Back at the workshop, the yetis and the elves were woken up and told to prepare for a grand ceremony. Everyone was wide awake and Jack stood to the side, watching proudly, as Jamie took the Oath to protect the children of the world. He grinned when the trumpets were played and Jamie was officially proclaimed a Guardian.

"Do we call you something else now?" Jamie glanced at Jack and bit his lip. Jack nodded and Jamie turned back to Bunny.

"I think I'll still answer to Jamie, no matter how old I am." Bunny grinned and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Suits you, mate. Scuse me." He scampered off toward the cookies and the hot chocolate and Jack wrapped his arm around Jamie's shoulder.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I could take on an army of nightmares," Jamie answered truthfully. Jack grinned and raked a thumb across Jamie's lips, wiping the chocolate away. Jamie caught Jack's hand and slowly sucked on Jack's finger. Jack let out something between a moan and a hiss and Jamie gave him a seductive smile.

"What was that for?"

"Sorry, you had chocolate on your fingers."

"No I didn't. I haven't eaten chocolate." Jamie leaned in, touching his forehead to Jack's and he smiled.

"My mistake." Jack shivered at Jamie's deep tone and leaned in to kiss him. Jamie's hands went to Jack's white hair and tugged, making Jack moan into Jamie's mouth. At the same time, Jamie grinded against Jack and bit his lip at how aroused they both were.

"I'm suddenly feeling a bit tired," Jamie said with a sly grin. Jack feigned surprise.

"We should probably get you to bed then, Guardian of Belief! Let's say goodnight to everyone." Grasping hands, they made their way to North and Bunny and told them goodnight. After finally escaping from the yetis, the two Guardians made their way back to their cabin at the back of the village and Jack leaned against the door with a heavy sigh.

"I can't wait to get back to my ice palace. There isn't enough privacy here."

"Where am I supposed to set up a palace," Jamie said with a slight frown. Jack chuckled and pulled on Jamie's hands, tugging him forward and wrapping his arms around Jamie's neck.

"I have lots of extra rooms and my palace is getting kind of lonely."

"Is that your messed up way of asking me to move in?" Jack laughed.

"Yeah I guess it is." Jamie leaned forward to kiss him, unwrapping Jack's hands from his shoulders and holding them above his head. Jamie leaned his weight into Jack, grinding himself against Jack's thigh. Both boys moaned as they explored each others' mouths. Jamie held Jack's wrists tightly with one hand while the other hand drifted down to the blue jacket he wore and slipped under the material. Jamie noticed Jack was cold but he wasn't too cold to touch. His hand traveled across the boy's chest and flicked over a nipple. Jack gasped into his mouth and he smiled, leaning back to study his lover with dark interest. Jamie tugged at the jacket and threw it aside, taking in Jack's perfect body. Jack moved forward with haste, grabbing at Jamie's clothes and yanking them off, leaving nothing untouched. Jamie stood naked in front of Jack and he gently kissed his neck, his hands making their way down to the edge of his pants, a single finger tracing his hip. A flash of fear crossed Jack's face but Jamie grasped his cheek with one hand while he continued to kiss him. With one hand, he slid Jack's pants down his legs and Jack kicked them aside. Without breaking their kiss, Jamie pulled Jack toward the bed and pulled him down with him, wrapping his arms around him and allowing his hands to explore the ivory skin. Both his hands made their way down Jack's chiseled back and grasped his perfect arse with strong fingers. Jack finally moved his lips from Jamie's to his neck and sucked down his throat. Jamie tossed his head back to allow Jack more access to lavish his flesh. And Jack took great pleasure in lavishing his flesh. Jack sucked at the salty skin and his lips closed over a nipple, causing Jamie to gasp and buck his hips. Jack's fingertips moved down Jamie's hips and grasped him tightly, pumping with ferocity and bringing Jamie to absolution. Jamie recovered quickly and forced Jack onto his back. He took his time in exploring every inch of Jack's velvety skin, leaving no place untouched. He closed his lips over Jack's throbbing member and his tongue swirled around the sensitive flesh. Jack cried out Jamie's name as he came, his hips launching off the bed. Jamie leaned back and smiled at his panting lover. He reached down and pushed Jack's damp hair out of his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, kiddo" Jack said, returning the smile. He reached up and ran a finger over Jamie's new tattoo. "I can't believe you did this…for me."

"Guardians and lovers for life," Jamie said, leaning back on his feet. "You said you would never leave me-"

"And I never will," Jack said, leaning up to wrap his fingers in Jamie's dark locks. Jamie wrapped his hand around Jack once again and squeezed. Jack bucked his hips and Jamie grinned down at him.

"I need you, Jack Frost. I need you like a dying flower needs rain and sunlight." He lay down next to Jack and Jack wedged his knee between the boy's legs. Jamie grasped him in his hand and scooted closer, guiding him gently but Jack's hand froze on Jamie's chest and he looked anxious.

