A/N: Hi! Okay, today I'm going to do something I've never done before: I'm going to post this chapter without proofreading it first. I've just been so busy lately, but I really wanted to give you a new chapter before Christmas. So, I'm hoping I haven't made any stupid mistakes, and of course I'll make sure to proofread it later.

Chapter 20! I still can't believe I've come this far. And it's been almost a year since I started writing this fic, too! I'm really happy that there are still people enjoying this fic, I really can't thank all of you enough for your support! Also, thanks a lot for helping me reach a hundred favorites! I'm very happy about that ^^

Happy Holidays to all of you! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter, it's my Christmas present to you ;D Please let me know what you think!

Okay, on to the reviews! :D

Visitor: I'm very honored to hear that, thank you very much! I'm glad you like Todou's role, I'm having a lot of fun writing him. He's such a sweet guy! At least, I've always felt that way when reading the manga. I love how enthusiastic he and Misaki can get about 'The Kan' xD And there will definitely be some more conversation between them and Shinobu in the future. Thank you so much for another kind review! :D

Bajusz: Hi! ^^ Thank you, I'm very glad to hear that! About the phone conversation…I read your comment and I was like: o my gosh, that's absolutely true! Honestly, I still don't know why that hasn't occurred to me at the moment…It's probably because I'd written the scene already from Hiroki's POV in the previous chapter, but since I didn't have the space there to elaborate on it, I kind of went with the 'Hiroki was super spaced out' thing. I'll definitely keep it in mind for future reference, though, so thank you for pointing it out and being honest with me. I'm really glad you liked the rest of the chapter, and guess which couple is back this chapter? ;D Thanks again and kisses back!

HarryXMeBandEvah: Thank you so much! :D

THOUGHTFULYAOI: Haha, thank you so much! xD I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying it :D And don't worry, I've been crazy busy as well, so I know how you feel. But I'm looking forward to talking to you again! :D Thank you for still following the story, even though you're busy on Wattpad, and thanks a lot for another wonderful review! ^^

Okay, now on to the story! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Junjou Romantica


Hiroki was nervous.

He didn't like to admit it, not even to himself, but he couldn't deny it either. It had been his turn to make breakfast that morning, and the smell of the eggs he'd been baking had almost made him throw up. His stomach was already so full of the figurative butterflies that nothing else seemed to fit in. On top of that, he hadn't been sleeping very well that night, which at that moment he'd ascribed to the fact that Nowaki had come home very late. Now, however, he knew he couldn't ignore the real reason behind it anymore.

This all wouldn't have been so bad if he'd had the day off. If that were the case, Hiroki would probably have taken a bath to relax first, and then he would have made a journey through the mountains of books he owned, eventually picking one to sit down with and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.

Instead, however, he would have to spent his day teaching insolent little brats who didn't give a damn about literature – not to mention that when he wasn't giving lectures, he would be surrounded by –


"…Professor Miyagi," he replied shortly before turning back to his laptop, fully intending to ignore the other man.

Miyagi, of course, didn't agree with that.

"Ah, why so cold, my sweet honey? Surely you've missed me as well."

Great, he's in one of his super cheerful moods.

Just barely suppressing a groan, Hiroki turned back around, giving Miyagi the most menacing glare he could manage.

He so didn't need this right now.

"May I remind you that we've seen each other only yesterday? And I told you to stop giving me weird nicknames."

Miyagi pouted, which looked absolutely ridiculous on him.

"Ah, Hiroki, how can you describe something that shows my endless love and affection for you as – ouch!"

Rubbing the sore spot on his head where the book had hit him, Miyagi frowned at Hiroki.

"Jeez, you didn't have to hit that hard!"

Hiroki just shook his shoulders before once again turning back to his work.

"You had it coming, professor. Seriously, I've lost count of the times that I asked you to stop calling me by my first name. It's really annoying."

Then he added, murmuring under his breath: "Plus neither Nowaki nor your little brat likes it."

Miyagi must have heard him anyway, for his face turned thoughtful and he was silent for a moment, apparently seriously taking his words into consideration this time.

Good, I hope he'll finally get it this time.

His hope was short-lived, though, because Miyagi's face already started to brighten again, a teasing glint appearing in his eyes and the corners of his mouth slowly turning upwards. Upon seeing the all too familiar expression on the professor's face, Hiroki let out a deep sigh.

Here we go again…

"Hmm…Is that it, perhaps?"

Even though he knew that he was doing exactly what Miyagi wanted him to, Hiroki couldn't help but turn around to face the man again. He immediately regretted it, though, when he noticed the smug look that Miyagi was giving him.

