Hi people! This is my first DP fan fic! It's going to be a short story but not exactly a one-shot. It's going to be a two-shot. (if you get what I mean.) This is written in third person in P.O.V's. (if that makes any sense to you.) This is a pretty sweet short story right here and I'm certain most ages can read this. I really hope everyone enjoys it! So now I present my short story to you:

Helping the lost.

Danny's P.O.V

5 Year old Danny was with his Mom shopping in the mall. "Mommy, can we go into that toy shop?" Danny asked as something inside the shop window caught his eye. "Alright then." Maddie said walking into the shop with her son. She let go of her son's hand once inside the shop. Danny raced to the window and picked up the object that he had seen. It was a red rocket. Maddie smiled at Danny's joyful expression at holding the interesting toy in his hands. Maddie saw a shop outside through the window that caught her eye. "Come on Danny, there's a shop I want to check out." Maddie said grabbing Danny's hand. "Mommy, can I have this?" He asked. "We can come back here later to get it if you really want it, but I really want to check a shop out." Maddie said.

"Can't I stay here and wait for you to come back?" Danny asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Please!" She looked down at her son again. His eyes were sparkling in hope and he was also doing the puppy dog pout to top it off. She couldn't say no to that. She laughed slightly.

"Alright Danny, as long as you wait for me in the shop." She said.

"Okay!" Danny said happily as Maddie walked out of the shop.

He started to make the rocket 'fly' in the air. He imagined the stars in space as the rocket flew past space rocks and looked over planets of different shapes and sizes. It would be such a nice view up there. He thought smiling. If he could go up there, finding out things no one else has before, wonderful, amazing views that would be great. But what was the people who went into space called again? He thought to himself. He smiled again as he remembered: Astronauts. He wanted to go up there. He wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. His mind seemed to imagine for ages as he played with the rocket. After an hour in his opinion: (Even though it had only been 10 minutes.) He looked around the shop. Wasn't his mom supposed to be back in the shop by now? He thought in wonder. Then a scary thought entered his mind. What if his mom had forgotten? What if she never came back? He pushed these thoughts away. His mom wouldn't leave him! She loved him! He smiled and started to look around the shop at all the toys. There were lots of different ones. There were teddy bears, spinning tops and yoyo's. There was also fake pirate swords and even a hard out looking Barbie doll. There was so much to look at. He still thought that the little rocket in his hands was the best toy out of all of them. He then got worried once again. It had been another hour and his mommy was still not around. (Yet just another ten minutes. What can I say? He doesn't have a watch.) He looked more around the shop in hope but saw nothing. The shop seemed so huge now and it was so huge that he couldn't see anyone. Small tears slowly fell down his face. His eyes becoming misty. "Mommy?" He called out quietly in hope that she would suddenly appear. But she didn't. The tears grew a bit faster as he sat down on the ground, sadly looking at the rocket in his hands.

Phantom's P.O.V

Phantom was so happy! He had found a gap in the ghost zone made either by that ghost dog, Cujo or that werewolf looking ghost creature, Wulf. It didn't really matter though. Because the main thing was was that he had found the hole and had gotten through to the real world! He had ended up in this shopping mall. He turned invisible the first second he had entered the human world. They weren't supposed to know about ghosts existing and it had been a rule placed in the ghost zone that they always had to stay invisible if they ever somehow got into the human world. So no one would see them. Luckily Phantom was one of the good ghosts. He didn't feel like taking over the world like most of the other ghosts always talked about. They always came to him with their stupid plans, saying how when they finally got to the human world that they would take over it somehow. He thought the ideas would never work. See, if a ghost tried to take over the world...someone would stop them. Even if hardly anyone tried at least someone would stop them. I mean come on! Singing, taking over the world wide web and getting Pandora's box? They sounded so stupid! He couldn't believe how silly these plans sounded. He would always be like: yeah, yeah that's totally going to work. His voice would be etched with sarcasm yet they never realized. They would thank him and fly away out of his area. Good riddance! He had once shouted to the annoying one who had thought that he could steal pandora's box without her realizing once he had left. He shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking about them and all their stupidity! He should be looking around and enjoying himself! He could hear all sorts of sounds with his enhanced hearing. People chatting, laughing, clatter of coins falling onto benches. He could even hear sinks running all the way in the bathrooms. He heard a faint sound of crying. It sounded so faint and so sad. He couldn't bear to listen to it. He started flying slowly, trying to find where the crying was coming from. He eventually got closer to it and found that it was in a toy shop. He flew around, looking for where the crying was coming for. He flew all around the huge shop till he finally saw a little boy sitting on the ground in the right back corner of the shop. The boy was looking at a red rocket in his hands and crying. What's wrong? Phantom thought to himself. It's not like he would be able to work it out or anything. Not unless he asked the kid himself. But he couldn't go back to being visible. That would be breaking the rules. And he wasn't too keen on being stuck in Walkers prison. Heck, he was lucky enough that he hadn't already been put in there for the time he had been in the ghost zone. Unless...he thought with a smile. He picked up the rocket out of the kid's grip and held it above the kid.

Danny's P.O.V

Danny looked up with a gasp as his rocket was floating up above him in the air.

"What...?" He asked with confusion as he wiped away a few tears from his eyes. Had his rocket come to life? He slowly stood up and reached out to grab the rocket. The rocket flew away. He started to run after it in determination. It lead him out of the toy shop all the way to the bathrooms. He ran into the men's bathroom, first of all to find no one in there. The rocket finally stood still, still floating.

Phantom's P.O.V

Phantom had finally gotten the kid all alone. Luckily all the shoppers around were too busy to realize that a rocket was floating on it's own accord. Well, sort of.

He noticed that the rocket could be twisted open at the top. How odd... but handy. Phantom thought unscrewing the top off. The rocket was hollow inside. He made his hand light up with ectoplasm and made it drop to more liquidly than blow uppy type form and let it drop into the rocket. Quite disgusting but it would do the trick. With another smile he screwed the lid back on and put it back into the kid's hand.

Danny's P.O.V

Danny now had the rocket back in his grip. It was even weirder that the rocket had somehow unscrewed itself. He saw a figure appear in front of his eyes. It was wearing a black jumpsuit, with sliver boots and gloves. White hair, oddly in the same style as his.

Neon green eyes meet his sky blue ones. Danny's eyes widened. "G...g...ghost!" Danny shouted pointing. His parents had always talked about them and how they wanted to take over the world and were evil.

Little bit of a cliff hanger here! Since I already have the rest of the story written it means that you guys won't have to wait much until I post up the other half of the story. So, any mistakes, thoughts, opinions? Reviews are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you have enjoyed it so far! :)