Hey Guys this is my first Fanfiction so tell me want I can improve on.

This is rated M because of possible lemons later on (most of you don't even care about the rating and just read lemons all day, don't deny it)

Summary: Naruto is the outcast because of events that he couldn't control, most of the world including his fellow Jinchūriki thing of him as a burden and or the weakling. How will Naruto survive in a Shinobi world that is 500 years more advanced than the canon universe? A universe where there are air conditions, microwaves, digital cameras. A world where all the Jinchūriki have special super bloodline abilities, but Naruto or does he?



'Hmm'-Human thought

"Kit"-Bijuu speaking/ big head No Jutsu

'Kit'-Bijuu thought

Shadow clone jutsu - Jutsu (most jutsu will be named by their English names)


5 minutes later-Time passing

-Prospective- - a person prospective

(A/N: …)- Author's note (the a/n part is the distinction)

I do say good sir-Narrator

-xXoOoXx- Place/time -xXoOoXx-

- Place/Time or Place then /Time

(EX. -xXoOoXx- Academy -xXoOoXx- , -xXoOoXx- 24th of June -xXoOoXx- ,

Or -xXoOoXx- Academy/24th of June -xXoOoXx-)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any other animes that may appear. I only own OC's, original Jutsu, the storyline, and any original Kekkai Genkai.


Jinchūriki Games

Chapter 0: Prelude

Year 2500, 25 years ago (2475) scientists at the USVCRF (United Shinobi Village Chakra research Facility) where researching a way to turn Chakra into pets. A way for citizens to have pets that don't need to be feed, groomed, walked, or taken to the bathroom, but still protect their owners from enemy ninja, traitors, or even just common robbers.

But sadly something happened during the project; the thousands of experiments that were given a Consciousness somehow were able to communicate through their mind and eventually started escaping, merging into bigger, and more powerful Chakra beasts.

The result was 14 powerful beasts: Sandshark [1], Humming Bird, Turtle, Gorilla, Panda, Slug, Insect, Octopus, Fox, Dog, Hawk, Eagle, Snake and a Crow.

The world raced to contain these super powerful beasts, then an Unknown person that goes by the name of the sage of 14 beasts (Sage of six paths reference, DUH) sealed all of the beasts into 14 children, 13 rich children had the most of the powerful beasts sealed into them while he sealed the "weakest" [2], Kyuubi into a poor child. Everyone then made this boy the outcast, all people around the world shunned him because they though by weak the Sage meant the Kyuubi was Chūnin may be less (Just go with it you know how stupid and foolish konoha was), so they thought they could just bully this kid and not have to worry about the tailed beast inside him, he was even thought weak by the Jinchūriki and Tailed Beasts (though the tailed beasts only thought this because Kyuubi was caught first out of all the Beasts, meaning that this hurt his reputation). This starts the adventure of Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki.

-xXoOoXx- Classroom/Year 2512 -xXoOoXx-

-12 year old Naruto-

"Ok class today's the day before the exams" said Kakashi proud of most of his Jinchūriki students. He used all his talent to make sure everyone was ready.

"Yay" chorused the class who were bored; they were expecting another lecture from Iruka the assistant teacher.

"KAKASHI DID YOU SEE THE FLYERS?" yelled Iruka literally breaking down the door, He looked very anger.

"Iruka please break the door again, and no what flyers?" asked Kakashi.

"Look…can you believe it."

Most of the students were wondering what was on the flyer, mostly because the usually calm Kakashi-sensei was forming what most believed since half his face was covered, a face of Surprise and anger.

"This Unbelievable" said Kakashi in Anger. He couldn't believe the council would do this they're student just out of the academy even if they are Jinchūriki, "how could the council stoop so low."

"I don't know Kakashi" Iruka replied

"What does it say Kakashi-sensei?" said Naruto but all he got was a look of pity from both his senseis, and the class, they were snickering!

Naruto was enraged, the whispers he just knew they were talking about him and how he was stupid or weak he was starting to get tired, little did they know he was much smarter and stronger then he let on, not even his oji knew.

'Kit, when are going to leave this shit hole, hate it here, smells like a dump and that a compliment' Said Kurama.

'Soon' Naruto thought amused to Kurama, who has been his brother in more than one way ever since that day.


An 8 year old Naruto was walking to class on a normal day that would be anything but.

'Hello, hello is damn thing on. HELLO KIT CAN YOU HEAR ME 'said a 'mysterious' voice.