Damn my curiosity.

"What?" he asked, making sure that the irritation in his voice could clearly be heard. Miyagi just grinned in response, sitting down on his own chair and spinning it around until so that he could look Hiroki in the eyes.

"Ah, I was just wondering if my dear Hiroki doesn't get enough attention from his tall doctor, is all."

Seething with anger and desperately trying to stop his face from flaring up, Hiroki balled his fists in an effort not to reach out and throw another book at the man's head.

"Would you kindly mind your own business, professor Miyagi," he said, the sentence coming out as more of a statement than a question. "And I told you to stop calling me that!"

"But how should I call you then, honey~?" Miyagi asked innocently, his pout back in place. "Oh, wait – How is it that he calls you again? Hiro-san? Maybe I should – "

"Don't you dare!" Hiroki interrupted him, and this time Miyagi actually seemed a little taken aback by the glare he was giving him.

He huffed, turning back around to finally really start working.

'Stupid Miyagi' he thought, while searching his documents for the right file, 'as if I'd ever let him call me that'.

There was only one person in the world who was allowed to call him 'Hiro-san', after all.

He sighed a little when his thoughts once again drifted back to the upcoming evening. Truthfully, things had worked out way better than he'd expected until now – his mother, although surprised, seemed to be taking the news pretty well. His father, however…Hiroki bit his lip and let out another sigh.

I have absolutely no idea how he's going to react…But the chance that after tonight everything will be flowers and rainbows is very small.

Running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath, he tried to shake off the negative emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. It wasn't like he could do anything about it right now, so what use was there in worrying so much? Still, the nasty feeling that had settled in his stomach refused to go away.

They're my parents, after all. They drive me crazy sometimes, but I –

His eyes widened at his thoughts. No, no, no, this was not him! He definitely wasn't the kind of person to think something clichéd and silly like –

I don't want them to hate me.

"…Hiro – Kamijou? Are you okay?"

Miyagi's face was right in front of him, frowning a little and eyes filled with worry. At least, that was what Hiroki could make out of it. He wasn't able to see the other man very well, what with his vision being blurry because of the –


"Are you crying?"

Miyagi's voice missed its teasing tone from earlier completely, having turned concerned and gentle – which made the whole situation even more embarrassing than it already was.

As quickly as he could, Hiroki turned away his face and rubbed his arm over his eyes.

"I – I'm not!"


"I'm not crying, damn it!"

The words came out harsher than he meant to, and he couldn't help but feel a little prickle of guilt. When the man stopped fooling around and trying to get a rise out of him all the time, he was actually a pretty decent companion. A friend even, maybe – not that those words would ever leave Hiroki's mouth.

Suddenly, a hand landed on his shoulder, firm and comforting.

"Kamijou…You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but…I told you before that, as cheesy as it sounds, I'm here to listen to you if you want to talk."

The older man gave his shoulder a little squeeze before adding gently: "The offer still stands, you know."

Hoping his eyes wouldn't show any of the betraying tears anymore, Hiroki looked at the professor again, only to find him staring back with eyes that showed nothing but worry and friendliness.

Maybe…maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to tell him…

He immediately shook his head in response to his own thought. No, he was not going to talk about a subject like this with Miyagi. Not only would it be very uncomfortable, there was no way this man would understand –

Hiroki's eyes widened again when realization hit him. Miyagi always seemed so careless and happy that it was easy to forget it, but the older man was also in an… unconventional relationship at the moment. Not to mention that what he had with Takatsuki could lead him into a lot more trouble than Hiroki and Nowaki would ever have to endure.

"I – " he started, wincing a little when he heard his voice crack. He cleared his throat and averted his eyes before trying again.

"I… Wednesday evening, I told my parents…about…about Nowaki and I."

Looking at the other man from the corner of his eyes, Hiroki noticed how Miyagi's eyes widened slightly. This clearly wasn't what he'd been expecting to hear.

"That's…really brave of you, Kamijou."

It was strange, hearing the almost exact same words Nowaki had said to him two days ago coming from Miyagi's mouth. Still, it wasn't a bad reaction, and it made Hiroki feel slightly more at ease.

"So…how – how did it go?"

The words were spoken hesitantly – cautiously even, maybe – and suddenly, realization hit Hiroki.

Oh! He thinks that that's what I'm worried about…

"I-it went fine, actually," he answered quickly, trying not to let the relief he still felt sound through in his voice.

Miyagi studied him for a moment and then nodded, apparently having decided that Hiroki was being honest.

