I know, it make a while I didn't post any stories. Sorry for that.

So, I had this story in mind for a while, it took me time before I started to write it. I hope you'll like it.

I don't own Class of the titans.

(Theresa's POV)

''And one sound and we'll kill you.'' One warning. It's the only thing my kidnappers told me and another person. We're sitting on chairs, back to back; our wrists tie together, a bag on our head. Just by the hand holding mine, I can guess I'm tie to a boy. Who? I have no idea. I'm not even using my powers, the fear enveloping my body, making it impossible to move.

Discretely, he's writing in my hand. That's a N... There's an A... Here's an M... My name! He's asking my name. My heart is beating one mile at a second. I'm writing discretely my name on his hand, one letter at time.

I'm feeling better after I did it. I hope, I really hope he's going to 'tell' me his name. I want to feel the relief to not be alone with enemies, to have a friend with me around this chaos.

He's beginning to write his name. It begins with an A... follow by a R... There's a C... An H... Oh dear gods! My heart is beating faster, if that's even possible. It's almost getting out of my chest as it hurts me. He's finishing to write his name and I was right. I'm tie to Archie, this purple hair warrior. I'm not making any sound, not wanting to put my life in danger, but I'm crying. I'm crying in relief, in happiness. I'm pretty sure the kidnappers will think it's because of fear. Good thing.

It's seems so far and yet so close what we went through all this month. It's a hard winter since we arrived here, one month ago. After we won against Cronus, we all left New Olympia. We putted aside all our adventures, the gods, the mythological monsters... all but one thing: the hero in our blood. We helped; we saved a lot of people in our hometown. Our voluntary work was like our friendship: the best. Even Neil was 100% agree on this.

We heard this place needed a lot of help. We all agreed, happy to help, overjoyed to be back together. Before we left our home, some people warned us the place in question was very dangerous right now. Jay ordered us to bring our weapons there, just in case. In all his life, Jay never had the best idea ever. The second day we were there, as we were helping some people, a group of brigands jumped on us, the weapon on their hand. They were lucky, they didn't die that day. As for thanks us, the villagers did for us capes for helping us against the cold. I was surprise Neil was agreeing to wear one.

This mission of helping was hard on us mentally. It's wasn't rare that we found a corpse in the snow. Since we attacked the brigands, the enemies send to us a lot of their troupes. I remember one time, Archie was tired of all that and was very closer to snap out. During one night, he got away of us. We realised that in the morning. Atlanta was mad at him. She told us she tried to stop him but he knocked her out before he left. He came back some days later. The first thing he did was to apologize. He took Atlanta in his arms and kissed her. We could hear him whispering apologizes between his kisses. Atlanta told me later he passed all the night to whispering apologizes between kisses all over her.

After that experience, we learned many things, the first and the most important was to speak all together about anything that crossed our minds before we go to bed. It's was the best idea, since that day, we had the impression to be stronger. We helped a lot of people, a lot of villages. We always win, but today, I had the impression we lost.

Some bad guys jumped on us. These were more forceful than the ones we fought before. During the fight, I was too busy to fight a guy than I didn't see or feel one of them going behind me. He knocked me out. The rest, it's cloudy, like some part of a dream. A travel in a truck, some people took me out of it. I was wide awake the second they threw me on the snow without my cape on. It was so cold, like tiny knifes all over my skin.

Now, I'm tying to Archie, forced for saving my life to don't make a single sound. We're waiting. Seconds, minutes, hours? I don't know. Archie, sometimes, squeeze my hand for calming me; remind me I'm not alone.

''Time for us to leave, but watch out! There's micro here. One noise and it's over.'' I'm hearing the guy said before the door slam. We're all alone. I'm using my powers, way calmer than before. I'm checking for any bad guys around. I'm writing something in Archie's hand. One word. One single word, two simple letters. Go. That's my signal for him.

Bless the training we had, Archie is untying us faster and so silently, Atlanta should be proud. We're free. We're rising from our chair slowly and, after, we're taking off the bag on our head. I'm looking at Archie. Now, I'm sure at 100% it was Archie. I needed to see it with my eyes to be totally sure.

We're looking around us. We're in a small room, in the basement. It looks like a garage in fact. I'm glad there's no camera here but I'm still worry about the micro. Archie is going to the window, like a cat. As he's trying to open it, I find our capes and weapons on a small table. I'm taking them and I'm turning my gaze to Archie. The window is open. I'm smiling as I'm going closer to our escape. Archie is already outside and he's taking my hands to help me to escape. The air is cold and I give Archie his cape and his weapons. He's smiling.

We're running the faster we can. Archie's really fast, almost faster than Atlanta. We're stopping, away from their camp. Ours breathes are short, my waist is hurting me. Archie's starting to laugh. I'm looking at him, not understanding the reason.

''We... we did it.'' He's whispering and I'm looking at him with a surprise gaze. He's smiling like a little child before he run to take me in his arms. I'm screaming in surprise as he's spinning us. ''We did it!''

I'm starting to laugh too, realizing he was right. I return the hug and he stops to turn us. He's placing me back on the ground before looking me right in my eyes. I can see all the relief, all the happiness. I just wish deep inside me he was looking at Atlanta right now, not at me. I gasp in surprise and I'm taking Archie's arm.

''It's not over! They're coming!'' Without a sound, Archie is taking my wrist quickly and he's pulling me to the forest. We're running, jumping over roots. I'm looking time to time behind us and I'm starting to see them. ''Archie! They're- Whoa!''

Okay, I didn't expect Archie to pass quickly an arm around my waist and use his whip on the branches. I'm holding him with my arms around his neck and shoulders, trying to not screaming. I can levitate, it's true, but I hate flying like that. Atlanta already describe me the feeling she had the first time Archie did that to her. I got to say, it's really weird as sensation, having the impression to fly while you're almost hugging someone. Archie is taking a large turn and I have to close my eyes, it was a little too fast for me. He's dropping us on a clearing.

I must say, I'm surprise how fast and stubborn these guys are. In less than one minute, they found us back. I'm pulling out my nunchaku and Archie already have his whip ready to attack. I'm kind of glad none of these guys have a gun, but I do not like the kind of weapons they have right now. An arrow passed closer to us. So close, I'm pretty sure I heard it fighting the wind before it touched a tree.

As a signal, Archie is throwing a dangerous attack with his whip. It touched some of the bad guys. They're falling on the ground and their companions are running to us, weapons ready to kill us. We're fighting them like we're fighting Cronus' monsters: without mercy. My powers are in red alert. Why am I not surprise. I'm in the middle of a fight with Archie at my side and-

I'm having the impression all stop around me as I felt an intense pain in my back. I didn't hear the gasp of pain from my mouth. I heard a faint scream. It's screaming something, but I can't understand what. I feel my head so light right now. I'm closing my eyes as I'm feeling I'm falling in the darkness.