'What the hell was that, I must be going insane from all the lack of ramen' Naruto thought.

'Oh good it worked, listen kit I need you to go back home for today and call in sick there is something we need to talk about.'

'Ok, I can only assume that since you're in my mind you're some other consciousness trapped inside me and must have a lot of power considering you are able to make a mental link' you see Naruto was not as stupid as his classmates thought.

'Uh, yeah kit but you didn't need to go all scientists on me oh and also my name is Kyuubi by the way'

'Thanks Kyuubi, I'm Naruto but you already know that, also I'm sorry it's natural' Naruto rubbed his head sheepishly; and with that Naruto turned around and headed back home.

5 minutes later

Naruto digs in his pocket and finds his one key, his 47th one key. The villagers steal it every time they beat him. They've beaten him more than 47 times It's more like 241 times but he only had enough money to get his key remade 47 times.

Naruto unlocks his door and is assaulted with the 'daily-graffiti' as he calls it; let's see there was 'monster, fox brat, nine tails, demon'. 'Wait Demon, nine tails, fox, Kyuubi… Omg you're THE Kyuubi'

'Look kit I'm sorry if you hate me?...'

Naruto was standing in the middle of his living room stunned.



'Ok… that's a new one, Why are you my fan exactly' questioned Kyuubi who was lost as a puppy.

'Biggest fan' Naruto corrected' and it's because you're the only Bijuu with my favorite color' queue Kyuubi mentally face-vaulting.

'You don't mean!'

'Yes, orange!'

'KIT, don't use that annoying fucking stupid mask around me.'

Naruto froze, his eyes wide 'how did you know?'

'Of Couse I know I've been with you since you were born I knew you before and after you made that thing'

'Sorry, I think I'll take the mask off forever one day but not today.'

Naruto crossed his living room into his room where he had a Dark red carpet and black wallpaper he made this room like this on purpose; they were his real favorite colors. He strolled over to his bed.

'Ok I'm here now what do I do, Kyuubi?'

'Kit you'll want to lay down, and close your eyes 'said Kyuubi.

Naruto went to lie down, but his stomach growled and Naruto blushed.

'Sorry but I need to eat first' Naruto thought while he went to the kitchen embarrassed.

'It's ok, I understand humans need to eat I even have to eat when I'm not sealed in you'

While waiting for his ramen, Naruto hummed a song; Kyuubi thought it was beautiful, it was something that was new to Kyuubi, with this song Kyuubi made a decision, this kid was the one. He gave Kyuubi new emotions that by himself Kyuubi would never accomplish alone; they were peace, love, and friendship. (Love as in family love) Kyuubi was thankful to Naruto forever now, In fact.

(A/N: The song is, Chinese twilight by Klaus Schønning, watch?v=-5qhNRmMilI)

'Naruto thank you.' Said Kyuubi startling Naruto who forgot he was there. Naruto almost spilled his ramen that was now done.

'My name isn't Kyuubi It's really Kurama, I'm sorry for lying but the song you hummed it made me experience new emotions in a life filled with Hatred. I finally know peace, friendship, and understand the word family, I once thought all human were scum, but now I know not all of them are.'

'Thanks… Kurama… it was an honor.'

'Don't go getting sentimental on me.'

'Sorry' Naruto said who cried a little from the beauty in words Kurama spoke to him.

'But really thank you I'm eternally in your debt and … I-I want to be your friend.'

"Sure, let's be friends." Said Naruto with one of his 1000 watt smile

"Ok let me finish this ramen then, call in sick and then I'll go lie down, Kurama."

"Ok acting skills if I have any don't fail me now."

"*cough, cough, dry heave (look it up)*I-Iruka S-sensei I *heave* can't make it t-to class t-today *cough, heave* I'll do my *cough* work tomorrow *fake starting to throw up sound*"Naruto hung up in the middle of his fake heave.

-xXoOoXx- Naruto's Classroom-xXoOoXx-

"Poor kid" said Iruka putting the phone down, "Class, Naruto is sick so he'll be gone a day or two."

"When I get sick I take like 3 days to get well, why does Naruto take less time to get well?" asked Ino.

"Well believe it or not Naruto has been tested and the Rokudaime confirmed he has a rare bloodline that makes him heal extraordinarily fast."

"But don't all Jinchūriki have that?" asked Ino

"Yes, but his is more advanced" replied Iruka.

