
sorry it took so long to update, hope you still enjoy!


Shit shit shit

Raph used to think the worst headache he could get was from drinking that Russian beer that Casey insisted on drinking. It normally took more than 5 dosages of Don's 'hangover cure' to get rid of them?

But this headache knocked all those headaches over with a semi-truck and backed over them again.

Shit this hurt.

Worse than the pointed rock stabbing into his forehead in a poorly thought out pillow. A growl traveled up from his throat and rippled through his lips in a snarl. He tried to use hand to rub his aches when pain shot up his forearm, a cry of pain shot through his lips as he flipped over onto his shell- the sound of crunching rocks filled the air.

Then everything came back to him


His eyes shot open, though the world around his was even darker than the one behind his eyelids. Raph all but flipped over onto his knees, forearm plastered to his chest, "Donnie?!" he yelled into the dark. He could still remember holding him when they had fallen down the hole-


They had been dragged down the hole-

He could worry about that later; his free hand felt around the ground, crawling forward desperate to feel anything besides shattered stone-

His fingers brushed against a warm flesh. Heart leaping up to his chest as his fingers griped it tightly, "Donnie!?"

A faint moan reached his ears, a sign of consciousness that almost made him jump out of his skin. Fingers reached into his belt and drew outa sturdy metal flash light, his thumb clicking on the end.

A olive green face was illuminated, his mask torn slightly but his eye lids moved and twitched ever so lightly in response to the light, "owww." Don's arm went up to block the light from his closed eyes,


"Yeah its me bro." it was hard not to feel relieved. He didn't' even want to think about what he would have to do if Donnie hadn't been awake. His arm curled and took Don around the shoulders, "Come on sit up man."

"I'm tryin'." Raph could feel Don lean more of his weight against Raph's arm as he began to scoot back. don's face suddenly twisted up as a small gasp of pain left his lips, arms wrapping around his chest as he doubled over


"I-I think I hit something."

OH shit, how many times did he say that now? Raph moved up to his knees his hand brushed against the ground bringing another yelp form his lips, "DAM-"

"Did you break something too?"

"I jus' tweaked something-"

But Donnie already took a hold of Raph's elbow, "Aim the light at your arm."

Raph would of rolled his eyes if Don hadn't chosen that moment to press his thumbs into his wrist, a small snarl left his lips, 'DAM be-careful-"

"I'm trying, I don't think its bad its just a fracture."

Just a fracture? He wasn't sure whether to feel relieved that it wasn't worse or angry that he had yelped over a fracture. "Joy."

"It could be worse." Don gave him a smile before reaching into his belt," I should have some bandages to keep the swelling down.

"What about your ribs?"

"We can't exactly wrap them, and there's nothing we cn do about them either so all I can do is focus on you."

He really didn't' like the idea of being 'nursed' for something as stupid as a fracture, but with a groan he held his arm out again shining his flash light on Don's belt so he could get his medical stuff out, "Mazing' Don. You pack bandages, and every other thing but you forgot your own freaking in haler and flashlight."

"You know I feel about inhalers, and my flashlight broke when we fell."

"sure." but it was probably the truth. While keeping his light on Don (and ignoring the pain of having his wrist wrapped) he looked back up the way they had fallen. He wasn't' sure how far they had fallen, but it had to be pretty far, "You don' happen to have your shell cell on you do you?"

"I should," well that was something; Raph watched as his arm was tied off, raising the light to Don's belt as his hands returned to his gear. Fingers around the edge for a moment slowly at first then back over in a faster motion,"It's gone."

"What do you mean its gone?"

"It's GONE, it's not THERE-"

"Did you forget it?!" he could hear the ground crunch light when Don's shape turned to him in, Raph could only assume in a glare, "No I didn't' FORGET. I never leave without it."

"You forget your inhaler enough." He didn't meant o sound like such a bitchy little girl. And Don's 'glare' told him he had been just that, "Sorry." he reached and put his flashlight in Don's hand, Raph reached for his belt, "We'll use mine-" his fingers brushed over the empty space in his belt. Fingers digging into the space, did it move? He felt around the outside of the belt, to check to see if it had shifted around.

It was gone

Did it fall out?! was it laying around here somewhere?! Raph's hand shot up to grab Don by the shoulder; "I'll be right back." taking the flashlight out of his hands, "Don't move."

"Where would I go?" There was a tinge of humor in his brothers voice, but Raph couldn't bring himself to smile back, with the popping of joints he rose back up to his feet, shining the light over the ground.

For a place that used to be part of the subway, it looked like a cave out of some tunnel out of a Indiana Jones Movie. The light made the shadows shift around the rocks like shady characters in a bar avoiding the eye line of a cop. "Shit." it couldn't of fallen too far could it? He rose his light back up the walls-



Slowly he raised the light up the wall, the illumination shining off the rocks and the curved ceiling above them.

A ceiling

Raph's heart began to beat louder in his chest, causing a throb that made his arm ache. the light searched for some sort of opening, for some hell they could of bounced out of. Running alongside the end of the tunnel they were stuck in. Other than the tunnel itself, there was no opening.

No sign they had fallen, other than their aching bodies and bruises and the pain pulsing through his wrist

The panic would have sent his mind through a painful cycle of anger and frustration. But his heart began to quail. As the name of his companion reminded him of his real situation


The smart one

The genius

The one with all the answers.

"Don, you seeing this bro?" he called lightly, the echo of his own voice going back to him. The cold draft of the tunnel waved over his skin. But no answer came to him; he pointed his flashlight back to the ceiling, "Look at it, what the hell happened?" But no answer came. Then a sound followed


"Donnie?" He turned the flash light back towards the ground, catching olive green skin of his immediate younger brother. His hands to his chest as his eyes squeezed shut


"DON!" he ran back over, yanking the inhaler out "Use it NOW!"

Donnie nodded snatching the inhaler out of his hands and pressing the nozzle against his mouth. Raph couldn't help but feel relieved at the sound of soft mist being injected down his airway, his wheezing letting up slowly. Raph's eyes closed slowly as he reached and put his hand on his brother's neck, gently pressing his forehead into the side of his brother's head, "You ok bro?"

"Yeah," his voice was tinged, but the fact he was breathing again made him feel better, "Maybe I should remember to bring my inhaler with me from now on. If you hadn't been here I would have been in a bad situation."

"Yer dam right." he smiled lightly. Raph pulled his head away lightly to look down the tunnel.

Shell-cells gone

The very hole they had fallen down gone.

What the hell was this place?