Disclaimer: I do not own the DC comics, nor do I own the CW Arrow. This is purely for fun, and no copy right infringement intended.

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a fan fiction for Oliver and Felicity. The story starts after the second mid-season finale.

Chapter ONE

Oliver managed a curtsey knock on Felicity's apartment door. What he felt like doing was kicking the damn thing down. He breathed steadily trying to contain and focus his rage, something he brought back from the island with him. Muffled noises came from the other side of the door, and in his mind's eye, she was peering through the peep-hole. He knew she would answer, it wasn't like her to turn from a fight.

The door swung open, "Oliver." She calmly looked at him. He first noticed her eyes, like every other time, he then noticed that she was wearing her jacket and holding a suitcase. The contained rage managed to escape.

"Going somewhere?" He bit out.

"I wanted to get out of town."


"I've arranged for a temp for the next couple of days." He noticed she was using her professional Executive Assistant tone, and it irritated him.

"I asked where?" She slid past the door, before shutting and locking it. They were standing side by side, and he could smell her hair, which was distracting. He needed to focus, he came here to talk about boy wonder Barry Allen. Dig had all but begged him to stay away from her, but how could he? How could she have been so trusting? So foolish? Not with his secrets, but with hers and Digs.

"I don't need to tell you where? Your not my father, or my husband. Not that I would tell them either, but you know what I'm saying." She flushed a little but continued to move past him down the corridor. Not wanting to be left behind he followed her and reached for her arm.

"Felicity we need to discuss-"

"No, we don't need to discuss anything right now. You've made your opinions very very clear to me. I have a complete understanding of the disappointment you have in me regarding my choices this evening." She took a step closer, they were now inches apart, and her voice dropped to a whisper. "I already feel badly about what I did, I take full responsibility. But Oliver, if I was faced with the same decision, I would make the same one every time."

And before he could respond she turned and walked away. And what was he supposed to do. He couldn't very well follow her, he had a company to run, and later crime fighting. He shook his head, OK he would give her a few days. A few days would calm both of them, and then they would figure out what they would do about Barry Allen. In the mean time he would make sure Digs kept a close eye on him.

It wasn't easy walking away, but she knew he would stand his ground. She really couldn't understand why having Barry save his life had enraged him so. It was the most logical thing to do. Oliver was dying. She didn't have medical expertise, and Dig had only limited knowledge, they needed someone with in depth medical knowledge. The thought of Oliver laying helplessly on the steel table, life slipping out of his body, made her heart beat faster. It was so close this time, almost to close. If it hadn't been for Barry, where would she be right now? Trying to do a cover up for Oliver Queen's death, attending his funeral. Her eyes watered as she stared out of the bus window. Crying in public wouldn't make things easier to understand.

She told Oliver she needed a couple of days, but the truth was, she didn't know how long it would take to shake this feeling that had rocked her to her core. She had feelings for Oliver, and she needed to get them in check. He had told her as much, he couldn't have someone he cared about in her life. She hadn't counted on having these feelings, but without her knowing until tonight she now knew she couldn't pretend that they weren't there.

The bus finally pulled away from the station. It wasn't a long drive, but she didn't trust herself to drive it alone. Not without stopping to sob. She felt her phone vibrate in her hands. A part of her wanted to ignore it, but that's the thing about love, it just won't be ignored.

She breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn't Oliver calling, it was the hospital.


"Felicity Smoak?"

"Yes, speaking."

"It's Dr. Hanna, I just wanted to confirm your visit tonight."

"Yes, I know its late, but I really need to see him. And I haven't been to see him in a while. I know its late, I can come another time-"

"Felicity, of course come and see him. I just wanted to let you know that we don't have any spare guests rooms, but I have someone putting a small sofa in his room if that's ok."

"Yes, thank you."

"And I would like to discuss some other matters if your up to it as well."

"Absolutely." And she disconnected.

Chapter TWO


"Megan, sir, my name is Megan. Emily was your temp this morning" The temp agency had sent three secretaries yesterday and he was already working on the latest.

"Yes, sorry. I need the print outs of the quarterly budget, as well as the projected profit margins."

"I'll get right on it." Megan enthused, and then quickly added, "that's for this quarter Mr. Queen."

He had turned his back to go back in his office, but a sudden urge to bash his head against the glass wall came over him, and with great restrain he stopped himself. He slowly turned his head instead. "Yes, this quarter." Before moving into his office and closing his door. When he sat down, he grabbed the telephone and called the one person who should be having a hard time like himself.


"Digs, I need you to find where she is."