"No way can that clan less dope have a bloodline" said the asshole (A/N: who do you think it is… SasUKE)

"Yeah what Sasuke said" yelled the pink haired monkey. (A/N: again take a guess… Sakura)

"Shut up!" said Kakashi with his own version of the big head no jutsu.

-xXoOoXx- back with Naruto-xXoOoXx-

'Damn kid your good' complemented Kyuubi.

'Thank you.'

Naruto crossed his small apartment to the bedroom again. He lies down on his lumpy bed and felt a tug at the back of his mind; he let himself be taken into it.

-xXoOoXx- Mindscape -xXoOoXx-

It was dark, Naruto couldn't see but 10 feet ahead of him; wet, he was an inch or two in slimy water; and it smelled, to be exact it smelled like a sewer; which is where he was.

"What the hell."

"More like where the hell"

"Kurama, is that you; you ass where the hell am I?"

"Yes, follow the red pipe on the ceiling"

"Uh, ok?..."

Naruto proceeded to follow the pipe like his friend said too; he turned many corners and twisted up spiral stair cases it was like a maze. He passed doors with plaques he read a few of them, they were numbered, no dates; he assumed they were his memories because whenever he thought of the number on the plate a mental images of that certain day flashed in his mind.

Naruto finally turned the last corner, there was a door made of stone. When he opened the door he was met with a sight too say the least. He saw a giant red fox with nine tails, this alone would freak anyone out but it was behind gold bars with a piece of paper that read 'seal'. Even with all of this he stayed calm and thought things rationally. His Mind, sewer, memories, gold cage, seal. Ok, so its fox sealed inside my body and this is its physical representation in my mind, simple enough… I guess.

"H-Hello" started Naruto.

"Hello Naruto, do you know who I am?"

"That voice it couldn't be, Kurama?" asked Naruto

"No this is kami, who else could I be?"

"Yami" Naruto said sarcastically.

"Oh ha ha, so funny, kit."

"Anyway what did you call me down here for, Kurama?"

"Oh I have to explain some things, hmm how should I say this…"

"First off I'm not weak like humans think, I purposely let that sage of 14 beasts capture me so that I would be the one to choose a certain position, since Kami-sama said whoever is captured first would be the beast to choose the new king, when she said this most of my brothers and sisters though she was lying, but I realized it was a riddle telling whoever is willing to submit first is the smartest Bijuu. Since if we choose our Jinchūriki to be the new king they would become one of us and that Bijuu would be set free."

'Kurama, where are you going with this?' Naruto asked even though he had a pretty good idea.

A light shined in the cage, it was so bright Naruto had to close his eyes, when the light dimmed down to nothing he opened his eyes and there stood Kurama half the size of Naruto. In Naruto's opinion he looks like a cute chibi Kurama.

"It is with great honor in me that I, Kurama, The nine tailed fox, Kyuubi No Yoko, name you ,Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto the new Reibi, New king of demons and Zero Tails" said Kurama who was on one knee, well two in his four-legged case. "You are now one of my brothers or in my case my favorite sibling."

Naruto was stunned; he was surprised, exited, speechless, and smirking evilly all at the same time. He the Brat was being named the new Reibi BY the Kyuubi no less, who was one of the most powerful beings in his universe, if the villagers ever heard this they'd be outraged if they believed it which would never happen, He also Noted Kurama said Namikaze which he's sure heard the name before He just couldn't put his finger on it he'd check on it later. He couldn't wait to give the Village Hell minus a few; but even if he was Reibi surely he just wouldn't be given power.

"Kurama, I assume I'm not just given the power of an almost god, right I mean that would be just stupid?" commented Naruto

"Smart you are Reibi-sama, yes you are correct in the fact that you aren't just given power, but you do get a Demon, Human and Half Demon-Human Forms and a fully custom made bloodline, any kind you want that comes with as much power and as many powers as you want. OH Also you Have Your Chakra Turned into many different forms Which Are Chakra, Ki which is Physical Energy, Reiryoku which is spiritual energy, And Yōkai which is demonic Chakra."

"A bloodline that I can choose with no limits." Naruto was astounded that is pretty much power of high-Kage level right there, oh Kami-sama he was going to abuse that to HELL.

