Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

Chapter 5

Touko walked into Nimbasa city. There were people everywhere. It was hard to get by the crowds of people. Touko moved towards the edge of the sidewalk so she only had to deal with people on one side of her.

Touko started to think about her friends, she was worried about them. All of a sudden there was a hand on Touko's shoulder, it pulled her back into the ally and against the wall. Touko jumped in surprise and started to struggle. She opened her mouth and was about to scream when another hand was placed on her mouth.


Touko looked up and saw the man that had started it all.

"I wanted to see you." N said.

He removed his hand from her mouth.

"Your friends are near. They wouldn't accept the idea to see you and me together. That is why I planned this crowd, they are all Team Plasma members, well not all of them are. Some civilians got curious why there were so many people so they joined in."

They both stood there in silence. N had a stern look on his face. Ready to accept whatever Touko would yell at him. Touko tried to look strong, she didn't want to show him any weakness.

"Why?" She finally asked.

"Why what?" He asked, confused.

"Why would you do all of this for me?" She asked.

"I told you, we are destined together. I've seen it. I can't tell you anything else, all I can tell you is that we are destined." N said with a little smile.

Touko started to get frustrated, "then why did your dad and your grunts attack me and my friends?"

N stepped back. His face turned into confusion.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. My dad wouldn't do such things. He respects my decisions in doing these things."

Touko lifted up her arm and showed N the hand print on her arm. "Then why would he do this to me? He showed up out of nowhere and threatened me to stay away from you. He sent your grunts after my friends and threatened them to stop helping me."

She grew angry. The thought of those mindless grunts hurting her friends made her want to fight N even more.

N could see that she was angry, he didn't want anything to happen to her, he only wanted her to believe in their destiny.

N took a deep breath, "Touko, you have to understand that I told all of Team Plasma and the Seven Sages to not harm you or your friends. I had no clue that my dad wanted to hurt you or your friends."

He grabbed her arm and examined the burn. Touko just stared at him. He looked hurt that his own father would betray his orders and hurt the one he was destined with.

N grazed his hand on the burn. Touko shivered, she wanted him to just hold her right there. She didn't want him to worry about her anymore. Touko started to pull her arm back.

"No don't, let me at least bandage up your arm." N said softly. Touko stopped.

N tore the bottom of his shirt off and wrapped it around her arm.

"That's the only thing I can do right now. I am sorry that I can't do anything more to help that injury. I give you my word that I am going to talk to him personally. This should not have happened. I am sorry that it has."

Touko looked into his eyes. She could see the sadness over flowing in his green eyes. She couldn't help stare at the eyes that were filled with so many emotions but still had strength to do the things that he believed in.

N broke the stare and looked up into the sky. He took her hands into his and looked back down at her.

He had a smile on his face. "Let me make it up to you. This should have never happened and now it's my turn to fix it. Let me take you out for a nice cold drink."

Touko was shocked, she didn't expect him to want to go do anything. "My friends are waiting for me. They will worry if I don't show up soon."

"It won't take long, we can go somewhere just around the corner. Plus, it will be hard for them to find you in this crowd."

She stood there trying to think if this was a good idea or not. 'I want to go, but I can't just let my friends wait in this heat. But if I do go I can learn more about N and about his plan.'

"Okay, I will go with you. I can only go with you for a few minutes. If I am gone to long they will get suspicious and come looking for me."

A smile grew on his face all the way to his eyes.

"I promise that you will have a good time." He said with happiness in his tone.

N's smile was contagious, she couldn't help but smile back.

N dropped one of her hands and started to pull her behind him. He had a skip in his step. Touko couldn't help but stare at the man who wants to tear pokémon from their loved ones.

"Why were you waiting for me in this ally?" Touko asked while he pulled her down the alley.

N continued walking, "I wanted to see you. Even if you didn't want to see me, I just wanted to see you. There is something about you. I can't explain it, but it makes me want to help the trapped pokémon even more."

Touko's smile disappeared, she let herself be pulled by N. 'I help him want to free pokémon? But, how?"

N pulled her around a corner and walked into a café. N stopped and dropped her hand. She looked around. There were only a few people sitting in the café.

