This is my first crossover. I got the idea from a meme that contained both Cana and Nami and I thought, "Why not?"

Pirates At Fairy Tail!

In the vast, cobalt blue sea, the Thousand Sunny sailed across the boundless sea. her crew consisted of nine silly, but powerful people, including a raccoon, or is it a reindeer? Her captain sat on her prow, a large lion head, his straw hat resting upon his face. It was Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will become King of the Pirates!

"Luffy!" called a high-pitched voice. It was his navigator Nami. She strolled over to him holding a map. When their cook, Sanji, saw her, blood splurted from his nose, turning his clothes into a red mess. "Luffy, we need to be careful around these waters, there's been word of strange typhoons that sweep ships away."

Luffy only grinned like the idiot he was. "Don't worry Nami, the Thousand Sunny can withstand anything that comes her way!" No one noticed, but a large sweat drop appeared on the lion's head. Luffy hoped off and went around the deck, watching his crew members. He watched Zoro lifting weights of three tons in his arms, Usopp was working on his weapons, and Robin was reading beside her garden, where she has a dew arms watering the plants. Luffy was so happy for his family; they knew how to relax at sea.

It was some time later when a typhoon hit them. The crew ran to their positions to lower the sails, and control the ship in the storm. Without warning, the storm lifted the ship into the sky, high above. Everyone was afraid, except for Luffy, who was getting excited. "Smells like an adventure guys!" he called. Everyone took refuge with the ship's body, except Chopper, who felt content with hugging Zoro's head. The storm swept them further up into the sky, before setting them back down gently in the water.

The crew regained their bearings and saw that their surroundings have changed completely. they were surrounded by only ocean before they went up, now there was land around them, and the typhoon had disappeared from view.

"What happened?" said a puzzled Sanji. "Something was weird about that typhoon that caught us. A small boat containing two men drifted by them, heading for the mainland.

Luffy rushed to the port side. "Oi! Is there a place where we can dock and get something to eat?" he called. One of the men stared up at Luffy.

"Ah yes, there's a harbor nearby. Follow us there, and we can point the way forward for you," he said. Luffy said his thanks and followed the boat to the harbor located in the town of Hargeon. They docked there and followed the men to a part of town.

"Now then, here, we have several restaurants and shops you can go to, but if you want something better, you should head to Magnolia via the train station. They have much more to offer." The kind fisherman gave Nami instructions to the train station and bid them farewell. Wandering through the streets proved to be tiresome and annoying, as random people would scream at Brook, babbling things like "Black magic", before running in terror. Some would ogle at Franky's robotic body, and even Nami and Robin, only to be threatened by Sanji. A couple kids even came up to them to look at Chopper, calling him a strange raccoon or tanooki.

At the train station, they ran into even more trouble when they discovered that their money is foreign to the people, as they only accept jewels. Nami took a sapphire from her pouch and showed it to the ticket booth man. Sadly, he had to refuse it.

"Now what are we going to do?" moaned Usopp. "We have no money, and we have no idea how we even got this country." Luffy racked his brain to come up with a solution. It did not take long for him.

"We could just fight our way onto the train," he said. Sanji kicked him upside the head.

"Dumbass! We're not here to fight! We don't want to become wanted men in this place!" Sanji screamed. Then Usopp and Chopper caught Nami trying to steal a few people's wallets.

"Nami! What did Sanji just say?!" they yelled. Nami sighed and quit her pickpocketing right away.

Truly, they were at a lose, but fate seems to favor them, as a group of strange people walked by and stopped to look at them. They were just as strange as the Straw Hats were to anyone there.

One of them was a teen boy wearing a scarf with vibrant pink hair spiked up. On his shoulder rested a cute, blue cat. And it was flying with wings! Another one of them was a blonde with a pouch of keys at her belt, and she was carrying a bag and a strange, little, white creature that looked like a dog. She had a look of horror upon her face, probably due to Brook's skeletal nature. Another was a boy with black hair, and he was partly naked, wearing only pants, leaving his chest exposed. Nami commented to Robin how sexy he looked, sending Sanji in tears.

