she realized she had fallen asleep. She looked around quickly trying to locate the door to her master's room once more. Yet all she could see was darkness, total and complete. She could not even see her master's bed nor could she even smell his scent in the room. She stood up, adopting a combat stance looking for something anything.

"It's about time you fell asleep," A familiar sounding voice echoed around Eris. Eris quickly turned to face what she believed the source of the sound. The Haunter, Eris had met while sitting back in Grimm's car appeared floating towards the Houndoom. Eris growled lowly in her throat baring her teeth. "Oh please honey you can't hurt me, not here." The ghost Pokémon said her smile wide. She stopped just in front of Eris. "Go on take your best shot." A note of mocking sing song entering the Haunter's voice. With a growl Eris lunged forward meaning to bite the ghost right on the face. Expect Eris's teeth pasted through her and the Haunter giggled.

"See I told you," The Haunter giggled. "This is my world."

"What do you mean?" Eris growled not letting up in her stance one bit.

"You're asleep sweetie," The Haunter explained. "This is allllll a dream." Eris was about to tell the ghost that was impossible but she stopped. She somehow felt that it was true, she knew it was true. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep and then…

"What are you doing in my dreams?!" Eris demanded.

"I want to help you and your master as I said before," The ghost said. "I just needed you both to be asleep." Eris held her glare her teeth still showing. "Still don't trust me?" The ghost feigned being hurt.

"How can I trust someone that does not tell me their name?" Eris growled.

"You two were made for each other," The Haunter said with a giggle. "Morgan le Fay at your service." Eris still kept her stance but allowed her lips to close covering her teeth once more.

"You said you could make it so I could speak with my master," Eris reminded the ghost of her claim.

"Yes I did and I can expect I couldn't do it in waking world," Morgan explained floating back away from Eris a moment. "There are too many rules and laws in that world that can't be broken but here in the dream one." She smiled her crimson tringle of eyes burning into Eris's own red eyes. "They are a little more flexible." Eris watched as Morgan began to change right in front of her eyes. Becoming a stunning human female with purple hair wearing a purple dress. The very same one that Grimm had seen in his dream though Eris had no knowledge of this. "Now it's your turn." Morgan pointed a finger at Eris and she was blinded for a moment by bright light but as it faded her vision returned.

Standing in front of her was another female human that Eris suspected would be quite fetching to a human male. Her smooth flawless skin was a rich caramel color and was youthful in appearance but she also had muscle definition. Her muscles were more than just toned they were built but not overly so, somewhere between more than an athletic female and less than an athletic male. The woman was only wearing a sports top that covered her less than average breast sized bust and a pair of shorts that only went down an inch onto her thighs. This allowed Eris to see her abdominal muscles and the thickness of her leg muscles.

She had jet black hair was styled like no human female Eris had ever seen before. The sides of her hair were buzzed close to her scalp up to the top of her head, where her hair was a bit longer. A few inches in length and it was neatly brushed to one side, the sheen to the hair there spoke of some kind of product to hold it in place. Despite the old style it looked good, it fit the woman it had beauty and it also was befitting of what she was, a fighter, and a warrior. Though something was off about this woman's head other than just her hair style and Eris almost had it she squinted her eyes.

Eris looked closer at the side of the women's heads and she could see that the woman had horns coming out of the side of her head. The horns were bone white and curved back just like hers. Why did a human have horns like she did? Why was this human narrowing her eyes at her like she was at the human? Eris flicked her tail out of curiosity when she saw a tail come into view from behind the strange human women. Eris' eyes widened in surprised and she watched as the human's eyes widened as well. Eris dropped her head to look down to expecting to see her own paws but instead to look down at the smooth caramel skin of the human's chest. Eris looked back up to look at the human just as the human looked up. A realization suddenly hit her. She was looking in a mirror at her own reflection.

Eris quickly looked back down lifting her paws up, no her hands. They were that same rich color that the rest of her skin was. Skin not fur. Eris curled her fingers, something that seemed so natural so suddenly, to inspect her claws only to find bone white nails in their place. Around each wrist was a silver metallic band that looked like a bracelet but she could see it was a part of her. She looked down further and saw similar it appeared she was wearing a necklace made of bone with a skull pendent just above her new breasts. Eris looked back up into the mirror moving her new hands to her face. This was indeed her reflection she leaned closer to inspect her own eyes and found them to be the bright red they should be. She jerked her head around to look over her shoulder and seeing a new toned human butt she still had her thin tail and controlling it was just as natural as before.

