"Sugoi Ryoma-kun!"

"Ryoma-sama's the best!"

"If I had lived in America, I would also…"

"Shut up, Horio!"

Hearing the clamor, Kikumaru Eiji bounced happily to where O'chibi and his first year friends were hanging out, waiting for practice to start.

"Oi! O'chibi! What are you talking about?"

Happy to oblige, Horio hurriedly said. "Kikumaru-senpai! Echizen got an A++ in English! And sensei says he won't have to do any of the assigned essays anymore!"

Glassy-eyed, Kikumaru glomped the boy, "That's amazing! Tell me how you did it! What did you write about? I don't want to do my English homework too!"

"Kiku-senpai. Can't…" Echizen struggled to escape from the embrace, his tennis bag making escape all the more difficult.

"Eiji. Echizen can't breathe."

Fuji Syuusuke was ever so curious and followed his best friend.

A piece of paper floated to the ground as Ryoma escaped his hyperactive senpai's clutches.

Eiji hurriedly snatched it up. "Is this his homework?"

At the freshmen's nods, he attempted to read Echizen's secret to getting out of English. Ignoring the freshman regular's protest, he caught a word or two but didn't understand it as a whole.

Echizen smirked.

"Mada mada dane, senpai."

Amused blue eyes fluttered open. "Here, Eiji, I can read it for you."

Eiji excitedly handed Fuji the paper. "Nya! Okay! Thanks Fujiko!"

Golden eyes met his in challenge.

"Go ahead, Fuji-senpai."

And Fuji proceeded to read.