A figure prowled through the halls, keeping to the shadows cast by lit candelabra and the Northern Lights. Passing adults felt only a cold breeze, candles flickering before, like a wraith, the lone silhouette appeared out from a shadow, sometimes even dropping down from above, liquid dripping from its holds on the walls.
The figure stopped before a single door intricately painted with geometric and flowery shapes. A pale hand grasped the door knob, pushing it open a crack. The figure froze suddenly when it creaked, ears straining, before swiftly yanking it open just enough to slip in the room. Stalling, the figure faced the door, closing it silently with the utmost care. They took a deep breath, so close to their goal and now they were getting cold feet. They shoved the feeling into a corner of their mind, concealing it away where they couldn't feel it.
With a strengthened resolve, the figure headed to the right wall. Lithe feet padded up to a crib, stopping to peer into it. Their heart nearly stopped, previously concealed emotions breaking through their constructed dam and sweeping through like a flash flood as ice crept along the walls.
"Mama! Papa!" cried Princess Elsa, eyes darting around to find the crib's missing occupant. In a softer, but no less distressed voice, the five-year old called out, "Anna?" Elsa's internal temperature dropped as she panicked, her overactive imagination pulling forth nightmarish scenarios. She fell to her knees, her breaths coming in short gasps, the storm within howling. Elsa didn't even know the door had opened until she found herself encircled by warm arms. The storm receded.
"Elsa, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be out of bed." Elleora briefly considered throttling her husband. They really needed to fix the way he showed concern.
"Mama, Papa," started their daughter. Elleora counted her lucky stars that Elsa was intuitive enough to focus on Anders' underlying emotion and not his words. Elsa stood shakily, panic and determination swirling in her blue eyes. "I need to find Ann-"
"Elsa!" The princess' breath gushed out in an audible "oof" as a ball of warmth barreled into her, causing them to collapse back into Elleora. The Queen of Arendelle looked down at the two in her arms, the chill of her eldest thawing in the Anna's embrace.
"Anna!" gasped Anders, kneeling down. "What are you doing awake and out of your crib," he asked, his voice harsh with worry.
Elsa pinned her father with a chilly glare at the tone he used while Elleora merely rolled her eyes. Anna's beaming grin unaffected by the mood as she happily pointed out the window, "Sky's awake." Then she pointed to herself, her hair shining like fire under the Northern Lights "I's awake."
Elleora laughed, seeing the face both Elsa and Anders pulled at the youngest's logic. "Oh stop, you two worry warts," Elleora admonished seeing the both of them ready to launch into a tirade. "We just need to get Anna a bed now," Elleora said.
Both adults' minds immediately flashed back to the day years ago when it was decided Elsa would get her own bed. And the terror they felt as dawn rose upon an empty crib and a princess-less castle.
A cool winter breeze had carried giddy laughter to a distressed mother and she hurried outside with her husband. The two would forever remember the scene they came upon. There, playing in the snow near a fountain in nothing more than her thin nightgown, her lightest of blonde hair sprinkled with white, ice on her clothes refracting dawn's light, laying in nature's softest blanket where her arms had made their mark was their daughter. "Snow Angel," Elleora had murmured in awe. Elsa had gotten up, easily picking up on her Mama's voice and wrapped her little arms around them. Almost robotically her parents returned the embrace, their minds stunned for that was also the first time they had seen evidence of Elsa's powers. True, the child had indeed made a snow angel but the 'wings' were made of sheer, shimmering blue glinting with snowflakes. It was impossible. The parents' amended their thoughts when they noticed the snow around them dissolving into blue glitters which floated up and dispersed. It was magical.
"Anna isn't as bad as Elsa was."
Anders chuckled, his mood brightening as he conceded to Elleora's point, nodding. A thought struck him and he turned to his eldest who tried to shrink back into Elleora' arms, "Elsa, how did you get here without anyone seeing you?" Magic timidly spiraled up from her hand and Anders shook his head, "A castle full of royal servants and palace guards," he mused, "And a five-year old with ice powers manages to sneak past them all."
Elleora smiled softly and Anna began to bounce energetically. "Play," she said recognizing the blue which shot out of her sister's hand. Anna grabbed onto Elsa exuberantly, "Do magic. Do the magic!"
Anders' face softened, seeing the want to do exactly as Anna said warring with the weariness in Elsa. He gently grabbed Anna up, smiling when she pouted. "Now, Anna, it's getting late-"
"Don' wanna leave Elsa!"
"You don't have to." Both of his daughters blinked at that. "Do you want to sleep with Elsa in her bed, Anna?"
He had barely gotten the words out before Anna was nodding. Elleora picked Elsa up when she yawned and rubbed her eyes. The family left the room, two pairs of footsteps padding on towards Elsa's bedroom. Anders eyed the melting handles Elsa had used to scale the walls and hide from sight. He swallowed a bolt of fear that had rushed through him. He hoped, probably fruitlessly, that Anna wouldn't be as reckless as Elsa.