"That's good, then," he said, smiling at Hiroki. It was a sincere smile, not one of the teasing ones he would send his way so often.

Hiroki nodded back, before averting his eyes again. Silence stretched between them, the only sounds in the room the ticking of the clock and the low buzz of the computer. Hiroki hesitated, staring at the books at his desk without actually seeing them.

Should I…?

Before he could make his decision, Miyagi spoke up, his tone casual this time.

"Well, if you're sure you're doing fine, then I'd better get to work…My next lecture will be starting soon. Can't let the brats wait, now can we?"

The pressure on his shoulder disappeared and behind him, Hiroki could hear the older man making his way to his desk, settling down and turning on his own computer.

Before his brain got the chance to tell him how incredible stupid and embarrassing it would be, Hiroki spoke up again, raising his voice just enough for the professor to hear him.

"They're coming over for dinner tonight…And I – " he paused, his courage flying out of the window now that he could feel Miyagi's eyes on his back, "I-I guess I'm a little…nervous…about it…"

Quick footsteps approached him, and before Hiroki could do so much as blink, Miyagi's hand was back on his shoulder.


"Y-You know, never mind," Hiroki said, letting out an awkward laugh and making sure Miyagi couldn't see his eyes, which, to his shame, were turning moist again.

"I'm sorry, I just – "

"Kamijou," Miyagi interrupted, his grip on Hiroki's shoulder becoming firmer, "it's nothing to apologize for. I know I'd feel exactly the same in your place. But… you just told me your parents took it well, didn't you?"

"Eh…Well, my mother did," he answered, still not quite believing that he was talking about this, "I don't know about my father yet."

Silence followed his words, and curiosity made Hiroki get over his embarrassment just enough to glance at Miyagi. The older man's face lit up in understanding, before his expression turned thoughtful, his brow furrowed and his eyes holding something that seemed like concern.

He…he really cares, doesn't he?

Miyagi caught Hiroki staring at him and he smiled at him reassuringly.

"Well, at least you've got one parent on your side. I'm sure your father will come around as well – mothers can be very persuasive, you know."

Despite the situation, Hiroki found himself smiling inwardly.

Yes, that's definitely true…

The older man squeezed his shoulder again and his voice turned even gentler when he continued.

"It's going to be fine, Kamijou. Really."

Hiroki turned his head away quickly, taking a deep breath and blinking a couple of times, trying to get rid of the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. Then he looked up at the professor again, letting a small, grateful smile appear on his face.

"…Thank you, professor Miyagi."

Really, thank you.

Miyagi seemed taken aback for a moment, his eyes widening almost comically, but then a soft expression dawned on his features, and he gave Hiroki another one of his sincere smiles.

"You're welcome, Kamijou…And please just call me Miyagi, especially in this kind of situation. We're friends, there's no need to be so polite."

Hiroki let out a huff and rolled his eyes a little, to his relief noting that almost all of the tears had disappeared.

"I thought I told you before that I never agreed to that, professor."

The older man raised an eyebrow at him before his face took on the familiar playful expression again.

"Aw, Hiroki, I'm hurt! And here I thought we were getting closer to each other!" he whined, clutching his chest dramatically.

Hiroki rolled his eyes.

"In your dreams, professor," he mumbled, turning away from him and focusing his attention on his work. It really felt like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders because of Miyagi's words, though. Hiroki shot a quick look over his shoulder, where the older man was humming cheerfully while going through the massive amount of documents on his desk, and couldn't help a smile from creeping on his face.

He really is a great guy, underneath it all.

Akihiko almost felt like skipping down the sidewalk, images of the last two days playing over and over again in his mind. Misaki saying that he loved him, Misaki's adorable blushing face when Akihiko had kissed him in the car, Misaki saying that he loved him again, Misaki's beautiful body as he was lying underneath him, all sweaty and oh-so-cute, Misaki telling him those three special words once again…

Sometimes he wondered if it was unhealthy to think about one person this much.

He was currently on his way to a florist, determined to find a bouquet that would fit his lover and would be able to convey his feelings for the boy. There had to be roses in it, definitely, and maybe some sunflowers…

Akihiko was so lost in thought that he almost missed the familiar head with brown locks that was passing by.


Cinnamon eyes were turned his way, widened in surprise.


Akihiko was just as surprised as his friend. It was lunch time, but as far as he knew, Hiroki always stayed at the University , very often not even leaving his office.

"You're having a day off?" he asked, although that seemed even more unlikely than his friend going out for lunch.

As to be expected, Hiroki scowled at him.

"Tsk. There's this thing called lunch break, you know. Just because we're not all super rich novelists, doesn't mean we have to work all day."

