Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon.

Chapter 1:

Touko was in Nimbasa city. She was having a good day. She just defeated the cities gym leader, Elesa, and got the Bolt Badge. She wanted to go do something exciting, something that would help her calm down and think what she needed to do next. She looked around and saw that the amusement park was only a block away. She calmly, but quickly, walked over to the entrance and paid the entrance fee.

Immediately she felt lonely. All those who were there were couples. Everywhere she looked there were couples.

"If only Touya was here." She thought to herself.

"Maybe even Cheren or Belle… Being here with anyone would have been better than being by myself."

She continued walking around until she saw the Ferris wheel.

"You know what? Looking out at the town will make me feel better." She mumbled to herself.

She got in line and waited. After a couple of minutes she was led onto the Ferris wheel. She knew that she was going to be put with a stranger. She didn't even look at who got on with her when they got on; she stared out the window, looking at the beauty of Unova.

The ride started to move. She quickly took a glance at her partner, curious who the park attendants partnered her up with. To her surprise he was looking at her. She turned her body to look at him. She didn't like it when someone stared at her; she had to stare him down but she couldn't help but to look at his features, he had green long hair, green eyes, and a Saturn necklace.

"He is pretty cute." She thought.

"I've been watching you." He said.

"EH?!" She said. She quickly moved on her guard, sitting up straight and ready to pull out her Pignite.

"I've been watching you ever sense you started training. You have been doing pretty well, better than most trainers."

"Who are you?" She finally managed to ask.

"I'm N, King of Team Plasma." He said with a little smile.

"What?!" She stood up and had her poke ball in her hand.

She couldn't believe what she just heard. She is riding the Ferris wheel with the King of Team Plasma.

"With all my luck I get stuck in a Ferris wheel with the King of Team Plasma. Why couldn't it have been some normal old guy or something?" She mumbled to herself.

N chuckled. "There is no need to worry. I'm harmless right now; I do not plan to hurt you. I just want to take a ride with a special girl."

Touko blushed, "a special girl?" She thought, "Am I really that special?"

Touko sat back down and continued to look at N.

"Ever sense I saw you." He said while turning to look out the Ferris wheel window, "I felt that we had to meet, that we were destined to be great together."

Touko watched him carefully; she could see emotions stirring through his eyes. His body was stiff; trying not to show anything but his eyes were filled with emotions he was having problems handling.

"Destined to be great together?" She asked, "I don't understand what you mean?"

N looked back at her and gave her a childish smile.

"You will." He said softly. He walked over to the door and opened it. He turned around and leaned forward. He got face to face with Touko. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"We will meet soon." He backed away and jumped out of the ride. Touko jumped up and looked out, making sure she kept a tight hold onto the ride. N rolled onto the ground, stood up, turned around and looked up at her. He gave her a smile and disappeared behind the game stalls.

She sat back down onto the soft little ride. She touched her lips.

"What was that?" She whispered. She kept thinking of the kiss for the rest of the ride, blushing the whole time.

The ride finally got to the bottom.

"WHAT?!" Yelled the Ferris wheel attendant.

"Why is the door open? Wasn't there another guy riding with you?" He asked nervously.

Touko looked at him with a dazed look.

"Oh, he decided to jump out." The attendant looked worried. He started to say something but Touko cut him off.

"Don't worry, he is fine." She said as he jumped out of the Ferris wheel and walked away.

Touko slowly looked around for N. She wanted to ask him what that was all about but she knew she wasn't going to be able to see him again for a while.

"Destined for greatness together? What does that even mean?!" She said softly but loudly enough for the people around her to hear. She looked up and gave them a sheepish smile and walked out of the park.

"Touko!" She turned around and saw Cheren and Belle running towards her.

Touko turned and looked at them. She still had a dazed look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Asked Belle. Belle had brought her arms around Touko. Cheren was looking at her, studying her.

"Did you lose against Elesa?" He said with a mocking tone in his voice.

Touko snapped out of her dazed look at gave Cheren an evil look.

"No!" She yelled as pulled out her badge and pushing Belle aside. "I won!" She tossed the badge in Cherens face. He gave her a little smile and threw her badge back at her.

"Why are you guys here anyways?" She asked while putting her badge away.

"We saw some Team Plasma members so we fought them. After we won we chased them but we saw you instead." Said Belle, happily saying they found Touko instead.

"Team Plasma was here?" She thought. "Maybe they were here keeping guard out for N."

"That is weird; did they tell you why they were here?"

"No, they left after they lost." Cheren said.

"Probably because they are sore losers and couldn't stand looking at the winners." Touko said proudly

The 3 of them laughed until there was silence.

No one said anything for a couple of minutes.

"Let's keep moving! I want to go see the rest of Unova!" Belle had finally said after that silence.

"Okay." Touko said with a smile, forgetting all about N, the kiss and their destiny to be together.

Hey guys, this is my first story on here, I really love Touko and N and I wanted to write a story about them,

There will be multiple chapters, hopefully more will put up soon.

Comment if you like it, even if you have suggestions, that would be awesome as well. :D