Coming of the disciples

I found a woman collapsed into a heap on the street. She was sobbing and her face was covered with bruises from an apparent stoning. She had dreads with feathers, a leather jacket, a white dress, black boots and a green over the shoulder bag. She was rubbing a bulging pregnant belly. She looked up revealing hazel eyes and a split lip. She seemed familiar.

"Ma'am are you alright?" I asked walking over to her.

"Yes, I'm more concerned about my baby though." She replied sobbing, "who are you?"

"I'm Janie, and who are you?" I asked.

"Mary Magdalene, thank you very much." She replied.

"Why were they stoning you?" I asked

"My profession. I'm a prostitute." She replied.

"Still you don't deserve that." I said sweetly helping her up.

"I just hope they didn't hurt the baby. I think it's in shock." She said,

"Me too." I said. With that we walked down the street. Pass byers glared at us. Some picked up stones and piously began to throw them at us. She ducked and tried to protect her belly. Irritated I wasn't going to stand for this. I had to help.

"You guys have no right to do this!" I yelled at them

"It's fine, I'm use to it." She replied sadly holding her belly.