Akihiko raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? I wasn't aware of the fact that you actually left your office during your break. Or…are you perhaps meeting up with that doctor of yours?"

He could barely contain a smirk upon seeing his friend's face turn red in a matter of seconds.

That never gets old…


He lifted his eyebrow even higher.

"No, really! I was just – "

Hiroki abruptly cut himself off, looking almost terrified for a second, and Akihiko couldn't help but feel worried at the sight of the other man. His eyes were still a little too wide, his gaze was anywhere but on him, and his whole posture seemed tense.

There's definitely something going on…

"Hiroki…You can tell me if something's wrong."

Hiroki bit his lip. He seemed to actually think about his words, much to Akihiko's surprise. The moment was over soon enough, though.

"It's nothing…" he answered, shaking his head, still not looking at Akihiko.

As if I'd believe that, baka.

"I'd better get going. It was nice seeing you again, Aki – "

"Hiroki…I've still got some books of yours at home," he interrupted. "How about you come with me and I'll return them to you."

It was more of a demand than a question, but he needed to have a talk with his friend. And since it was Hiroki he was dealing with, Akihiko knew the man wouldn't open his mouth until he was practically forced to.

"Ah…well," Hiroki stumbled, looking nervous all over again, "I actually…eh…have to go…to the florist…"

Akihiko felt like hitting himself. How could he almost have forgotten the flowers for Misaki?!

Although…this is actually very convenient…

A smirk crept on his face as he turned towards Hiroki again.

"Well, looks like we're going there together."

Miyagi was humming softly to himself while he walked through the small path, admiring the beautiful flowers that were displayed on either side of him and taking a deep breath to take in their scents.

It's been a while since I last went to a florist…

He couldn't even remember when that had been, to be honest. It was a shame, since coming here always made him feel calm and…whole, for some reason, but it wasn't often that he needed to pick out flowers for someone and he wasn't the type to buy flowers for himself. Now, however, he had a purpose.

Finding the most perfect bouquet for Shinobu.

He had almost reached the end of the path when a combination of colors caught his eye. Yellow, red and pink clashed beautifully, and for some reason it just screamed 'Shinobu'. Miyagi stopped to admire it, noticing that it consisted of red roses – which was, of course, perfect – and yellow tulips, while the pink colour came from the carnations that were added to the mix. Reaching out to stroke the soft petals, he also understood why the bouquet reminded him of his lover. Shinobu had completely different sides as well, which you'd normally think wouldn't go well together. Somehow, though, he'd made it work, bringing his fierce and his sweet personality together and becoming the boy – the man – he was today. It was really admirable, when you thought about it, and one of the things Miyagi loved about him.

Carefully, he lifted the bouquet out of the flower box, turning around to make his way to the counter. He smiled softly when he looked down at the flowers cradled in his arms.

It's perfect.

Still lost in thought, he didn't notice the man until he almost walked into him.

"Oi, be carefu – professor Miyagi?!"

He quickly looked up, only to find himself looking into the face of Kamijou Hiroki.

"Kamijou! What brings you here? And…"

To his surprise, he suddenly noticed another familiar face.

"…Usami-san! How are you?"

While Kamijou just scoffed , Usami took a step forward and gave him a polite smile.

"I'm fine, thank you. I hope you're also doing well?"

Miyagi wasn't able to stop the smile that slipped on his face as he nodded.

"Yes, I am, thank you. So…" he looked at Kamijou for a moment before directing his gaze back to Usami again, "…may I ask what brings you here?"

The novelist smiled, his eyes lighting up in a way that Miyagi hadn't seen on him yet. He'd already noticed that it usually meant that Usami was up to something, and he almost unconsciously braced himself for a teasing comment until he realized that there was something different about the other man's smile, something…tender.

"I'm here to find some flowers for the one I love."

Ah. That explains a lot…

"And what brings you here, Miyagi-san?"

"Ah – The same, actually. I've got a date tonight, so…"

"Oh, so you've finally found someone your own age?" Kamijou interrupted, raising an eyebrow at him.

Even though Miyagi knew that the brunette was just trying to get a rise out of him, the words still stung a little. No matter how many times Shinobu told him that he loved him and that he didn't want anyone else, it couldn't completely silence the little voice in his head that told him that he wasn't good for the young man – that he was ruining his chances on a normal life.

Oi, get yourself together! This is not the time to be thinking about that.

"I'm going on a date with Shinobu," he answered, and there was a bit more bite in his voice than he'd intended when he asked: "So how about you? What are you here for?"