"Do you like it?" Morgan asked from the side. Eris snapped her head to look at human form of the Haunter. "I think it's very fitting. Attractive in an Amazonian warrior Valkyrie way."

"What did you do to me?" Eris demanded taking a step towards Morgan. She found this action to be both awkward and natural at the same time.

"Relax dear this is a dream remember?" Morgan explained with a soft giggle. Eris blinked as she remember and it filled her mind with some relief to be reminded of that fact. "I simply changed you into a more human looking version of you. When you wake up you'll be completely normal."

"Why?" Was all Eris could say.

"Because a talking feral Pokémon would set him on edge," Morgan said gesturing into the darkness. When she had said 'him' it was like a spotlight had snapped on from above and in the circle of light was her master pacing back and forth.

Grimm knew he was dreaming just like had the first time he'd met that purple haired women. He also knew she had something to do with this but he had no clue where she was.

"Show yourself already!" Grimm shouted into the darkness. "What is this all about?" He demanded.

"All in due time Officer Grimm," Morgan said stepping into view. Grimm squared up with the woman. He opened his mouth about to say something when another women stepped into view as well. Just like the purple haired women she was beautiful but were as the purple haired women's came for elegance and grace the other women's came from power and confidence. There was also something naggingly familiar about this other women Grimm could not place.

"Who's that?" Grimm demanded.

"Master?" Eris asked taking a step towards Grimm.

"Master?" Grimm questioned looking at the other women's red eyes. Did all these women have red eyes? "What is this all about?"

"You don't recognize her?" Morgan asked mockingly. "You don't recognize your own partner?" Grimm was about to say that looked nothing like Ramriz when he started to notice more about the other women. Namely the horns coming out her head, the skull made of bone in the middle of her chest and the whip like tail that ended in a spade behind her.

"Eris?" Grimm asked in shock.

"Yes!" Eris said cheerfully her tail swishing in the air behind her quickly. "It is me!" Grimm narrowed his eyes at Morgan.

"What kind of trick is this?" Grimm demanded.

"No trick," Morgan said. "You've seen what I can do with dreams. You both are asleep and having two bonded individuals share a dream is mere child's play for me."

"You don't expect me to believe that is my canine partner Eris do you?" Grimm asked.

"Master it is me! It is Eris!" Eris said cheerfully still over joyed she and her master could speak. Just like Morgan had promised.

"How could she prove it to you?" Morgan asked.

"She can't," Grimm said flatly. "If I ask her any questions that Eris would only know you could get the answer since we're inside my head."

"Hmmm that is true," Morgan said putting a finger to her cheek hard enough to indent the skin. "Oh but the waking world I have no control over. How about this?" Morgan smiled as if she had this planned all along. "Ask Eris to do something right when she wakes up so you know that you spoke to her." Grimm narrowed his eyes at Morgan but then turned his gaze to Eris.

"Eris," He said the name almost mockingly. "When we wake up turn around three times in a circle, stop to face me, bark twice, turn around two more times than bark once before sitting back down."

"Yes master!" She said excitedly. Her face had a serious expression and she nodded curtly to show she understood her task.

"Then that should do it!" Morgan said before snapping her fingers. Both Grimm and Eris were plunged into utter blackness.

Grimm sat bolt upright in his bed, knocking the covers from his chest. He looked around quickly and found that he was in his bedroom and morning like was filtering through the window. He looked around for the source of the disturbance that woke him and found the cause was the alarm on his phone that was set to go off at ten am. He quickly silenced his phone and brought a hand to his head.

"Fucking hell that was some dream," He muttered to himself. "I gotta lay of the sauce before bed." He muttered to himself throwing the blankets completely off of himself. He swung his legs over the side of the bed about to hop down when he saw Eris walking up from around the bed. "Oh hey girl hope you slept better than me." He said with a weary smile.

Eris seemed to look up at him with an almost smug look. She then turned around in a circle three times stopping to face Grimm. She barked two times a low yet sharp sound. Eris turned in a circle twice more stopping to face him and barked once. She then plopped down onto her rear and looked up at Grimm expectantly. Grimm's eyes were wide and he just stared at Eris for a very long moment before he spoke.

"Jesus fucking Christ!"