Oliver raised his eyes to the ceiling, "yes Felicity." There was a pause at the other end of the line. "What?"

"Oliver she asked for a couple of days, I'm sure she'll be back tomorrow morning."

"I won't make it that long."

"Temps giving you a hard time," he laughed.

"Well I can't imagine you're getting along much better." Again the pause, "What?" Oliver had an edge to his voice.

"Actually Barry is helping me keep up, he's got it covered."

"Great, and how are his typing skills, I might need him up here."

"I don't think you have Felicity up there with you for her typing skills." Before Dig made another comment Oliver hung up and leaned back in his chair. He couldn't wait here for her. It was making him crazy. And if your going to pretend to be a lazy playboy, you had to keep up appearances. Grabbing his suit jacket he breezed past the temp.

"Mr. Queen?! Um, where are you going.?"

"Out." He pushed the elevator door, and it pinged instantly, thanking above powers that he wouldn't have to bear anymore of Em-Megan's voice. The door opened and Isabel stood with her arms crossed. Damn above powers.

"Leaving after only a half day Oliver?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Need to," he paused to think of something suitable "see to my family." She didn't buy it, he knew and she knew it, but nothing more was said. The elevator ride down was excruciating. When the doors opened he moved past towards the doors.

His phone vibrated in his jacket. It was Dig.


"I'm here downstairs, I pinged Felicity's phone, she's at the hospital."

He spotted Dig before he hung up and hurried to the car. Hospital?! She's out of his sight for less than 24 hours, and she's at the hospital?

"I know you might be disappointed. You always thought I was going to be a rocket scientist or neurosurgeon. But I don't mind be an Executive Assistant. Not really, it's a good place to work. I don't know about long-term," she paused a moment to look out at window. It looked into other windows, people going about their everyday life. The sounds of the medical machines filled the air. She looked back at the guy in the bed. He had believed in her so heartedly for all those years before tragedy had taken him away.

"Like I was saying not long-term. I think my days are numbered because-" Even now she couldn't bring herself to say it. Like if it remained unspoken it could be ignored.

"Because?" The voice behind her asked. She turned and looked into the blue eyes that haunted her.

"Oliver? What are doing here?"

"Dig pinged your phone, and I got worried when it came back you were in the hospital."

"You shouldn't have come here. I told you a needed a couple of days." He didn't argue, he looked to the patient laying silently in the bed. His hair a dark shade of brown, his eyes were blue as well, but she was one of the few people who knew that. Since being admitted his eyes had remained closed, his body completely at rest as the machines pushed and pulled his body to keep living.

"Please leave."

"Felicity," Oliver sighed, "I think we need to start over again."

She gave him a curious look. "About Barry. I think I need to give you a chance to fully explain yourself, and why you chose to do what you did."

She raised an eyebrow at that, "the temps can't be that bad."

And for the first time, in a long time, he smiled back at her. He moved more into the room and went to sink into the sofa when he noticed the bed sheets. "Did you sleep here last night?" His voice gentle, but only she picked up on the edges of it. He was irritated again.



"Because they didn't have any more beds available."

Oliver moved to her other side. "Are you going to tell me who this is." She shook her head no, and looked up to him. He looked like a Greek god standing in front of the window with the afternoon light. It wasn't helping her cause to think of him like that.

"Okay." He tried again, but it didn't sound like it was going to be okay. If she knew Oliver, he would pursue it. "How about you tell me why is it you think that your days at Queen Consolidated are over?" Was there a hint of regret in his voice?

She was ready for this she mentally told herself, she had practiced this conversation in her head over and over. "You said it yourself Oliver. You can't trust me. And that's the bottom line. If you don't trust me, how can I be any help to you. I would always be just a liability. So I think its best if I just leave the team. Clean break and all that." Part of her was impressed how she held her eyes to his, how her voice didn't waiver. But now that the words were said, there was no taking them back.

"You don't mean that. Felicity we said things in the heat of anger-"

"Oliver, I meant every word." She began stroking the hand resting on the bed. "I think I need a break from everything for awhile."

"So your not coming back with me?"

She shook her head no as she stared intently on the man resting finding courage in his breathing.

"Ms. Smoak?" Dr Hanna called from the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt but I do need to speak to you for a few minutes. When you have a minute."

"Of course Doctor." Felicity tried one brave smile, "you shouldn't have come here. You need to go." Oliver just smiled a tight smile and one slow nod. His eyes searched hers for a weakness, but she wouldn't give him that. This needed to happen, the small amount of pain now, or a much greater pain when one day he wouldn't cheat death.