"I'll warn you now Reibi-sama, the more powers the bloodline has the harder the bloodline is to master; if you have 1-3 powers you'll need to have Chūnin level chakra control, 4-6 is jonin,7-9 is Kage level, 10-15 is high-kage,16-20 high-high Kage, and 20-30 is complete masterly over chakra control, also since I'm splitting your chakra into so many different forms it will be 10 times harder to master chakra control. (Powers are totally different from jutsu BTW, like the Rinnegan has paths which each are considered a power and each power can have many jutsu, like the deva path has a push and pull gravity jutsu) Oh, and also you get to choose what animal you want your Bijuu form is to be, plus you can have multiple Stages and or forms to this Animal, the animal can be mythical, real, or just made up."(Already Chosen, and no poll sorry but if its zero tails then I have a good one in mind, It's part of Japanese mythology that's all I'm saying)

'Oh god the possibilities.'

"Kurama, Give me a day or two and I'll have everything chosen" Said the Reibi who was already filling the roll nicely with his evil smirk, though Kurama was a little scared by this.

"O-ok Reibi-sama you should get going now."

"Oh Kami now I even scared 'The Kyuubi'."


-xXoOoXx- Classroom -xXoOoXx-


"Ok class today's the day before the exams" said Kakashi proud of most of his Jinchūriki students. He used all his talent to make sure everyone was ready.

'Sasuke' Kakashi thought of the boy with a happy sigh.(A/N: NO Kakashi isn't in love with Sasuke, perverts!) Sasuke was Kakashi's most prized student; he had unlocked his clans Sharingan at 6 and after intense training it transformed into the Mangekyo but his Bijuu sealed it until he was old enough to handle the power, he unlocked his Chikara [3] second in class only below Itachi. Sasuke Chikara was the Boil release which in Sasuke's hand was deadly to even Kakashi himself. The boil release was basically hot boiling acid that could melt even triple reinforced steel. He also had the crow contract like his brother though he could only summon his familiar while Itachi could summon the boss summons.

'Itachi' (A/N: again not in love or is he with any of his other students, though I do like that idea *blush*) Itachi had unlocked his clans Sharingan at 5 and after intense training it transformed, like his brother into the Mangekyo and his Bijuu sealed it until he was old enough to handle the power, Itachi's Chikara was the lava release which was like the boil in the fact that it was hot but the lava release can cool and solidify to make barriers it also was more mobile than boil release.

'Hinata' She literally has an 'all seeing eye' Byakugan, it has no blind spot and instead of the regular 5 miles max for long range vision its 75 miles.

'Neji' while like regular Byakugan, it has 359 degree vision, but it can also see 15 miles, and he has the move prediction of the Sharingan, not the coping part sadly.

'Kiba' He can smell and track any smell to the extent of the Bikōchū beetle. (A/N: watch episodes 148-151) (A/N: no not underpowered, in a sense he always knows where you are)

'Lee' the ability to compact his muscles to normal appearance, learns muscle memory 30 times fast, muscle build 20 times stronger. (A/N: Lee can use chakra in this one, but he will still use mostly Taijutsu, he'll just be able to use he'll be able to use Henge and Kawarimi)

'Sai' He has the ability to make anything he draws alive. (A/N: Not like a shadow clone to where it goes poof upon one hit, it's like a low level summons in terms of strength, can take around 5 fireball Justus)

'Ino' Ino has the power to grow wings and fly at high speeds. High speeds is an understatement, she can accelerate from 0-767 MPH in .5 seconds she has a maximum speed of 1000 MPH though it uses a lot of chakra.

'Shikamaru' Shika has the brain power of 1000 men and the ability to make electromagnet forces with the electric currents in his brain. The reason he can do that is Shika's brain is actually in a pocket dimension in his head which leads to a space the size of the moon which is just a giant brain that has electric storms just from the brain working. These electric storms then generate lightning which travels through the pocket dimension's portal then through his body which is used to the electricity power of lightning, out of his hands feet or even his chest.

'Choji' Choji has the power of body manipulation to the extreme. He Can go from a body builder to fit to overweight, can size body parts separately. (A/N: Choji goes into angry girl mode "Ain't anybody gonna be calling me FAT Anymore")

'Tenten' Tenten has the power of paper cuts. I know what you're thinking but let me explain, even just touching Tenten can give you a paper cut, now think, paper cuts hurt like hell so imagine hundreds of them… (A/N: MWAHAHAHAAHAHAH)

'Sakura' Sakura has the power to heal anyone she please with a touch, and can produce extremely toxic, melting acid from her mouth. She has no side effects on the healing, she can heal herself but its slower because instead of just focusing chakra to one place like her hands when she heals other she has to focus it too every last inch of her body, no side effects on acid either.

