Hey guys, it's me again. I had this idea for a story what seems like ages ago and after a particularly trying day of working my ass of on a story update and not getting a single review I figured I'd just grind out a start to this story and see what happened. Also, just a little news flash, for any of those who read my other stories that haven't been updated recently, I update what gets reviewed. Any fellow authors out there know that a few reviews are the difference between a completed story and a dead one. But anyways, onto the story. This takes place just after summer break the year Minato fails the entrance exam the first time...

Chapter 1

Orochi sat at his desk at the front of the class next to the window and watched as the clock ticked ever closer to the time when the bell would ring and he could head to work. Like most days, he did his best to ignore the pointed glares of his fellow classmates as they tried the best to make his head explode via spontaneously gained heat vision. This was to be expected, as he was currently ranked at the head of the freshman class of University of Tokyo. This was not helped by the fact that he seemingly managed this without any sign of effort or stress of any sort on his part.

It also didn't help that he was white...and American on top of being white. In fact the only thing non-western about Orochi Moriarty was his first name, courtesy of his weeaboo father who currently lived back state-side. The slurs ame-koh, round-eye, and white bread were the favorite nicknames many of his classmates used behind his back. A few especially brave ones said it to his face, though never without backup of some sort. It didn't bother him though, he was far more concerned with things more important than the opinions of total strangers.

Finally, after an infinity of waiting, the bell signaling the end of class for the day sounded and he got up and headed to his locker. He made it halfway to his locker before someone clapped him on the back,

"Hey Orochi, where are you off to in such a hurry? Man, you're always rushing around. You gotta stop and smell the roses sometime, man." Seo Kaoru, a fifth year who seemed to relish hanging around Orochi, possibly due to the fact he was always broke and Orochi didn't mind sharing his lunch with him.

"Maybe you're right Seo-senpai. One day, I will have to stop and smell the roses. But it is not this day." Orochi said as they arrived at his locker. Orochi unzipped his bag and stowed his school books in the school locker before fishing out an unassuming long, black, metal cylinder and stowed it in his bag.

"C'mon man, let's go get a drink. You can spare an hour can't you? By the way, I'm a little short on cash, so you'll have to spot me." Seo said with a grin as he nonchalantly leaned against the locker and ogled some of the passing female students, earning him several dirty looks in return.

"Can't drink. Must work." Orochi replied flatly as he shut the locker and made his way for the train station...

Orochi arrived at the host club twenty minutes later, it looked like it was gonna be fairly crowded later that evening as Orochi circled around to the back of the club to the employee's entrance in the dirty back alley. Normally, he would head to his second job after school, but the computer repair place was closed while the owner was out of town. He normally had an hour or so between jobs and school but today he'd had his one evening class instead of his normal day classes. After stepping inside, he walked over to the nearby time clock and punched in before heading to the nearby changing room. He walked over to the locker labeled Moriarty before noticing that someone had covered up the name with permanent marker and scribbled round-eye above it in the same ink. He sighed at the all-too-familiar-sight.

Upon arriving in Japan, he'd walked into this place looking for a part-time job and had been hired on the spot. Being the six-foot-four Caucasian male he was, the owner had recognized that hiring him as a host, would attract more business. Seeing as how the owner could market him as an exotic attraction to bring in more business.

He was actually pretty popular, he was the second most requested host at the club. Apparently Asian businesswomen had a thing, for tall, red haired Scottish-British mix Americans. This was most fortunate as he had the sea-green eyes and high,pronounced cheek bones of his British mother and the strong Scottish-American features of his father, complete with short, gelled, red hair. One woman had once told him, that she could 'cut herself on his cheekbones'.

He reached into the locker and withdrew the navy blue suit, white dress shirt, and blue tie from within and began to dress. He was just finishing tying his tie when the door opened and a slender silver-haired man stepped through the door and headed over to a locker.

"You know Homura, you keep comin' in late and we'll just see how long you hold that number one spot." Orochi said as he finished tightening his tie.

"Sorry, traffic was terrible." Homura replied as he opened his locker.

