Frank had his men secure the scene, found Baker and got an update on Horatio's condition. Baker told him that the Paramedics brought him to the ambulance and he was sitting up when he left. At Horatio's request he had called Dr. Woods who should be on scene shortly. Frank nodded, "Ok finish up here I'm going to check on Calleigh and Horatio."

As Frank walked past the fire trucks that were preparing to leave one of the firemen stopped him. "Hey Detective someone should tell that CSI Lieutenant to keep his people in line." Frank rounded on the guy. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Some chick nearly tore my head off for trying to get her to a safe area, said she was a CSI. Told me in so many words she'd kick my ass if I didn't get out of her way."

"Hey brain donor, for your information, that 'chick' as you call her, is a police officer and she personally kicked a perp's ass down on the beach. And if you'd like me to arrange it I can get her back here and I'll bet a grand right now that she'll kick your ass too."

For the second time tonight the firefighter found himself shoved aside, and as the Detective walked away he swore the man called him a jackass.

As Frank neared the ambulance he was stopped again, this time by one of the paramedics, oh well maybe the kid could give him an update. "Detective someone needs to talk to Lt. Caine."

"What now, did he piss in your Wheaties too?"

"I was just trying to help him and he nearly took my head off."

"Let me guess, he wanted to go find his partner and you got in his way. Let me tell you something, because of him and his partner a serial rapist and murderer is now behind bars. So both you and the fire department can unknot your shorts. Now get outta my way."

Frank looked in the back of the ambulance but when he saw Horatio and Calleigh were wrapped around each other he turned around and eased to the other side of the door. He looked down at his hands, then at the few people behind the tape. When he saw Alexx cross the tape he ventured to look back into the ambulance. He shook his head and turned back towards Alexx and cleared his throat.

Horatio moved his head to the door but did not release Calleigh. "Yeah Frank what is it?"

"Alexx is headed this way. Correction, Alexx is here." He helped her up into the ambulance.

"Don't stop on my account Sugar," she started to say but stopped when she saw the blood. "On second thought let me do my thing and you can get back to whatever you were doing."

Horatio sat back on the gurney and slid out of the way. "Ok Calleigh first."

Calleigh started to protest. "Horatio it's just a scrape and you've already taken care of me. You're still bleeding."

He shook his head, "Sweetheart, I want to make sure you're all right first."

Alexx started to cover the abrasion on Calleigh's jaw. "You know in the time it takes for you to argue about it I could've been done."

She turned to Horatio. "You're next Sugar lay down that will make it easier." She cleaned his wound examining it at the same time. "You're in luck it doesn't look deep I think it'll be fine if I tape it." She poked through one of the overhead bins and came out with a pack of Steri-Strips and carefully taped the wound closed. "Ok that should do it, keep it clean and let me know if it starts getting infected. She turned to Calleigh, "that goes for you too honey. I don't suppose either of you are going to let them take you to the ER?" Both shook their heads in unison.

Horatio got up and jumped down out of the ambulance and turned to help Alexx out. After her Calleigh made to hop down by herself but at a look from Horatio she put her hands on his shoulders and he lifted her out and set her down lightly on the pavement. "Thank you coming out Alexx."

Alexx stopped him, "Uh uh Baby, if you hadn't called me you would have had all kinds of trouble."

He and Calleigh both smiled. "Goodnight Alexx get home safe."

Alexx hugged them both them then walked off to her car.

Horatio let out a tired sigh, "you ready to get out of here?"

"We should let Frank know we're leaving he's over there."

Seeing the paramedic that he had yelled at earlier Horatio hesitated a moment. "Would you tell Frank? There's something I need to do, then I'll take you home." He walked to the paramedic who was talking to his partner. "Excuse me please." Looking at the young man's nametag cleared his throat. "Mr. Daniels I feel I owe you an explanation. I know you were only trying to help me. But from my point of view everything else was secondary to my partner's safety. I apologize for yelling at you."

These CSI people were a different lot but Daniels had to admire an officer for putting his partner's wellbeing ahead of his own. Also for being man enough to apologize when he didn't have to. Daniels reached out to shake his hand "That's ok Sir, I probably would've done the same if it was my partner."

"Thank you for your help Mr. Daniels. Take care of yourself." Horatio walked back to where Calleigh and Frank were waiting for him.

"Horatio, listen I'm sorry…"

"No worries Frank we're both ok, the suspect's in custody and he will never hurt anyone else again."