Kamijou almost immediately looked away, but that didn't stop Miyagi from noticing his slightly pained expression and the way his whole posture tensed – much like this morning, when he'd told Miyagi…


Kamijou's parents where coming over this night, which meant that was probably the reason he was looking for some flowers. A wave of guilt washed over him as he took another look at his co-worker's – his friend's – face. After all, he could very well imagine how the man felt.

Next to him, Usami shifted a little, and when Miyagi turned his attention back to him he noticed the surprise etched in the novelist's features.

Hmm…Does that mean Hiroki hasn't told him yet? Or is he just surprised that I know…?

Well, it couldn't hurt to tease Kamijou a bit. At least it would make the mood a little lighter.

"So, Kamijou, you're here for tonight's events? Good idea, buying flowers always sets the right mood."

Kamijou's face shot up, an unbelieving expression on his face.

"What are you – "

"I mean, you also could have chosen chocolates, those work great as well, but flowers are more of a classic, don't you agree?"

Usami was now looking downright confused, while Kamijou's eyes shot between him and Miyagi, his face turning redder by the second – which got even worse when Usami spoke up.

"If you have plans with Kusama-kun, you could've just told me, Hiroki."

"I-I don't have plans…" Kamijou spluttered, looking extremely uncomfortable.

When Miyagi raised an eyebrow, he added: "Not that kind of plans!"

He turned his head away again before mumbling: "And you know it, bastard."

This time, it was Usami who raised an eyebrow.

"After we're done here, we're going to talk for sure, Hiroki."

While the brunette groaned, Miyagi couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

"Well, good luck with that, Kamijou. I'd better go back to my work – I've still got to look through some papers for the meeting."

He felt guilty for leaving Kamijou in the hands of Usami, who would definitely interrogate him until he got the answers he was looking for. But on the other hand, he knew that it would be good for his colleague to talk about it.

Talking with me seemed to help him somewhat, so having a good conversation with his childhood friend should work even better.

Usami nodded at him and gave him a polite smile.

"It was nice seeing you again, Miyagi-san."

"Same here, Usami-san," he smiled back. "And Kamijou…"

The brunette looked up and Miyagi gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"…Good luck tonight."

Kamijou's eyes widened a little before he gave a nod and then slowly, hesitantly, smiled back.

Miyagi gave a little wave in the general direction of the two men and started making his way towards the counter. He was stopped, however, by his friend speaking up again.


Miyagi turned around in surprise. Kamijou was looking at him, his gaze unusually open, and when he spoke his next words, they sounded completely sincere.

"Have a nice date."

Miyagi eyes widened and then he smiled, a warm feeling spreading through his chest.

"Thank you, Kamijou."

He had never realized how nice it would be to hear those words. Just hearing someone say that to him seemed to give his relationship with Shinobu some of the normalcy the both of them where craving. What hit him the most, though, was the fact that Kamijou's eyes had just spoken the words that he knew the brunette actually wanted to say, but didn't come out of his mouth:

'Thank you'.

Tickets? Check.

Money? Check.

ID? Check.

Phone? Check.


Shinobu took another look in the mirror, running a hand through his hair and smoothing out a ripple in his shirt. He knew it was ridiculous to think about his clothes, since Miyagi saw him every day, but he couldn't help but feel like he had to wear something at least a little bit more special than usual. So he'd chosen a new shirt, which he'd bought only a few days before – definitely not because of their date, of course – and a nice pair of dark jeans.

Letting out a deep sigh, he sat down on the couch. The more time passed, the more nervous he seemed to get, the butterflies in his stomach refusing to go unnoticed no matter what he did to distract himself from them.

Crap…It's not like this is our first date or something…Why the hell am I this nervous?!

He sighed again, letting his face fall down in his hands.

Please Miyagi…come home soon.

As if his prayers had been heard, the sound of a key in the keyhole was heard, followed by the light creak as the door swung open.

"I'm home!"

Taking a deep breath and once again wishing the stupid butterflies away, Shinobu stood and made his way towards the hallway.

"Welcome home," he mumbled, not daring to look at Miyagi for a moment. When he finally lifted his head, his eyes widened in surprise.

There stood his lover, being tall, dark and handsome as usual, practically beaming at him and holding a beautiful bouquet in his hands.

I-Is that…?

For a moment, all he could do was stand and stare. He couldn't remember ever having gotten flowers from Miyagi before…and…where those red roses?

"Eh…I figured it'd be appropriate to give you something…Ah – not that I didn't want to or anything…But if you don't like them, I understand, I just…"

Miyagi was tripping over his words, which was very unusual, and when Shinobu tore his gaze away from the flowers and focused on his lover's face, he noticed how uncertain he looked.