The last person, and probably the weirdest was a teenage girl with scarlet red hair, a suit of armor, a sword, and she was dragging a cart holding at least a dozen suitcases of different sizes. She looked at each of the Straw Hats with wonder.

"May I help you?" she asked in a calm tone. Her friends looked at her with shock.

"Do you not see the walking skeleton before you Erza?!" screamed the blonde. She slowly turned her head to find the skeleton inches from her face. She shrieked.

"Hello there," said Brook. The blonde began sweating furiously. "Can I borrow some money?"

"Hell no!' she screamed.

"Oh, then may I see your panties?" The color drained from the girl's and the two boys's faces.

The blonde responded with a kick to Brook's skeletal balls, then one to the face, knocking him into the floor. "Yo ho ho ho!" he said with delight.

The pink haired boy introduced himself to Luffy as Natsu Dragneel. The others were Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfillia, Erza Scarlet, and their cat Happy. Luffy introduced himself and his crew to them as well.

"So," muttered Natsu. "Where'd you get the robot dude, and how is Brooks alive? If it's dark magic, we'll have to arrest you." He looked at Luffy with a stern look. The crew could not believe this kid has the guts to stand up to Luffy like that.

Luffy laughed. "That's funny! Brook ate the revive-revive fruit, so he can live forever!" Natsu and his friends were a little confused by this.

"Well, it doesn't matter," said Erza. "Where are you all heading now?"

Robin explained the situation to Erza, ending with them having no money. "Well, that's quite a problem. Luckily, we just got back from a job, so if you want, we can pay for your tickets." Erza smiled, but Lucy was not happy about the idea considering that Brook was staring at her, even though he had no eyes.

"I'm not sitting next to him," Lucy whispered.

"I'll sit with you Lucy-san!" said Sanji as his cigarette smoke formed hearts. A sweat drop appeared on Lucy's head.

"I'd rather sit with the skeleton."

On the train, everyone was enjoying their new friends. Lucy took an interest in Chopper. "So what are you, you cute little thing?" she asked in a sweet voice, making Chopper blush.

"I-I'm just a reindeer," he muttered. Lucy started petting his belly.

"Well, you are just so cute!" She nestled him into her chest, sending him into a squirm. The others giggled to themselves, except for Sanji, who was pissed with Chopper's position.

Nami took hold of Happy in her arms. He snuggled up to her right away. "Aw! He's so cute and sweet!" she cooed. "Where did you get him?"

Natsu smiled. "I hatched him from an egg years ago. Everyone at the guild loves him, he's my friend, right Happy?"

"Aye sir!" Happy said. Everyone was shocked.

"He talks?!" said a flabbergasted Luffy. Natsu and Gray laughed.

"Yeah, we don't understand it, but magic is definitely involved with our little friend," said Gray, who was now naked, despite being dressed a few minutes ago.

"Gray, your clothes," Erza mentioned. Gray gasped and dressed with haste while Luffy and Usopp roared with laughter.

In time, they reached Magnolia station, where Natsu and his friends led the crew to their guild hall, Fairy Tail. "This is Fairy Tail, Straw Hats," said Natsu.

Everyone was in awe; it looked so beautiful to them. "It looks incredible," Luffy uttered.

Before they could enter, Erza stopped them at the door. "Now listen, you are guests here. Follow the rules, be respectful to the guild members, and try not to cause trouble. If you do, I will make you regret coming here." Everyone could feel a dark shadow hovering over them at Erza's words. Even Natsu, Gray, and Lucy felt afraid. Only Luffy was not scared, as he was too busy picking his nose to listen.

"We promise."

"Good. Then welcome to Fairy Tail!" And they entered the guild hall.

What hijinks will the Straw Hat crew get into inside? Remember to leave a review, it helps a lot, and I'll see you next time.