"But Frank, you owe me big time starting with a new pair of shoes I pulled a strap on one of them." Said Calleigh, giving him a smart ass look.

"Hey if that's all I'm getting off easy. I'll see you both on Monday we'll write up the report then."

"Good night Frank." Calleigh called as she and Horatio walked back to his car.

They drove back to her place in a comfortable silence and he walked with her inside. She pulled him by the hand to sit with her on the couch. He leaned back against the cushions and draped his arm across her shoulders. Though there was no longer any need to play the part neither felt any desire to let the closeness end. Calleigh slid ever closer and leaned her head against him. Horatio's fingers caressed her arm drawing lazy patterns before bringing it to her cheek and kissing the side of her hairline.

"Well I should probably go, let you get some sleep." Despite his words, he made no move to leave.

She shook her head. "I'm ok."

"You sure? I know you're a morning person, you must be tired."

"Not yet, how about you?"

He smiled into her hair. "Insomniac remember?"

She did remember, she worried about his inability to sleep but once again she did not voice those worries.

After long minutes of arguing with himself, he leaned forward sliding his hand down her arm taking her hand. He stood and with her hand still in his he walked to the door.

"Maniac aside I had a nice time tonight."

"Just nice?" He asked with mischief in his voice.

"Ok you got me, I had a wonderful time."

He stood leaning on the door frame, looking at her for a long moment, again there were so many things he wanted to say. He all but tripped over his words. "I'm glad you had a good time." Finally unable to articulate anything else he leaned in, wrapping one arm around her slender frame once again resting his chin on the top of her head and plunging the other hand through the sea of her hair at the side of her neck.

"You sure you don't want to stay for some coffee?" her words buzzing against his chest.

"Thank you but I should go and let you get some rest." Bringing his hand up to the side of her face he kissed her slowly on the cheek, prudence winning out over the ardent desire for just one more taste of her lips. Better to end it like this.

"See you later then?" It was a stall tactic she knew and a feeble one at best.

"It's Saturday, no work till Monday

At the reminder she finally pulled back from him, it was better this way, the ball was over now it was time to go back to real life.

Horatio didn't miss the cloud that swept across her eyes.

"Good night Calleigh."

"Good night Horatio."

He opened the door and she watched him walk down the path till the darkness swallowed him. She closed and bolted her door and swiped impatiently at the tear that threatened to fall, mentally chastising her folly. 'Come on Cinderella it was a nice dream while it lasted.'

Horatio watched her windows for a long minute trying to still the feelings within him. He started driving away not knowing where he was headed, knowing there would be no sleep for him so it would be pointless to go home. Unable to bear the thought of going to an empty house he opted instead to drive around until he could figure out what to do. Suddenly ashamed at his feet of clay, thinking that if he was half a man he would tell her how he felt. Wondering if it would be better to just get it out and done with, but at the same time too afraid of the consequences if she didn't feel the same. But he reasoned she must feel something more than friendship. How else could she kiss him like that if she didn't want something more, if she didn't want him as much as he wanted her? He vaguely wondered if she woke up with his name on her lips. He took a shuddering breath at the possibility that like himself, she might also be having vivid dreams, dreams about him. Desperate to derail the runaway express train of his thoughts he absently turned on the radio.

Sometimes the memory of a dream made it nearly impossible to be in the same room with her. He couldn't count the number of mornings he'd endured ice cold showers just to be able to function on the job. More and more the strain was almost too much, he was so tired of trying to fight the pull. But every time, just when he'd made up his mind to throw caution to the winds he would remember two very uncomfortable facts, one was that although she had gone back to the ballistics lab he was still her boss, and two was that he was forty-six years old. These two points had always had the power to keep her off-limits, right up until that first kiss. Then he finally noticed where his thoughts and the car had taken him, to his all too familiar spot on the beach.

Calleigh had changed her clothes and settled in for an old stand-by she often used when thoughts of Horatio robbed her of sleep. She determined to clean her kitchen within an inch of its life until exhaustion would mercifully take over. She hoped it wouldn't take long knowing all the while that it would be sometime before she would be able to sleep, now that she had the reality of his kisses seared in her memory. She could foresee many sweat-drenched nights in her future. If the unknown could fuel the dreams she'd been having for the last few years she could only imagine what the memory of his kisses would do.