He's completely misunderstanding this, isn't he?

"They're…They're beautiful…" he said quickly, feeling his face heat up. "T-Thank you, Miyagi."

His lover's face visibly relaxed and he gave Shinobu a smile that was so sincere that it made him feel warm and tingly all over, his stomach being taken over by another kind of butterflies this time. Then Miyagi took a few steps closer to him, his shoes and coat still on, and held out the bouquet.

Shinobu took over the flowers, their hands briefly touching in the process and sending sparks through his body.

Geez, this really feels like a first date after all…

Blushing again, he repeated his earlier words.

"M-miyagi…thank you."

The older man smiled at him again, a familiar gleam appearing in his eyes. Then, before Shinobu could process what was going on, he was leaning forward, his lips briefly brushing Shinobu's cheek before coming to a halt only millimeters from his ear, warm breath gushing over sensitive skin as he mumbled: "You're welcome, Shinobu-chin."

Miyagi drew back and smiled at him once more, before starting to remove his coat and shoes.

"I'm going to change quickly, if you don't mind, and then we can go."

Shinobu nodded, still a bit in a daze, and watched his lover take his bag and make his way past him towards the living room. Suddenly feeling the urge to kiss the man, Shinobu took a few steps, stretching out his hand and grabbing Miyagi's arm. His lover turned around, surprised, and Shinobu took the opportunity to push himself up on his tiptoes and press his lips against the older man's. Then he drew back and took in the slightly bewildered face of his lover, liking how the roles were reversed now.

He smiled at Miyagi and said, before he could stop himself:

"I'll be waiting."

"So…" Akihiko started, crossing his right leg over the other and leaning back in the couch, "What's going on?"

Hiroki was sitting in the couch opposite of him, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Akihiko could tell he was nervous, though. His shoulders were tense and he hadn't looked him in the eyes even once since he'd arrived at his apartment. The novelist had managed to persuade his friend to come over after his work. It had taken a while (and the threat that if Hiroki wouldn't drop by, he had to tell Akihiko right then and there), but by the time they'd both bought a nice bouquet, the brunette had given in.

"I told you, nothing's – "

"That's bullshit, Hiroki, and you know it."

His friend cringed and Akihiko felt a prickle of guilt for being so blunt with his friend. He knew he needed to, though. If he didn't, Hiroki would never talk about anything.

And he really needs to let things out sometimes. Keeping everything bottled up isn't doing him any good.

"Hiroki…Whatever's on your mind, you can talk to me about it. You know that."

Just like earlier that day, the other man seemed to weigh his words. This time, though, instead of waving them away again, he took a deep breath before nodding slowly. When it became apparent that this gesture didn't mean that Hiroki was going to start the conversation, Akihiko decided to take matters in his own hands again. He motioned towards the bouquets on the table before them, where they'd put them in some vases for the time being.

"So, who are the flowers for?"

Again, Hiroki cringed, and Akihiko was reminded of their visit to the florist, when the brunette had shown a similar reaction to Miyagi's question.

It must be a big deal, then. But I can't imagine him buying flowers for anyone except that doctor of his…No, actually, I can't see him giving his boyfriend flowers either…

"…For my mother."

Akihiko's eyebrows shot up.

He's going to visit his parents? Now that's a surprise…

"Really? What made you decide to go see her?"

Hiroki tensed again and his eyes darted nervously trough the room.


He mumbled something under his breath, but it wasn't loud enough for Akihiko to catch it.

"What did you say?"

"I said…" Hiroki seemed to take another deep breath, before he focused his gaze on Akihiko, "…I said that my parents are the ones coming over, actually."

Now Akihiko was really gaping at him. He quickly recovered himself, though, and now deliberately raised his eyebrows at his friend.

"You invited your parents to your apartment?"

"…That's what I said, baka," Hiroki mumbled, looking away again.

To say he was surprised didn't cover what Akihiko was feeling at the moment. Just a few days ago, he'd realized that his childhood friend still hadn't come to terms with the fact that he was gay, even though his preference had been clear for years, and now he'd already outed himself to his parents?


"Will Kusama-kun be there as well?"

Hiroki's head shot up immediately.

"Of course he'll be there! I can't very well hide him in the bedroom, now can I?"

Akihiko's lips curled up as he envisioned the scene. Truthfully, he wouldn't put it past Hiroki to do something like that. His friend wasn't someone who would think rationally when he was in a state of panic.

"Well, I was just wondering if you'd invited them willingly to introduce your boyfriend to them or if your mother was just fed up with your excuses and forced you to ask them over."

