Tris' POV

The gun goes off again.

More pain, and black edges my vision, but I hear Caleb's voice speaking again. The green button.

So much pain.

But how, when my body feels so numb?

I start to fall, and slam my hard into the keypad on my way down. A light turns on behind the green button.

I hear a beep, and a churning sound.

I slide to the floor. I feel something warm on my neck, and under my cheek. Red. Blood is a strange colour. Dark.

From the corner of my eye, I see David slumped over in his chair.

And my mother walking out from behind him.

I know she can't be alive, but I don't know if I'm seeing her now because I'm delirious from the blood loss or the death serum has addled my thoughts or if she is here in some other way.

She kneels down next to me and touches a cool hand to my cheek. She smiles. But when she speaks, it is not her voice.

"Tris?!" the voice says, but my mother's mouth has not moved. I feel a cool hand move down to my wrist, and it stays there for a while. I hear a sigh of relief before the voice starts talking again.

"Tris, can you hear me? I'm going to bring you to the hospital now."

My eyes are closed now, but I feel myself being lifted up before the darkness takes over me, taking my mother with it.


I see Cara. The side of her face is bruised, and there's a bandage on her head, but that's not what concerns me. What concerns me is the troubled look on her face.

"Where's tris?" I say.

"I'm sorry, Tobias."

"Sorry about what?" Christina says roughly. "Tell us what happened!"

"She went into the weapons lab instead of Caleb," Cara says. "She survived the death serum, and set off the memory serum, but she... was shot."

She wouldn't go to the weapons lab instead of Caleb. But then I realize: Of course she would. Tears gather in my eyes. Cara sees them and starts talking again.

"Don't worry, she's fine. Or, at least, she will be. She's in the hospital. She was shot 3 times and she lost a lot of blood. She hasn't woken up yet, and the doctors say she might not wake up for a few days. I'll take you to her."

She starts walking, and Christina and I follow closely behind. She calls someone over, and as they get closer I can see he is tall and blond, with blue eyes. He looks a bit like Will, the boy from Tris' initiation class. I remember Tris telling me that they were dating a bit before the war happened, before Tris shot his controlled body.

I start to wonder where we would be if the war hadn't happened. Would Tris be safe, sleeping in my arms peacefully in the apartment we shared? Would I be staring at the words, Fear God Alone, until I fell asleep, as I did every night? I can't help but feel stupid when I think of the days I used to believe in those words. Now, being in the situation I'm in right now, the only thing I fear is losing Tris.

I snap back into reality.

"James, may you please take Christina to the ICU to visit Tris Prior? I'll be there in just a moment with Tobias, but first I must explain Tris'... situation to him." Cara says.

James nods, and leads Christina away from us. I turn to Cara.

"Exactly what 'situation' are you talking about? Tell me right now or I swear to God I'll-"

She cuts me off. I silently thank her in my head because I'm so focused on Tris right now I can't even think of a good threat.

"There's no need to finish that sentence. There's something I didn't mention, because I wasn't sure who knew." What the hell is she talking about? She takes a deep breath and continues.

"As I mentioned before, Tris was shot. One of the places she was shot was in the stomach."

She stops and looks at me expectantly.

"I wasn't Erudite, I don't speak medical! So could you just please tell me what is going on?!" I say. She sighs.

"Well, you see, she lived, but... the child didn't."

I don't care about some kid! I start to get frustrated; I need to see Tris.

"And what does this have to do with Tris?" I ask.

She looks at me a bit surprised. She starts mumbling, and I strain to hear her.

"We weren't sure if you knew or not. There was a lot happening, and the doctors said she wasn't that far along. We were hoping you knew because we didn't want to be the ones to tell you and-"

After that I stop listening, because I finally understand what she was trying to say. She was pregnant. The child that died was ours.

"That's not possible," I whisper, not willing to believe it. I try to raise my voice, but it stays quiet and small. "she's scared of intimacy. We never..."

Except we did. My eyes open wide in realization. Tris was pregnant with my child. We were going to have our own baby. They would have Tris' insistent eyes and her beautiful laugh. Her bravery and selflessness. I start to daydream of this perfect child, but I stop myself. Tris WAS pregnant, past tense.

"Can you take me to her?" I ask, my voice still weak.

She starts walking.

As I walk into the hospital room, I see Tris, within my reach, yet a thousand miles away.

Well guys, that's chapter 1! Yay! Okay so let me know what you guys think, I'm excited to see your comments! FYI, italics is lines I copied from the book.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Divergent, although I wish I did!