"Jamie…I don't know-"

"Forget the past, Jack. You're with me here, now. I want you to take me. I give you my all. Take it." Both boys spread their legs and Jamie threw his head back as Jack entered him. Jack saw his lover wince and he froze but Jamie shook his head and begged for him to keep going. After a few minutes, they fell into a rhythm that had the other begging for more. Jack held up Jamie's leg while he pounded into him, while the other hand stroked him to the time of his thrusts. Jamie's fingers dug into Jack's hair and he tossed his head back in ecstasy. Both boys clung to the very thread of sanity as they slipped into heaven and beyond. Jack pulled out and allowed Jamie to move; the boy quickly knelt on his hands and knees in front of his Guardian. Jack gripped his hips as he increased his thrusts, reaching around to close his fist around the boy and Jamie let out a deep moan.

The sun was starting to come up when they finally collapsed in each other's arms, a sweet sheen of sweat broken out on both of them, their hair soaked, and their faces pink, and broad smiles on their faces. Jamie snuggled close to Jack and buried his face in the Guardian's chest. Jack's fingers made patterns over Jamie's chest, as he studied the markings on his lover.

"What are these anyway?"

"Symbols of belief. Many different cultures have different symbols."

"How do you know that?" Jack asked, looking amazed.

"I just know," Jamie said with a yawn and a shrug. Jack grinned and leaned in closer.

"Alright my flower, I'll let you sleep." Jamie smiled, his eyes already closing.

"Sweet dreams, Jack."

"With you by my side, Jamie, they will be."


"JACK FROST, I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!" The winter sprite laughed and giggled as he dashed through the snow, throwing a cautious glance over his shoulder. He saw his palace, looming in the distance. He'd never make it. He ducked behind a tree and pressed himself against the bark. He heard a chirping near his ear and his eyes widened.

"Baby Tooth! SH!" Baby Tooth crossed her arms and shook her head, disappearing minutes after. Jack breathed deeply and relaxed against the tree, nearly yelling out when he felt a hand close around his arm. Another hand clapped over his mouth and his eyes widened.

"I told you I could catch you," a voice hissed in his ear. Jack struggled for a moment and there was soft laughter against his cheek.

"Forget it, Jack. You may be older than me but I've gotten pretty strong over the last hundred years." The hand that was holding his arm moved around to Jack's stomach and slid under his shirt. Jack swallowed deeply, his mouth becoming sore from the hand pressed tightly over his lips. He felt lips press against his cheek, the strings on the front of his pants being loosened, and a warm hand sliding down his thighs and gripping him tightly. Jack grunted something against the hand and tossed his head. The laughter echoed on his skin.

"Don't fight it, Jack." Jack felt his pants fall around his ankles and a knee spread him apart. He was whirled around and pressed against the tree, his hands being pushed over his head. Fingertips gripped his hips tightly as he was pulled against something hot and hard. Jack scratched at the tree bark, feeling nothing. The hand over his mouth finally moved and forcefully turned his head so lips could crash down over his. Jack moaned, despite the brutal treatment of his mouth and found himself meeting the rough thrusts. There were now bruises on his hips and wrists but he threw his head back in frenzied passion. He lowered his head and pressed his face against the tree, the rough bark scratching his soft skin. He tried to bury his face in his arm to block out the scream that escaped moments later.

"FUCK! JAMIE!" A hand reached around Jack, pumping vigorously and bringing him to a screeching halt. Jack leaned against the tree, panting and struggling to catch his breath until a hand gently turned him around and he found himself staring into a pair of soft brown eyes. He leaned forward on the burly chest and felt two strong arms wrap around him. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the chiseled shoulders, still panting for breath.

"Got ya good that time, didn't I?" Jack pulled away and smiled at the Guardian before him. He reached up and softly ran his fingers over the tattoos that decorated the Jamie's chest.

"You sure did. I knew I wasn't going to make it back to the palace but I didn't think you'd find me in the forest."

"Baby Tooth helped." Jack's eyes narrowed.

"I'll deal with her later. You ready to head back?"

"Not really. How about another quick round against the trees?" Jack scoffed.

"Haven't you had enough for one day?" He pulled the Guardian into his arms, and Jamie nuzzled against him.

"We've been together for a hundred years, to this day, and you still make me feel like a giddy school boy." Jack grinned and cupped Jamie's chin.

"You're the most adorable Guardian ever created." Jamie closed his eyes and gave into the kiss. Jack pulled away and searched for his clothes, which had been flung haphazardly into the snow. Jamie grinned as he buttoned his jeans.

"And to answer your question, no, I could never get enough." Jack shot him a cocky smile, which made Jamie's jeans grow too tight.

"Likewise baby. But we've got important Guardian duties to worry about tonight. Let's go." Hand in hand, the two Guardians set off toward the ice palace, where the other Guardians were waiting for their two strongest warriors to prepare to fight whatever was out there threatening the children of the world. And so it went, for years to come, that the chilled light, the most powerful bond that had ever been created, always triumphed. The Guardians never lost a single battle, thanks to two special boys. One who believed with all his heart and the other who decided a chilled heart could be thawed after all.