Anders opened Elsa's blue-painted door, briefly admiring his wife's work. He went around to the far side of Elsa's bed, pulling back the duvet for Elleora to place Elsa down, then he the same with Anna. Anna happily clung to her older sister and Elsa worked up the energy to smile as she lay on her side.
"Anna, Elsa" Anders addressed from beside Elleora before they could doze off. Two pairs of bleary blue eyes locked on him. "Anna should have her own bed by tomorrow," Anna blinked then smiled. "If you both share a room, do you promise to not wander the halls at night?" Elsa shied away slightly but both nodded sheepishly. Anders smiled, "Okay then." He kissed both of their foreheads, "Good night."
Elleora smiled slightly. "Sleep well," she bade her daughters already in sleep's embrace, moving forward to run her fingers through Elsa's hair, "Soft and light, Snow Angel." Her fingers danced lightly over Anna's freckles, "Warm and bright, Fire Light."
The King and Queen cast long shadows upon the walls as they finally walked to their room for some shut-eye.
"Elleora?" Anders started, continuing when she hummed in acknowledgement. "Why did you choose those nicknames?" Off the top of his head Anders could come up with several others, some generic and some specific like the ones she uses, but even he uses a variety.
Her lips twitched up a bit, but didn't quite reach her eyes. "The mind remembers moments of great emotion. Sometimes dark emotions, like fear, overshadow my memories of joy. I first associated Snow Angel and Fire Light with fear." Anders steps faltered, but he concealed his shock well, like a true Arendelle royal.
"At first," Elleora reminded him patiently, seeing through his purple mask. "Now that fear just reminds me that I fear because I love." She nudged her husband when realization broke across his face. Elleora scoffed in playful exasperation, "Really, Anders. Did you forget that dealing with fear is so heavily ingrained in your royal lessons because as regnant, you are expected to love Arendelle and its citizens? Love and fear are as intertwined as light and day. You should know better."
Anders pulled his poetic and profound wife into an embrace. "That's why I need you here to remind me, Elli," he replied. "I love you."
"I love you too, Anders." Elleora paused, smirking the tiniest bit, "Even if you do still need some fixing."
The King of Arendelle blinked once, twice. "Are you calling me a fixer-upper?"
Elleora rolled her eyes. 'How on earth he manage to pick up all these terms is beyond me.' She waved off Anders' words, her eyes alight, "Everyone's a bit of a 'fixer-upper', Anders."
"But I'm your fixer-upper." Elleora blanched though her eyes seemed the slightest bit amused.
"Your courting skills are yet another thing I need to fix," she sighed dramatically.
Anders paused, his mouth shutting as he rethought his sentence, "Wait, what?" His eyes glinted with the same humor and glee as Elleora, "What, do you have a list?"
"Of course," she answered smoothly, her mouth curling in a smile. Anders felt a thrill of fear shoot through him at the predatory glint in her blue eyes, "Starting with how you express your concern to our daughters..."
1/30/14 A/N: Man...I had such a hard time writing this chapter for some reason. I just...don't know.
Anyway, I think I'll respond to some reviews at the end of the Elsa and/or Anna chapter, since I plan on cycling through Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Hans.
To one Guest:
Yes and no, on Elsa's powers and how she got them. I just brush the surface of my theory behind Elsa's powers, as the first chapter was just a bedtime story to give you a general idea. Basically, Arendelle was suffering through increasingly prolonged and harsh winters, and then Elsa was born and the seasons were back in balance.
To all my readers, whether you've reviewed or not, thank you. I would really appreciate reviews though. Feedback is awesome and influences me to both write and write better. So...tell me if this sucked, what you liked, what you didn't like, what you want to see. Even just a few words would be great.
Please and thank you
-Just a Person
2/1/14 A/N: I completely forgot to point out why I chose to wrote this scene for Elsa & Anna. Woops.
First off, I wanted Elsa to be able to sneak through the castle during her years of isolation. Initially it was just me trying to come up with why Elsa and Anna would share a room as kids. They have an entire freaking castle, who would need to share a room? What also ended up in here was how their parents came to know about Elsa's powers, and the story behind Anna & Elsa's nicknames.
Oh, and how Anders got away with greeting their panicked daughter by saying "Elsa, what have you done?" Yeah, that bit kinda pissed me off and is probably why everyone writes the late King and Queen in such a bad light. I took advantage of the fact that Elleora -I'm not just going to call her "Queen" or "their mother"- was immediately distracted by an unconscious Anna so couldn't really say anything to Anders. Not that she usually reprimands Anders in front of their daughters.
Does my Anders and Elleora feel believable? I haven't even touched on the 'isolation of Elsa' bit yet, so I'm not sure how believable they are right now.