Hey guys new story! XD Don't worry I haven't discontinued Cabin fever or Hey, Jerk face...( shit forgot, about jerk face...) anyway I thought of this one when I was daydreaming about Usagi (Serena) and Mamoru ( Darien) ( Which i do not own..) {hate} relationship... anyway avoiding my anime love life... Enjoy...! I'm using the sailor moon names from the english dub this time... I miss using their names ;_;

Warning: Adult Language

"Serena, you're such ditz!" Raye insulted the blonde

"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend." She scoffed

"Raye I'm pretty sure I can get a boyfriend faster than you, I don't see you having a boyfriend any time soon." Serena retorted. The good friends , almost sister like, kept bickering on until a certain jet black haired male walked into the arcade. Raye smirked mischievously. "Raye, what's with that ugly look?" Serena said curiously and looked around until her eyes met with dark sapphire blue eyes, her cobalt blue eyes shot back to Raye's violet pupils.

"Oh on second thought there's your boyfriend now." Raye smirked.

"He is not my boyfriend!" She yelled at the raven haired girl.

"Sure, sure. Now go say hello and kiss your boyfriend." Raye said shoving her friend towards the male.

"Raye stop!" Serena shouted , digging her heels into the marble arcade floor.

"What are you two bickering about?" Said a males voice.

"Piss off Darien , I could just call you Socrates, the gag fly, asshole." Serena hissed, raye stopped pushing her towards him and wander back to the group,

"Wow, someone actually pays attention in class." Darien retorted, Serena frowned.

"You don't know me, asshole." She cussed.

"Yeah I do , you're a ditzy blonde, with a dumb meatball hairstyle." Darien said and flicked her two buns on the top of her head.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled and smacked Darien's hand away from her personal bubble.

"What's your deal? You're acting like a snobby bitch." Darien said acting serious. Serena frowned.

"Hey could you two stop acting like boyfriend and girlfriend." Said Raye.

"We are not dating!" They shouted in unison.

"Prove it then." Raye retorted, Serena glared at her friend.

"Okay, if I kissed this ditz it wouldn't mean anything." Darien blurted out.

"I'm not a ditz!" Yelled Serena, suddenly Darien leaned down and kissed Serena, her eyes widen. Raye smirked, Darien ended the kiss, Serena face came over with a huge blush, she gasped. "Why the hell did you do that?!" She screamed.

"See Raye, I didn't feel a thing!" Darien retorted

"You liked it ,didn't you?" Raye smirked, Darien gasped and then blushed and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Why would I like something my from enemy?! You , wench!" Serena yelled, doing a strangling action in front of Raye.

"Hey, can you guys take this fight somewhere else? It's kinda ruining our reputation." Andrew said.

"Sorry, Andrew." Cooed Serena. Serena, Raye and Darien walked over to the booth where the group was sitting.

"What was that fuss all about?" Minako said breaking the tension and silence.

"Oh Dar-" Raye began.

"Oh nothing!" Serena said interrupting , Raye jabbed her in the rib, Serena whimpered.

"So what are you guys doing for spring break?" Lita said.

The group dispersed, leaving Darien, Raye and Serena, they sat away from each other, trying to not make it even more awkward.

"Well, I better get going." Darien said breaking the awkward silence while checking his watch; 4:30.

"Wait! Darien." Raye blurted out.

"What is it ,Raye?" Darien glared at the raven haired female.

"If you can prove to me that you two aren't dating-"

"WE AREN'T DATING!" Darien and Serena shouted in unison.

"Wait, you haven't let me finished, plus I'm not sure either. This week, just this whole week, you guys aren't allowed to have any sexual or other kinds of that contact like kissing or touching each other." Raye stated, Serena gasped while Darien blinked countlessly.

"That'll be easy, I'll just stay home all week, it's spring break anyway." Serena said carefree.

"Ah-uh, Serena you'll have to stay at Darien's." Raye Replied, Serena almost fell off the chair whilst Darien almost fell over.

"I'm not staying at this asshole's house!" Serena shouted in a whisper voice.

"And I'm not letting this brat stay in my house!" Darien shouted.

"Okay then, Hey Andrew!" Raye said and walked over to the sandy blonde.

"Did you hear about-" Raye said

"Raye! Wait!" Shouted Serena across the arcade.

"Meatball-head! What are you doing?!" Darien whispered.

"Saving our asses!" She replied and gestured Raye to come over.

"Yes?" Raye smirked.

"We'll do it." Serena murmured.

"Sorry couldn't hear you can you speak up." Raye said cupping her hand around her ear.

"We'll do it." The golden haired blonde spoke up , louder.

"Great!" Raye exclaimed and casually made her way outside.

"Hey Raye! What happens if we complete the challenge?" Darien spoke up. Raye shrugged and strolled her way to her temple.

"Ugh, I'll go get my stuff." Serena sighed.

"You don't have to do this." Darien whispered.

"And if we don't Raye's big mouth will tell everyone we know we're dating, and it will ruin our reputation!" Serena replied , Darien thought for a minute.

"Yeah, I guess so I don't want everyone to harass me." He groaned , he quickly check his watch.

"Meet me at the front of the crown arcade, at 5:30." Darien said and strolled out the arcade.

Serena knew what Raye was doing, she was hooking up Darien and her together. Well Serena was not going to fall in love with the jerk , Darien, even if it was the last thing she do.