More importantly how was she going to be able to resist her own desire for more of him now that she'd had a taste? This was going to be much more painful than she had expected; she had been crazy to let him pose as her date. Knowing full well that she was attracted to him, she should have insisted that Tripp assign someone else. Yes Horatio would have been confused by her refusal, possibly her rejection might have hurt or even angered him. But for her own self-preservation that's exactly what she should have done, now she was left on the ragged edge of control and she didn't think she could go back to pretending.

Furiously scrubbing at a non-existent stain in her sink while she tried to come up with some kind of plan. Laughing at the absurd futility of the whole situation, she threw the sponge down. She walked back to the living room and sat on the couch as her thoughts passed behind her eyes like shadows. One thing she was becoming painfully aware of was that she could no longer deny her feelings for Horatio. Calleigh found her thoughts violently interrupted by the doorbell. It took her a minute to determine what the source of the sound was.

Irritated by the harsh sound shattering the silence she vaguely considered not answering it in hopes that whoever it was would go away. She thought the better of it after it rang again, mumbling under her breath as she got up to answer it.

"Whoever the hell ya are you better have a damn good reason for annoying a cop at one in the morning."

Looking through the peephole she was startled to see Horatio once again on her doorstep. He looked more nervous than she had ever seen him. She opened the door, "Horatio did you change your mind about the coffee?"

His lips trembled in an insecure smile but said nothing. When he made no move to enter she reached out to him cautiously, as if he were a high bred stallion she didn't want to spook. "Come in Horatio," was all she said.

Without another word he followed her into the living room and levered his tall frame into the chair while she perched on the edge of the couch. Not knowing how to begin his eyes wandered the room looking everywhere except her face.

"Horatio?" She reached cautiously out to him. "What's wrong?"

His head snapped towards her as if her words had physically forced him to look at her. "Calleigh I've been a coward…"

"Horatio I know that's not true. You…"

"Please just let me get this out."


"I thought I knew what I was going to say." He looked down at his hands a moment before taking a breath. "I'm so tired Calleigh, tired of fighting."

"Who are you fighting?"

"Myself, the world I don't even know anymore. I don't know how things got so complicated. I came back tonight because I just had to see you again."

"Horatio, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to tell you what I should've told you a long time ago. I…"

Intently searching his eyes for the meaning of his words, she could tell he was holding back. But for once she couldn't read his thoughts. "You know I care for you. You're the closest friend I've ever had." She knew the moment the words were out they were the wrong thing to say.

Doubt surged over him at these words instantly the walls came back up as he rose to leave. "I'm sorry Calleigh I shouldn't have come back. I'll see you at work."

Calleigh felt an almost physical shove, as his emotional barriers slammed shut. He got to the door before she could stop him; she slipped under his arm blocking his escape. Still his eyes refused to meet hers.

"Horatio please don't go, please talk to me." She waited, holding her breath. When he neither spoke nor looked at her she continued, prodding gently. "Please Horatio don't you trust me?" His eyes finally darted to hers, wordlessly answering her question. "I know you think I can read your mind and maybe sometimes I can;

but right now I can't. Whatever's on your mind I want to understand but I need you to help me."

He suddenly turned, walking away from her, his hands resting on his hips looking anything but calm. She could feel frustration coming off him in waves. He whipped around fixing her with an intense gaze that pinned her where she stood. "Ok I'll be as clear as I can. I have been both a coward and a fool for five years, like I said I should have told you. I didn't because I was afraid."

"Afraid of what?" She whispered.

He looked down trying desperately to put his feelings into words; this wasn't how he wanted to tell her. "I'm forty-six years old Calleigh, next to you I'm an old man. No one knows better than you that I'm damaged goods."

In two smooth steps Calleigh closed the gap between them and placed her hand on his arm. "Horatio please look at me. I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again. You are the finest man I've ever known."

"Calleigh I'm so tired of fighting what I feel for you. I wanted to tell you a thousand times but I was afraid you couldn't possibly feel the same way. I'll take whatever you're willing to give, even if friendship is all you can give me. But my heart and soul have been yours for a long time." His chest was heaving from the exertion of

finally speaking the words he'd kept locked away for so long. Again he ducked his head embarrassed because he was sure it hadn't come out right.

"Horatio I don't understand, if you had feelings for me all this time then why didn't you ever say something? Why did you…" She couldn't finish her sentence, she wanted to ask him why he'd gotten involved with other women if he harbored feelings for her all that time. Instead she now turned away from him, knowing that he could ask the very same of her.

