Shattered memory

It was a warm day in the woods near Waycross. We had ran into the woods that day to explore its natural beauty. However after a few hours we found a man collecting water from a river. We stopped shocked. It looked like Michael.

"Hey who are you?" I asked walking up to him.

"I'm Peter. I hope I'm not a bother. I'm just getting water for a friend." He said.

"It's ok. You just look like someone I know." I said. After a few minutes of talking, we found out that his camp was nearby. Taking a moment to confer my friends and I decided to help. After an hour of hiking we made it to his camp. Suddenly he stopped. Turning to us, he seemed to look at us quizzically.

"Thank you for your help. May I ask your names?" He said.

"I'm Janie, this is Josh, Callyann, Rose, and Charlie." I said. He led us into the camp. Curious onlookers peered though their tent zippers at us. This felt like the longest walk ever. That was until I saw a friendly face. With a regal swagger, Ben strode towards us.

"Peter you've returned and I see you brought friends." He said.

"Yes Master they wish to help us." Peter (Michael) said.

"Do they? Good, I'm Jesus, follow me please." He said waling toward a tent.

"I'm Janie; this is Rose, Callyann, Josh, and Charlie." I said.

"Nice to meet you, and thank you for helping Peter, and I have someone else for you to meet," He said and he looks towards the tent. "Mary we have some visitors who might raise your spirits."

"You may come in Master." Someone said weakly. When we entered the tent I looked on in with shock. Lying on a cot was my aunt. She was dressed in the Mary Magdalene costume and sickness had ravaged her body. Her face was sunken in and her limbs were withered. The only healthy part of her was her pregnant belly.

"Aunt Mel?" I said without a thought.

"Who?" she asked weakly.

"Sorry you remind me of my missing aunt." I said bashfully.

"It's alright, I know you miss her." She said weakly but warmly.

"I'm Janie by the way." I said.

"Please to meet you. I'm Mary." She said weakly.