'Shino" Shino has the power to communicate with insects like the Inuzuka when communicating with their dogs, the ability to command bugs that follow order no matter what, Shino can command trillions of bugs at once, also fly around 0-15 MPH, his 'hive' is no longer completely in his body but like Shika he has a pocket dimension where he stores trillions on trillions of bugs.

'Naruto… that's a sore subject all to my knowledge his Chikara is the ability to shape shift… maybe I should teach him some more'

"KAKASHI DID YOU SEE THE FLYERS?" yelled Iruka literally breaking down the door, He looked very anger.

"Iruka please break the door again, and no what flyers?" asked Kakashi.

"Look…can you believe it."

"What does it say Kakashi-sensei"

"Class this is not the time to laugh, listen…

"Onmyōgakure no Sato [4] 1st Annual

Jinchūriki Games

Date: July 2, 2512 (A/N: Middle of the year)

Hello World, as you all know the Chakra Pet Project Disaster (CPPD) 37 years ago was catastrophic. (A/N: 2512-2475=37 years ago. Current date – explosion happened = how many years ago, Duh) But thanks to the sage of 14 beasts, the 14 beasts where sealed. To celebrate this man's greatness I, Onmyōkage [5] Kuniyasha Makai, I'm happy to announce a celebration that will be held every year similar to the Chūnin exams in arrangement. But it will have one difference; the only participants will be the 14 Jinchūriki.

THIS IS NOT A FIGHT TO THE DEATH, Any Jinchūriki that murders another Jinchūriki purposely will face severe punishment.

This is a time of the year is the exact day the sage finished capturing the Bijuu, be planned or not It's the exact middle of the year.

The Jinchūriki Games will be a traditional bracket match system and will have 3 Stages.

1st Stage: The first stage will be the survival stage where the Jinchūriki will be living in a clearing where they will have to work together to make a shelter, gather food, water, and medicine. We will have cameras constantly recording them and broadcasting them live at all times. They will survive in a jungle where the worst of the worsts monsters"

'Sure, I bet those creatures are horrifying' Naruto thought sarcastically

'Shhh, I want to hear this, kit' thought Kurama.

"2nd stage: The second stage will be a test where the Jinchūriki show the judges there Chikaras; a Chikara is that Jinchūriki's special ability. Each Jinchūriki will have 15 minutes to show off their special powers to the judges. A Jinchūriki may request anything if it is needed, from food to steel to even a bigger room.

3rd stage: the third stage will basically be a bracket system tournament between all Jinchūriki


1st&2nd: Disclosed to all except the Jinchūriki and their family

3rd stage: The new 'Jinchūriki Games Arena' (JGA) with will be built in the Onmyōgakure capital

Thank you, citizens of the world."



"I-I'm so angry at the council, FUCK… Iruka, calm down!" said Kakashi

"Wha- what did I Do?" said Iruka.



'Damn, I hate this mask sometimes'

"CHA, Shut up Naruto-Baka, Kakashi-sensei is talking!" Yelled Sakura as she hit Naruto on the head 'NAURTO-BAKA IS SO ANNOYING, Shānnarō!'

"Sorry Sakura-chan."

'I REALLY hate this mask sometimes'

'You're the one who choose the annoying stupid midget.'

'Well- OH HELL NAWW, I know you just didn't call me a midget, you know this form is a shape shift you asshole.' (A/N: Naruto doesn't really look like he does in the anime)

"Naruto, stop spacing out, you need to pay attention considering you're the worst in the class." Yelled Iruka with his 'big head no jutsu'.

"Sorry Iruka-sensei"

"Wow the dope is so stupid I wonder how He'll survive the Games" Sasuke whispered to Kiba.

"Hey, stop acting like you know everything Sasuke, you didn't even know what 'The Games' where till Kakashi read the flyer a few seconds ago" Kiba whispered back. Sasuke grunted in reply.

"Anyway class, these games are a serious thing it may determine your fame and money, also these games sound like they will be difficult so from today everyone needs to get serious about their training, I'm talking to you Sakura, Naruto."



Flashback 1-Continued


"It is with great honor in me that I, Kurama, The nine tailed fox, Kyuubi No Yoko, name you ,Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto the new Reibi, New king of demons and Zero Tails" said Kurama who was on one knee, well two in his four-legged case. "You are now one of my siblings or in my case my favorite sibling."