Wordlessly he came up behind her and lightly placed his hands on her arms. "I know Calleigh, what you can't bring yourself to ask. You want to know why I dated other women if I cared for you. I'm not going to give you excuses. All I can say is that I was sure you felt nothing but friendship for me, and that it would be wrong because I'm your boss. I knew I could never have you so I tried to get on with my life. I was tired of being alone. I thought if I started seeing someone that my feelings for you would fade. I was wrong, I… I burn for you."

Calleigh finally turned to face him. "How could you think I wouldn't feel the same about you?" Only when she said this did he risk looking into her eyes. "You're not the only one who tried to move on." She expected him to comment, when he didn't she continued.

"None of the guys I dated ever stood a chance. I knew that inside I was comparing every man I met to you, there was no way they could measure up."

"Calleigh I'm not…"

She shushed him with her fingers caressing his lips. "I know you're not perfect Horatio but you have to understand you're not like most men. You treat me like an equal, you never try to dominate. I think what has always scared me the most about a relationship was losing myself and my freedom in another person. Somehow I knew that wouldn't happen with you. I wanted you that's why it never worked out with anyone else. But I didn't think you wanted me so I never pushed. I felt attracted to you from the moment we met, over the years I came to respect you more than anyone else and somewhere in all that I fell in love with you and I have wanted you every moment since."

She didn't get another word out before Horatio pulled her into his arms, clinging to her as if she were his only lifeline. "Calleigh," he whispered. "I've wasted so much time. He pulled back searching for any signs of doubt, as he always did he found everything he needed in her eyes. "Are you sure Beautiful? You say yes and there won't be any getting rid of me."

"I've never been more sure Handsome." She snuggled back into his chest, running her hands across his back luxuriating in the feel of his body, the faint scent of his cologne. His fingers lightly caressed her jaw and brought her face up to look at his again. "I love you Calleigh, I have for so long I can't remember a time when I didn't." He closed the distance between their lips, losing himself once again in the absolute ecstasy of her lips. Mindful of her tender jaw he kept his kiss light, she however had no such qualms, darting her tongue between his lips requesting entry which he gave to her fully. Pulling her impossibly closer he kissed her deeply slanting his mouth more completely over hers.

When finally his oxygen deprived brain screamed for relief only then did he break the kiss and lean back to look into her eyes. He saw nothing but pure love, the kind he'd waited so long for.

"So I guess it's safe to assume you meant the things you said tonight?" She asked jokingly

"I meant every word I said tonight and a lot more I didn't say."

He started to move back towards the door once again taking her by the hand bringing her with him.

"You don't have to leave."

"Thank you but I really should go."

"You can stay if you want, I trust you."

"Oh Sweetheart I know you do but I don't trust myself. I should go while I can still remember that I'm supposed to be a gentleman."

She said nothing; she didn't know whether to feel disappointed or flattered. Horatio leaned back against the wall pulling her back into his arms.

"Please Beautiful, don't misunderstand me, there is nothing in the world I would rather do than stay with you tonight, to give you anything you want. Let me put it this way. I had a wonderful time tonight, right up to the point where we were interrupted by a murderer. I want a chance to do it all again I don't want our memories of our first time together to be clouded by the case."

"You're right Handsome, I don't want that either."

"Ok so how about I take you out tomorrow night or tonight seeing that it's already Saturday."

"If it's alright with you I'm not sure I'll be ready to go out. I might be two shades of purple in a few hours."

He nodded a pang of guilt washed over him. "Do you think you might feel up to letting me make you dinner at my place?"

"That sounds nice."

"Hey just in case you've forgotten, you are the most beautiful woman it has ever been my good fortune to lay eyes on. And you want to know something else?"

"What's that?"

"You Beautiful, are last thing I think about at night and the first thing I picture in the morning. I can't wait to make that a reality. So think about that every time you go to bed without me because you can be certain that I am thinking of you."

He walked the few steps to the door and she let him open it without stopping him.

"Goodnight Handsome."

"Goodnight Beautiful." This time he didn't stop himself from giving her one more kiss.


An upbeat piano melody came drifting from the stereo into the dining room. Horatio got up from his chair and taking Calleigh's hand he whispered, "May I have this dance?" He led her into the darkened living room illuminated only by the candles in the fireplace. Once again he led her through an east-coast swing. Their movements even more in synch than ever before. Spinning her and bringing her to him, her back to his front. Dropping his hands to her hips and pulling them closer. Holding each other, swaying their hips to the music, their tongues now dancing the steps their feet had abandoned.
