
"Alistair!" I squealed as my brother chased me through the woods, it was night time and so all the patients at the asylum were asleep, only those on call or night staff nurses were still walking the halls. Therefore in these few hours in which we had to ourselves to what we wished we decided to act like the big children that we were. I never got a chance to act immature as a child so after I became a vampire I decided to take full advantage of my immortality to do just that. Other than when my safety or my brother's safety depended on it of course. Only recently I've had to add another's name to that list of people's safety comes before being able to act my physical age, Mary Alice Brandon.

"Yes darling little sister?" Alistair asked, catching me for the fourth time that evening. I huffed and took a deep unnecessary breath to start my regular moaning about how unfair it was that he had been gifted with longer legs and the ability to run faster than me when I caught an unfamiliar smell. Nomadic Vampire. I growled lowly, which caused my brother to crouch, ready to pounce before taking a deep breath, to find out what had caused me to growl so animalistically. Alistair disappeared from my sight before I could say anything about what we had discovered. I hastily followed him, using my other senses to follow his scent trail.

When I finally caught up with my brother, he was tightly gripping the throat of the vampire he had obviously seen as a threat. It was indeed a nomadic vampire who my brother was holding against a tree, both were hissing eat each other, bodies close enough that if the nomad forced my brothers hand he could deliver The Bite. The Bite was a bite that could only be delivered by an older or more experienced vampire who was trying to control younger vampires who were getting out of control.

This bite was said to administer the extent of pain which could make you temporally believe that you were being turned again, the venom was more potent than the average bite which caused the fears of fire like agony under the skin of the bite. The vampire in control of the situation could stop this pain at any moment; it was the fear of such a bite which frequently put younger vampires in their place in the wars. The wars normally took place down in the south, this is where Alistair picked it up, he was helping a coven out with an issue they had when he ended up immersed in the problems of the Southern Vampire Wars.

Moments after I had entered the area, I heard a set of running footsteps, which had caused me to crouch in a defensive mode. The footsteps belonged to a young female vampire, probably in her late teens, while I analysed her to see if she was a potential threat I stayed in my defensive position, slowly getting up as she began to beg for her companions life. "Please don't hurt him, we are only passing through to feed" she whimpered again, not very vampire like. I growled at her in response. "Don't feed on our land, feed elsewhere. Our food, not yours" I had tried to the best of my ability to same possessive. The ploy was to make it sound that the only reason we were here was to feed off those that would be noticed if they disappeared. Those in the asylum were already thought of as dead by their families because of the reaction of those around them would have if they were found out to have such a relative.

The real object of our attention was one Mary Alice Brandon. My little, adorable mate. "We won't feed on your humans, we promise. Let me go please and we will leave immediately". I internally laughed; there was very little chance that this vampire being held by my brother who was snarling and growling, trying to bite my brother or overpower him from a simple restraint was this little vampire's mate. They were complete opposites, one seemingly with no redeemable qualities and the other with all of them, even if she was too tame for my liking.

My brother pushed the vampire roughly into the tree which resulted in the tree making a noise in protest to the weight thrown at it. "If I ever see you on my land again I will destroy you, do you understand me?" The male lowly snarled back, "Clearly", my brother dropped him onto the floor, leaving the male to prick himself up, pushing the leaves and dirt off his clothes as he made his way quickly to the female, grasping her hand before disappearing from sight.

"We should head back, just in case they ignored our warning." Alistair grimaced, rubbing my head, making my hair even more of a mess than it was from the running and the commotion. I sighed, I knew he was right and even if he wasn't because of seeing another vampire I knew I would need to see that Mary was safe with my own eyes. As well as that I need to be sure she isn't having any more of her nightmares about the future. My poor Alice, being thrown into an asylum for being gifted, for being able to do something that others fear. My poor, little clairvoyant girl.

*End of flashback*


I haven't got a clue why we are starting to attend school (something I haven't really ever done as a vampire) but if my brother believes I will try to fit in with some hormonal, stressing teenagers then he has another thing coming. Alistair claims it will be an 'enjoyable experience', especially with some of his ex-associates family there. My brother seems to have forgotten that I am what my mother called a social avoider, which meant I avoided any kind of social contact that I could unless it was with family. The Cullen family should be arriving any time now. They will be coming to our residence as soon as Dr. Carlisle Cullen finishes his shift at the hospital, the only things I know about the Cullen's that they are 'vegetarian' vampires and that they have lived here for 2 months now.

While I wait I think of Mary and how much I miss her and it confuses me how I can still sense her while I know she was killed by James in 1920. I was trying to fight James to save her when I saw her bleeding; he had not bitten her but instead caused her to heavily bleed. My brother was unable to help at the time I was fighting James. My body was broken into lots of pieces and was left apart from each other so I couldn't piece myself back together. The only reason why I am as I am now is because my brother was able to piece me back together after reaching the chaos that had been the fighting ground. However Alistair had told me that when he had arrived to help, James had run off with Alice and even Alistair could not catch up to him.

The reason we call him James is because it is what Mary called him when she first saw him, just before I tried to protect her. This attempt at protecting her lasted a few weeks. James had not been on the only vampire after her, therefore more than one scent would be close to the asylum and we would be on high alert almost constantly. This of course led to me losing my Mary.

I don't know if I will ever make full sense of what happened then or why I'm still alive when it should have been Mary, she should have been able to live a full life, I had lived long enough. Life times. She died at age 19; she still had her whole life ahead of her. For years after losing Mary I had believed I was slowly dying from the fact that I couldn't live without my mate. However, In the 1930's I met Marcus Volturi who had lost his mate centuries before. I know now that though I will only ever be able to live a half-life that I will not die without her. Instead I will internally wish for it until my dying moments.

I will always love my Mary Alice Brandon.

"Bella! The Cullens are here!" Alistair spoke from downstairs. "Okay, I will be right down!" I closed my diary I had wanted to write in for the past two hours, the only things I had written down were:

Dear Diary,

I miss my Mary, I know I probably tell you this daily but I don't know how much longer I can pretend to be content with the life I have to lead without her. The thought of her being in heaven waiting for me sends aches right to my dead heart. The fact that she can see me under the pretence of happiness (for my brother's sake) hurts me even more; the thought of her believing that I am happy to live a life without her saddens me.

I place the diary on the bed and make my way downstairs to see the Cullen's (I presume, as I've never met them before) walk past and enter the living room. I catch a glimpse of a small, short- brown haired girl and I have to shake my head at the quick memory of my little pixie which flashed before my eyes. Nonetheless I rush into the living room to hear a girl squeal "Alistair!"

The girl hugged my brother causing him to laugh. "Mary! It's great to see you! I didn't know you were living with Carlisle! You will have to tell me the story later when we catch up. I missed you so much!" Mary? Could it be? No of course not… I daren't hope.

"Alice, I go by Alice now Alistair and I would love to catch up some time soon." She happily suggested, putting emphasis on the word 'soon'.

"Oh, Mary, sorry Alice... You remember my sister, don't you?" When she turned around I gasped. My Mary Alice... Though I could smell her arousal she shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, I don't." Mary remembered Alistair, but not me?" I sighed, smiled and left for the forest behind our house.

A few minutes after I left the house at vampire running speed I heard shouting behind me. I stopped, feeling the need to hear Mary... Alice out. When she caught up with me I couldn't bring myself to look at her beautiful face. It scared me that I had spent the last 90 years waiting for her, thinking she was dead to only not be remembered by one of the two most important people in my life.

"I'm sorry, but how do I know you? I know it hurt you when I said I didn't know you. I can't see what you are going to do, but please stay and explain to me what I can't remember"

Altered: 16th June