Naruto was stunned; he was surprised, exited, speechless, and smirking evilly all at the same time. He the Brat was being named the new Reibi BY the Kyuubi no less, who was previous king of demons, if the villagers ever heard this they'd be outraged if they believed it which would never happen, He also Noted Kurama said Namikaze which he's sure heard the name before He just couldn't put his finger on it. He couldn't wait to give the Village Hell minus a few; but even if he was Reibi surely he just wouldn't be given power.

"Kurama, I assume I'm not just given the power of an almost god, right I mean that would be just stupid?" commented Naruto

"Smart you are Reibi-sama, yes you are correct in the fact that you aren't just given power, but you do get a Demon, Human and Half Demon-Human Forms and a fully custom made bloodline, any kind you want that comes with as much power and as many powers as you want. OH Also you Have Your Chakra Turned into many different forms Which Are Chakra, Ki which is Physical Energy, Reiryoku which is spiritual energy, AndYōkai which is demonic Chakra."

"A bloodline that I can choose with no limits." Naruto was astounded that is pretty much power of high-Kage level right there, oh Kami-sama he was going to abuse that to HELL.

"I'll warn you now Reibi-sama, the more powers the bloodline has the harder the bloodline is to master; if you have 1-3 powers you'll need to have Chūnin level chakra control, 4-6 is jonin,7-9 is Kage level, 10-15 is high-kage,16-20 high-high Kage, and 20-30 is complete masterly over chakra control, also since I'm splitting your chakra into so many different forms it will be 10 times harder to master chakra control. (Powers are totally different from jutsu BTW, like the Rinnegan has paths which each are considered a power and each power can have many jutsu, like the deva path has a push and pull gravity jutsu)Oh, and also you get to choose what animal you want your Bijuu form is to be, plus you can have multiple Stages and or forms to this Animal, the animal can be mythical, real, or just made up."(Already Chosen, and no poll sorry but if its zero tails then I have a good one in mind, it's part of Japanese mythology that's all I'm saying)

-xXoOoXx- Naruto's Apartment/The Next Day -xXoOoXx-

Naruto was walking down his apartment buildings lobby with groceries, Kizachi Groceries, one of the only places that sold him food, water, clothes. Naruto walked down the hall of the apartment complex, Naruto's complex wasn't half bad in fact it was one of the best since the Gondaime set a rule down in stone stating that all Jinchūriki where to be given one of the best apartment buildings and it would be paid by the village so that they aren't pressured with getting a job at age 7 and so that they don't attempt running away.

The carpet was black while the wall where painted beige. There were 51 floors and 28 rooms each floor for a total of 1428 rooms, Narutos room was on the 50th floor he had room 1386, one of the few customizable rooms meaning he could paint and add carpet/wood floors to the room.

Naruto pressed the button to call the elevator, he waited a minute or two since the building was so tall, the penthouse's residents must have just arrived.


'And there is the elevator' thought Naruto.

Naruto got on the elevator and noticed the bellhop was holding out a hand, signaling he was offering some help. Naruto gladly handed half the bags to him.

"What floor Uzumaki-san?" asked the bellhop

"50th floor, Teruo; and stop calling me that It's Naruto" Naruto replied, Naruto remembered the day they met it was pretty funny.

Flashback 2

-xXoOoXx- Naruto's Apartment Complex/Age 7 -xXoOoXx-

'First day at the new place, hmm seems nice I think I'll like it here'

Naruto then proceeded to the elevator with his bags; He elbowed the call button since his hands were full. When the door opened he walked in and has about to head for the buttons when.

"W-w-what fl-floor U-Uzumaki-s-san? Asked the bellhop that I hadn't noticed.

When I glanced at him he tensed; he was average-borderline tall in height, he was he had a swimmer body, lean and muscular. He had brown hair, long and wavy; blue eyes. He wore the hotel uniform; Naruto took notice of his name tag, it read 'Bellhop, Teruo Wazaki'. When I looked at his face he winced, he was sweating bullets.

"Are you ok Wazaki-san?" asked Naruto

"W-what aren't you going to kill me, were alone where no one will know?"