The words earned him a small smile from the man in front of him.

"No, she didn't…not this time. I'm still surprised I managed to keep her away for so long, though…"

Akihiko smiled.

"Well, stubbornness is a family trait, it seems."

"Looks who's saying it," Hiroki shot back.

The novelist let out a chuckle this time.

"Hmm, I guess you're right."

He sat back and added: "I'm surprised, though. That you've told them."

Hiroki shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to appear casual, but his expression betrayed how much of a big deal this actually was for him.

"Well, that's…Nowaki really wanted to meet them, and I thought about what you'd said in the bar and I – I figured you were right. Kind of," he added, when Akihiko shot him a victorious smile.

The novelist grinned before getting serious again. During the conversation, it had become pretty clear what Hiroki was so nervous about. After all, it wasn't every day you introduced your parents to your lover – especially considering the fact that it was a male. There was one big question left, though: how had his parents taken the news? Akihiko figured their reaction couldn't have been too bad, otherwise they wouldn't come over to meet Kusama.

But if they're okay with it, then why is he this nervous?

Deciding to just drop the bomb, he asked: "So, what did they say when you told them?"

When he noticed the other man shifting uncomfortably and turning his head away again, Akihiko sat upright, letting his elbows rest on his knees and his head in his hands, and looked intently at his friend for a moment before speaking up again.

"Hiroki…I keep repeating myself, but you can tell me. I understand."

His friend looked up at him, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. It was true, though, what he'd said.

After all, Hiroki's not the only one with a male lover here.

It wasn't like his father had thrown him a party when he'd learned about Misaki. Plus there was still the matter of Takahiro…

Pushing the last thought out of his head for the time being, he focused on his childhood friend again, who finally seemed to be talking without his earlier reluctance.

"My mother…she reacted quite well, actually. She even spoke to Nowaki for a bit."

This time, it was Akihiko who felt his eyes widen.

"That's certainly a good reaction," he said, shooting Hiroki a sincere smile. It was great to hear that the thing he'd been dreading so much had turned out fine. If his mother seemed fine with it, then…

Suddenly, finally, realization hit him.

Of course.

He didn't understand how he could've been this oblivious, since it was fairly obvious what Hiroki was nervous about now. Akihiko decided to blame the absence of his usual sharp observations on Misaki and his constant cuteness – well, extra cuteness – lately.

Turning his attention back to Hiroki, he said softly: "You haven't spoken to your father yet, have you?"

It was more of a statement than a question, but the other man nodded anyway.

"It's just…I really have no idea how he's taken the news, and I just…"

Hiroki scowled, apparently at himself, before continuing: "…I'm so irritated with myself for being this…this nervous, but I can't help but wonder what he thinks of me now, and it's not just me – "

He stopped, eyes wide in realization.

"It's not just me," he repeated, looking Akihiko straight in the eyes for the first time since he'd just started talking, "It's also Nowaki, you know? He's…He wants a family so badly, and I…I don't want his perfect image to be crushed."

Akihiko wondered briefly why Kusama longed for a family – did he not have any relatives? Or had they, perhaps, not reacted well to the news of him being gay? – but upon seeing his friend's face, he decided that was a matter for another time.

Because even though the other man made a great effort to hide it, there were definitely some tears shining in his eyes.


When his friend refused to look at him, Akihiko let out a short sigh before making his way over to the other couch. He sat down and, taking advantage of the man's surprise, caught Hiroki's chin in a gentle yet firm grip.

"Hiroki," he said again, lifting his head and looking him straight in the eyes, "Listen to me. Whatever happens tonight, Kusama-kun's perfect image is going to be crushed sooner or later. Family isn't always perfect, as I'm sure you're very well aware of, and he's going to find that out eventually. However," he continued, raising his voice a little when Hiroki started to open his mouth, "I understand that you want their first meeting to be a pleasant one. And while I can't say anything about how your father will react, the fact that he hasn't called you to tell you he's disowned you is already quite promising, isn't it?"

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in, then added: "Plus it seems like you've already got your mother at your side. I mean, she's even spoken to Kusama-kun already. I assume she asked for that?"

When Hiroki nodded, he continued: "Then isn't that reassurance enough? I'm not saying that it shouldn't be normal for parents to welcome their child's partner with open arms, or that you should settle for less just because your lover is male as well, but giving the way our current society works, I'd say you can be very happy with the way she reacted."

His friend was silent for a while, looking at his lap and wringing his hands together. Then he took a deep breath and nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly.

"…Yes, I – I guess you're right."

