I'm so so so sorry this had taken so long. It is short and terrible and I'M SO SORRY!

Thank you all for the reviews, follows and favorites! they mean a lot. And omg guys there's over 20,000 views on this story! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!?

North came home the next morning, feeling tired from his very long drive. He opened up the front door with his keys and let himself in. He put down his heavy bags and coats to the side in the hall, making his way over to the kitchen to get some coffee.

His eyes were barely open and went straight to the fridge, he stopped when he stepped on something. He looked down and realised it was a ripped condom packet. He then looked around the kitchen.

A shirt he hadn't seen before was on the floor in the corner, one sock was in the middle of the room and a pair of trousers were flung onto the edge of the kitchen counter.

North then looked to the kitchen doorway where he saw another shirt in the hall. He walked through and found another sock at the top of the stairs and a sticky substance on a lower one.

He decided not to look any further and scar himself anymore. 'JACK! HICCUP! CLEAN THIS UP NOW!' North shouted up the stairs and went back to make his coffee.


Jack was woken by North shouting. 'JACK! HICCUP! CLEAN THIS UP NOW!' He felt his cheeks tint pink, Jack sat up and realised he and Hiccup were both still fully didn't want to wake Hiccup, he looked so beautiful just laying there with only the sheets over his hip. He looked like an angel.

Hiccup woke because of Jacks movements and yawned. 'Why're you up? We don't have school today.'

'Err… Norths back early… and we left a erm.. mess down stairs.' Jack blushed.

Hiccup had to think for a second as he was still waking up but he soon caught on and his cheeks also tinted pink.

The boys quickly got dressed (Jack obviously taking a few peeks) and cleaned up the mess from the previous night while North gave them a very awkward talking to.

North wasn't mad that they had sex, he was mad they did it throughout the house but he wasn't mad they had sex.


'Thank you for having me tonight, I like having dinner here.' Aster said to Toothless' mother who was trying to get Jacob to eat his mushy peas. She smiled over at him.

'It's always a pleasure to have you over Aster, the doors always open for you.' She said as she wiped some of Jacobs's food from his chin.

'Thank you, Toothless has taken a shining to you. I've never seen him so serious with anybody.' She said smirking as she wiped the rest of the mushy peas off the baby. Toothless blushed deeply and mumbled as he gathered up the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

Aster couldn't help but grin at the statement. Aster stood and thanked Toothless' mother for the dinner. Toothless walked him to his bedroom.

'So I was meaning to ask you… I know you don't wanna talk about it but Aster… please tell me about the cuts and bruises.' Toothless said sitting down on the bed while Aster stood awkwardly and sighed.

'I… it's been goin' on for a while… he beats me when I don't do well in school. And that's what leaves the bruises. T-the cuts… well they're scars really and they were self-inflicted. A few years ago.. I went through a hard time.' Aster said as quickly as possible. Toothless blinked and his face softened. Asters eyes gathered with tears and he quickly blinked them away.

'Come here.' Toothless opened his arms and Aster sat in his lap. He rested his head against Toothless' neck and let out a sigh.

'I don't want you to hurt.' Toothless barely even whispered. Aster looked at him for a second, then peck his lips quickly, staring at him again and then pecking him on the lips repeatedly till Toothless had enough and held his face while they kissed, forcing him to stay.

They moved together till a gentle moan escaped Toothless and Aster stopped. He admired Toothless' face for a moment.

'Do you know how much I love you?' Aster asked. Toothless smiled softly.

'You've never said it before.' Toothless smiled wider as he watched the dark blush spread across Asters cheeks. 'I love you too.'

Aster beamed. 'You love me.' He whispered in disbelief. Toothless chuckled and rolled on top of Aster on the bed.

'I love you, I love you, I love you.' He repeated as he kissed Aster all over his face and neck. They laughed together and stayed like that, tangled on the bed together till they fell asleep.


'So how're you and Jack?' Aster asked as he turned his wheel as they played Mario cart. Hiccup waited for a moment so he could concentrate on the track.

'We're actually really good.' Hiccup grinned and tinted red as he remembered that night. Aster glanced down at Hiccup who was sitting on the floor with his back to the bed as he played. He noticed Hiccup stiffen and the expression on his face.

'You sure mate?' Aster asked concerned at the way his friend was acting. Hiccup nodded and smiled. 'God dammit Hiccup! How do you always win at this game! You don't even have it!'

'I'm just that amazing.' Hiccup grinned as he put his controller down. Aster chucked.

'So… are you gonna tell me what happened with you and frostbite or do I have to guess?' Aster asked.

Hiccup sighed and sat on the bed and laid back. 'We did it.'

'Did what?' Aster asked innocently. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

'We… we canoodled.' Hiccup said quickly and put his hands over his face in embarrassment.

Aster burst out laughing. Hiccup hit him with a pillow. 'It's nothing to laugh about.' He yelled as he hit him.

Aster stopped Hiccup hitting him. 'I'm not laughing about you and frostbutt having sex! I'm laughing that you called it canoodling!' Aster burst out laughing again and this time so did Hiccup.


The next chapters more shall be storming huehuehuehue... and we have like 3 ish more chapters left? ish

Love you guys :)