Naruto instantly darkened, his mask falling; "so you believe that trash that people spill about me, I guess everyone is like that"

"Oh my gosh, shit" The bellhop mumbled under his breath even though Naruto heard him, Naruto raised an eyebrow; "Uzumaki-san I'm so sorry let me explain, you see a few years ago I didn't believe in all those lies, but eventually there was so many people shunning me for not believing them I just gave in, I'm very sorry, Gomen." The next thing Teruo heard was, laughing. "WHAT, do you think this is funny!?" Naruto just laughed harder.

"Actually it's really funny first you don't have to apologize so much" Teruo blushed at the kid's remark, "Then you go from submissive apology to angry treat." The Kid laughed harder when Teruo blushed a deeper shade of red.

Once Naruto calmed down he said, "Let's be friends Teruo."

"How did you know my name" Naruto poked him in the chest Teruo looked down and saw his name tag, "oh."

Naruto Snorted and then said, "50th"

Smiling Teruo pressed the button labeled 50, "need a hand Uzumaki?"

Naruto nodded, "call me Naruto."

"Call me Teruo" they both softly chuckled as they walked out the elevator headed to Narutos new room.

Back to Flashback 1

-Naruto's POV-

I Chuckle, "thanks for the lift Teruo"

"No problem" yelled Teruo right before the elevator doors shut.

I walk down the hall, and turn a corner since it was an irregular shaped hotel/apartment complex (A/N: basically all apartment complexes are skyscraper size in Onmyōgakure)

'Let's see 1425… 1426… 1427… and 1428, my room." I thought, my door had a peep hole under the plate with the room number. The door, triple reinforced and the door's lock unpick-able and double reinforced. It was for my protection since people tried to beat me every once in a while. I walk in the door and I put my key on the table.

Walking down the hall I spot the many pictures, my birthdays, my friends, and… My Parents. A lone tear escapes my eye. He remembers that day vividly, the day they… died.


-4 Year Old Naruto's POV-

(A/N: Read this part slowly meaning pause at commas and periods longer than usual)

Blood, so much Blood. It was dark with little light but the only things I could see was my Mother and Father. They were tied up, I'm guessing they had chakra seals on them sense they were very powerful ninja and would have easily freed themselves.

"MAMA, DADDY" I Scream.

Flash of White Light…

"NOOOOO, DADDY", the screech of a chainsaw ripped into my ears, the sound forever burned into them.

Blood. It rained it like crimson rain; it was like taking a shower for the first time but I was only getting dirtier.

My dad on the floor dead. Blood ran down my face.

.Flash of White Light…

"Close your eyes, Naruto." An angel's voice said softly. It belonged to my mother

"I WANT MAMA" I cry.

A man walks up too my mom with the chainsaw It starts.

"NO...NO NOT IN FRONT OF MY BABY" She screams at him.

"Naruto, Close your eyes my baby" again in the angel's voice.

"Close your eyes…Please."

"WAHHHHHHHHH" I scream in a high pitched voice.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. Please don't cry It's going to be ok, Naruto"

The chainsaw revs.


"WAHHHHHHHHH"I scream again.

"No" my mother says in a defeated voice

"Close your eyes Naruto don't look." I see her face the first time, she has red hair electric blue eyes and lightly tanned skin though it looked pale; she's smiling at me. "Close your eyes"

"I WANT MAMA" I cry again.

The chainsaw… it saws her and… I'm holding her hand while she says her last words…

"Mommy loves you Naruto, Mommy loves you."


Review please and.

Thank you, citizens of the world.


[1]- think of a shark that travels in sand instead of water, also its sand color (I'm not talking about real life Sandsharks but Sharks in sand)

[2]- Kyuubi was captured first, so it hurt his reputation with the other tailed beasts and also citizens are just foolish no matter what

[3]- It means ability I will also use Hitobashira no nōryoku rarely, which means ability of the Human Sacrifice (人柱の能力)

[4]- It means Village Hidden in the Yin Yang (隠れ殷ヤンの里)

(A/N: FUCK that kanji was HARD AS SHIT TO WORK OUT, I'm not Japanese (obviously) so I had to use a combination of Naruto wiki and google translate, I hate trying to figure out the kanji for things)

[5]- Yin Yang Kage

~Thanks for Reading my first Fanfiction I know this chapter was short and or boring but the real spice is introduced in the next Chapter. PLEASE review and tell me what I can do better. Thanks you guys I'll see you next time.

P.s Naruto is zero tails because I think 14 tails is enough, we don't need a 15 tails; the amount of tails doesn't mean crap in this Fanfiction so their just names, all Bijuu are same power level except Naruto/Reibi which he will get the actual power later.