"You don't drive though, you take a cab most days. Though it looks like you took the train today, judging by your dress. Which means traffic doesn't factor into it. You're just late." Orochi shot back as he closed his locker.

"Whoa, that's pretty impressive. Are you like Sherlock Holmes or something?" Homura asked as he turned to face him.

"Of course not, I'm just as real as you are, I'm not some fictional character."

Homura was about to reply when the door opened once more as a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes and a side ponytail poked her head in.

"Hey Kagari, you left your wallet at home. So I thought I'd swing by and drop it off for you." Uzume said as she held up Homura's wallet. Uzume was a housemate of Homura's who frequently stopped by after their shifts were over to socialize. On a few occasions though, she had arrived as a customer and even once requested his services as a host.

"Thanks Uzume, you're a life saver." Homura said as he retrieved his wallet.

"No problem. Hey Oro-chan, you should come by after work for dinner with me and Kagari someday. You doing anything after work today?" she asked cheerfully.

"Yeah I am Uzume-san, sorry I'm busy. Maybe some other day." Orochi replied with a smile

"Aww, you're no fun. All work and no play makes Oro-chan a dull boy, you know." Uzume replied as she held up her index finger like an older sibling lecturing a younger one.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. So is this visit business or... pleasure?" he asked huskily as he kissed the back of Uzume's hand gently. Uzume blushed and furiously began to giggle.

"Sorry, I was just dropping of Kagari's wallet. I'll see you around." she said before withdrawing her hand from Orochi's grasp.

Orochi spent until four in the morning at the host club. When he left and headed for the train station he was glad it was Sunday so he had the day off from class. He boarded the train and headed for Teitou Tower. He arrived at the tower at 5:15 AM and trudged into the lobby.

"Orochi Moriarty her to see Miyajima" he said in a half-awake voice to the receptionist, a woman of about 22 with black hair up in a functional black bun with rectangular glasses who had obviously stopped caring about her job long ago. She hit a button on her desk and the elevator dinged open.

"Sixty-ninth floor." she said lazily. Orochi nodded and trudged over to the elevator. He rode the elevator in silence until it dinged open, revealing a sterile-looking white room with an examination table along with a tray of vials and several syringes. With plenty other vials, syringes, and flasks sitting on a nearby counter on the opposite wall. Orochi tossed his bag under the table and climbed up on top of the table and took off his shirt as he saw a woman who appeared to be in her late 40's with calf-length black hair up in a ponytail enter the room and take a seat on a stool in front of the table.

"Alrighty Mr. Moriarty, today we will be testing out samples of specimens 2, 10, 13, 19, 22, 62, 72, and 88. As always, you are to report any side effects that you experience. We will give you a packet with additional info along with the normal course of pill bottles and whatnot. Though this time there are some injections you will also have to take. They will be provided with a kit that explains how and when to use them. Now, once again, you are not participating in any other clinical trials at this time I presume?" Miyajima asked as she scribbled on a clipboard, the woman not meeting his eye as she did.

"That's correct." he replied tiredly.

"Excellent, now lie face down on the table and we will begin." Miyajima replied flatly, almost clinically, as if they were discussing the weather not something that could potentially kill him.(No pun intended)

"Now, be warned this is gonna hurt." Miyajima said as she loaded a vial into a nasty-looking metal syringe and inserted it into his spine with a sickening clack.

Several scream-filled hours later Orochi dragged himself back to his apartment and managed to grab himself a few hours of shuteye before he had to be back at work. After clocking in an getting changed into that night's suit, he walked out onto the floor to check out the Sunday night. The club was at about half-capacity which was a lot for a Sunday night.

"So Yuki, any of my clients here tonight?" he asked the owner as he sauntered up to her with his hands in his pockets. The middle-aged woman was dressed in a black pantsuit sporting her trademark bob cu as she nervously chewed her nails, a habit that he had repeatedly urged her to quit.

"Yea, she's outside. She requested both you and Homura tonight. She invited a car for Homura, and I imagine she'll do the same for you. Great, I have to handle a busy day without my two best hosts. This can't get any worse." Yuki complained as she stamped her foot in frustration.