They all looked up. Shock grew on all the faces.

"Lord N!" One of the customers yelled out. They all stood up and bowed. "We didn't know you were coming." One customer stammered, "if we did, we would have prepared for better accommodations for you and your guest."

N raised his hand. "You can all sit down, please. I am here as a guest and you are all doing marvelous work."

They all sat down with confusion on their faces. The slowly went back to what they were doing, taking quick glances at their King and his guest.

A waiter ran out of the kitchen and bowed at N. "What can I help you with sire?"

"Me and my guest will like some drinks, I will take some Tea and Touko will have….?" N turned toward Touko. She looked at him.

"Oh, um I will have a glass of Lemonade please."

"Of course," the waiter said. He bowed again and walked back into the kitchen.

N led her to a table in the back corner of the café. She sat down on one side of the booth and N sat on the other side.

Touko looked around, "so this café is owned by Team Plasma?"

"Yes, sometimes the members don't feel safe going to cafes without people they trust. They get worried that some of Unova's citizens will hurt them. "

"Go figure." She whispered.

She looked at N. He was staring at her with a smile on his face. "Why are you so smiley?" She asked.

"I can't believe that I am finally doing something with you. I have dreamt of this day for a while and it is finally happening." He said. Touko didn't think his smile couldn't get bigger but it seemed to have gotten bigger.

She smiled and laughed. "Are you finally going to tell me about our destiny?" She said while saying destiny with a sarcastic tone.

"I've told you, I can't tell you. You have to figure it out yourself. If I tell you, you will either do the exact opposite of our destiny, which will only lead in hurting you more but still bringing you to our destiny or you will run into it not knowing what to do."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me. I still have the choice with accepting this destiny or not."

"We will see." He said, he looked away from her and stared at the wall."

She as well looked away and looked around the café again. All the grunts were looking at newspapers and drinking their drinks.

"Touko," N said softly.

She looked over at him. He had a soft look in his eyes.

"I want you to be with me always. I don't want to let you go."

She was shocked. "…N, you know that I can't stay with you. My friends need me and I need them."

"You don't have to need them. You can have me as your friend. I will always be there for you." He said with sadness starting to fill his whole face.

Touko gave him a soft smile and put her hands on his hands that were on the table. "I know you would be there for me. But I can't be with someone who wants to take away pokémon from their loved ones. I am sorry N."

N pulled his hands away from hers. He looked away and stared at the ground.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

The waiter walked up and set the drinks on the table. "Enjoy your drinks." He bowed and walked away.

N took his drink in his hand and stared at the liquid inside the cup.

"I know you can't go with me. I just wish you could." He said softly.

"I know." She said. She took a sip of her lemonade.

"N, why do you want to separate pokémon from their friends?" She said.

N didn't look at her. He just stared at his drink. "I don't think it is right that pokémon have to be slaves to their owner's commands."

"Do you honestly believe that?" She asked, trying not to be rude at the same time.

"Yes, I do. I hope that someday you will come to that knowledge as well. I hope that you can see what I can see and join me."

Touko looked at N, he started to sit up more, he started to act and look more like a king.

I'm going to do everything that is possible to stop all those who horribly trapped pokémon in those retched poke balls."

"Then you are going to have to stop me." Touko said. She slowly got over to the edge of the seat and stood. She stood with her back to him.

"I know I will Touko and I don't know if I really can." She could tell there was sadness in his voice.

Touko stood up straight and started to pull money out of her pocket.

"I can pay for this Touko. You just go meet your friends"

Touko turned her head a little so N could see a little of her face.

"I still believe in myself and my pokémon and I believe that we can beat you. I hope you will be ready for that fight when it happens. I am not giving up on my rights and Unova's rights. I hope you can see that soon. Goodbye N."

Touko walked out of the café and back into the alley where she was grabbed.

She didn't want to think about N and the sadness he carried with him.

She walked into the crowd and walked towards the gates of the amusement parks where her friends will be happily waiting for her.

Sorry that this one took a while to come out. It got kind of busy over here on my end.

Hope you enjoyed.

Review if you want to.

Have a wonderful day!