Akihiko raised an eyebrow and allowed his lips to curl up just the slightest bit.

"Again? You realize this is the second time this evening you've admitted that, don't you?"

"Shut up, Bakahiko," Hiroki groaned, but Akihiko could see the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. He placed a hand on his friend's knee and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"Seriously, though, you're going to be fine, Hiroki. Even if they wouldn't accept it – and honestly, I can't really imagine that at this point anymore – it wouldn't be the end of the world. It would suck, yes, but you'd get through it."

Hiroki nodded again, and they fell into a silence that was a lot less uncomfortable than the one they'd shared before this conversation. After a few minutes, however, the brunette spoke up again.

"So…what about you?"

When Akihiko looked up questioningly, he elaborated: "Have you told your – Takahashi-kun about…about us yet?"

To say he was startled by the question would be an understatement.

Crap…I guess I've completely forgotten about that…Well, no wonder with him suddenly confessing his love to me…

There was a part of him, though, that wondered if that was all of it. To be honest, he wasn't exactly looking forward to telling Misaki about it. Cute, innocent Misaki, who would never sleep with someone he wasn't in love with and who would most definitely be upset when he learned the truth.

Still, he needed to know. He deserved to know. If Akihiko expected the boy to trust him, then he had to trust Misaki in return.

"No, I haven't," he simply answered.

Hiroki's eyebrows shot up at this and Akihiko just knew his friend was going to berate him. Since when had their roles turned around, anyway?

"You realize it's only getting worse if you keep postponing it, don't you?"

Akihiko let out a sigh.

"Yes, I know. And you're right – " he didn't miss the little gleam in Hiroki's eyes at these words " – I've got to tell him soon. It's just – "

He sighed again, running a hand through his hair.

"I assume you know him a bit by now, and he doesn't take things lightly, to say the least. So I can't just go up to him and tell him: 'Hey, remember when I was in love with your brother but he didn't want me? Well, Hiroki was there and he offered himself, so I just had sex with him instead.' No, for some reason I can't imagine that – "

He stopped in his tracks when he heard a sound and he sharply turned his head towards the door – feeling like his heart had just stopped beating when he found the source of the little noise.

There in the doorway stood Misaki – his cute, adorable, amazing Misaki – with his coat still on, his bag in one hand and the most unbelieving, crushed expression Akihiko had ever seen on him.


No, he really couldn't imagine this going well.

For what felt like the hundred time in the last thirty minutes, Nowaki checked his phone. Nothing. Again. The excitement he'd felt all day – a mix of nervous butterflies and a slight feeling of anxiousness – was slowly turning into something more like panic.

About an hour ago, Hiro-san had called him to tell him that things had gotten late at his work due to an unexpected meeting, and on top of that, 'Bakahiko' had talked him into coming over after his work. He'd promised Nowaki that he would keep it as short as possible and that he'd definitely be home on time. Right now, however, it was almost half past seven – only half an hour before Hiro-san's parents would arrive – and Nowaki was growing more tense by the minute.

He was generally quite good with people, but this were Hiro-san's parents they were talking about, and he desperately wanted to make a good impression on them. Nowaki felt like he had passed the first test – the phone conversation with Kamijou Chinatsu-san – but his lover's mother had also made it clear that she wasn't quite used to the idea of them being together yet. And then, of course, there was Hiro-san's father…

The sound of the doorbell roughly shook Nowaki out of his thoughts, startling him so much that he almost dropped the chopsticks he was holding. Soon after the initial surprise, however, a wave of relief washed over him.

He's home on time…thank God…

Not bothering to take of his apron – he would get back to preparing dinner soon enough, after all – Nowaki hastily made his way over to the front door, swinging it open with a bright smile on his face.

"Welcome home, Hiro-sa– "

He stopped dead in his tracks, his smile wavering, as he took in the people who were standing before him. Closest to him was a middle-aged woman, who, despite her age, still looked very beautiful. Her hair, wrapped in a bun, showed only a few strands of grew, and her skin looked very smooth. The thing that really took Nowaki by surprise, though, was her resemblance to Hiro-san: her hair was almost exactly the same color and her eyes were also cinnamon, but just a few tones lighter than his lover's. Behind her stood a man with short, dark hair and dark brown eyes, who seemed to be studying Nowaki intently.

There was no doubt about it. These were Hiro-san's parents. Half an hour early.

And Hiro-san still wasn't home.

O crap.

A/N: ...Uh...yeah...I guess I just gave you a double cliffhanger. Please don't kill me! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. ^^ Please let me know what you think! And again, Happy Holidays to all of you! :D