"Yuki c'mon, you've ran this place solo for 5 years now. You can do without us for one night. Now, I should be going. After all, I can't keep a customer waiting." he replied reassuringly as he headed toward the door. He exited out into the lobby to see Uzume standing in her jeans and typical belly top looking better in casual attire than most women did in high fashion.

"Hey Uzume. Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm looking for a client of mine." he replied as he scanned the lobby for any familiar faces.

"I know, I'm the client. You're working too hard. So figured I'd make you take me up on my offer for dinner with me and Kagari. Now come on, it's not too far so we're gonna walk." she said with a smile. This was new for Orochi, he'd never expected Uzume to be so forward. But, a client was a client, and it was his job to make her happy so he simply said,

"Alright, lead the way." he said as he offered his arm to his client for the night.

"Alright, and we're off." she said as she took his arm and lead him out the door. They walked down the sidewalk until Uzume suggested they take a shortcut through the back streets to save time, to which Orochi reluctantly consented. They had only gone half a mile though before they stumble on three men in short-sleeve button down shirts. What caught his eye though, were the similar hairstyles and the tattoos decorating their arms that marked them as part of the Yakuza. Orochi saw an all-too-familiar malicious glint in their eyes as they caught sight of Uzume.

"Hey sweetie, why don't you abandon round eye there and spend some time with a real man?" One dressed in a silk shirt decorated with a dragon motif said as he reached into his pocket and grabbed hold of something.

"Heh, yeah we can show you a good time, sweetie." a second one dressed in a navy silk shirt replied.

"Sorry fellas, she's with me." Orochi replied as he positioned himself in front of Uzume.

"C'mon Oro-chan, let's just go. These guys are bad news." she whispered in his ear.

"Oh yeah? What'll you do if we take her from you? What are you gonna do about this?!" the one in black said as he pulled his hand out of his pocket to reveal a set of brass knuckle held tightly in one hand.

Time slowed to a crawl as Orochi's brain began to fire on all cylinders as a series of thoughts raced through his head.

Dodge chin shot of brass knuckles. Deploy collapsible impact baton in pocket. Assault back of hand to disarm assailant. Subsequent strike to solar plexus and outside of right knee. Finish with trip.

Time returned to normal as Orochi ducked under the fist as he whipped the small rod out of his back pocket and flicked it open to reveal the 21 inch baton he had brought for protection when he'd moved into the city. He brought it up and smashed it against the back of the gangster's hand. The gangster swore as Orochi brought the baton back and slammed it into his diaphragm before he brought it back down on his knee with a crack! Orochi finished by hooking it on the gangster's ankle and flipping him onto his back in one fluid motion. He turned just in time to see the other two rushing at him from behind. Without thinking he brought the baton back up before slamming into each of their windpipes within a second of each other, sending them tumbling to the ground, clutching their throats

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" Uzume gasped, obviously surprised at Orochi's quick dispatching of the attackers.

"Dunno, I've had practice but I've never done that before. C'mon let's go before they recover."

"Right, c'mon this way." Uzume said as she grabbed him and sprinted for all she was worth for Maison Izumo...

The rest of the night passed in a blur for Orochi, he felt like he was on speed, meth, coke, and X, all at the the same time. He briefly remembered getting onto his laptop and typing like mad...

Later that night...

The Sekirei of Wisdom climbed the stairs with her breakfast in hand, she hadn't been able to eat with Miya and Uzume because of their visitor earlier. Sure, he was cute, but cute didn't feed the starving Sekirei. She opened her bedroom with her soup and smoked salmon in hand to see her screens were all black and displaying the same message in green command prompt lettering.


Matsu set her food down and examined the message, whoever did this had disabled her OS she only had one of two options. She sat there deep in thought for almost an hour before she decided...

She did wanna play.

Author's Note: Here it is. Before you ask, I have no idea who will be in Orochi's flock. I only know the first one and no, it isn't Uzume. Pleases review, but please no shots at the name. I wanted to write a foreigner but I totally love the first name. Please review, if you have time that is. This the 19th Angel, signing off...