Emily awoke inside her family's living room. There were lots of bodies around her, of people sleeping. There was Juliana, Lord Jadeite, Grace, Lord Nephrite, Blossom, Lord Zoisite, Lord Kunzite, Endymion, Serenity, Heliodor, and her parents, but...where was Beryl?

She suddenly remembered the last thing she saw before she fired the entire fiber of her powers back at Metallia. Queen Beryl fried to a crisp, and Metallia's head shields stopping their revolution. She looked again at Heliodor. He must know, but how would he take the circumstances?

As Heliodor woke up, she insisted on holding him, and never letting him go. In this moment, it was perfect. She knew now that it was not infatuation, but in fact something more. She actually liked his constant sexual advances, for they were something she hoped for. He was groggy and somewhat disoriented.

"Don't leave me yet."

"I never will."

"I'm here for you. Always."

"I love you."

With that, they kissed and held each other tight.

Kunzite stood over them and sneered, "Is this behavior becoming of royalty?"

The two of them stopped kissing, and looked up sheepishly.

Heliodor said, "I can explain. You see, I must have two certain stones to-"

Kunzite raised his hand. "Help me get the others up, please. We will all need to eat something."

As the others got up and realized where they were, they began to embrace each other, holding tight.

In all the happy commotion, Heliodor realized there was somebody missing.

"Where's my mother?"

The people grew quiet. Suddenly, Emily had to deliver the bad news.

"Your mother...sacrificed herself to save us. She threw a gigantic attack Metallia had to stop the shields to deflect."

Heliodor's face grew dark.

Kunzite gave the rest of the explanation. "She knew she had to die, and gave herself for you and those you grew to love."

Heliodor meekly asked, after shedding a tear, "She saved us?"

"She died for all of us. I know she would happily do it again."

Heliodor went off by himself, and Emily crept behind him.

When Heliodor saw Emily on the balcony he had secluded himself to, he became mad.

"I don't need to show you my crying!"

"Well," Emily said, meekly, "When you're ready, I'm here."

She then went back into the bedroom. It was a guest bedroom, where the two of them could easily sleep in the large bed.

What seemed like a second later, Heliodor came in and looked at Emily. He embraced her, giving her kisses upon kisses. They melted together onto the bed, but Lord Kunzite knocked on the door. They opened it, for they were still very dressed.

"Excuse me, but would you two like something to eat? We're all going over to Nephrite's house."

"Sounds good." Emily bolted out the door.

Kunzite held Heliodor back. The elder man showed the younger a pair of stones.

"Are these the two you were wanting?"

"Well, the pink one certainly is not kunzite."

"It will bond better with the other one, for they are in the same family."

"Then they are perfect."

Grace's friends from the town and from Georgetown had bonded through their mutual experiences of watching their friend and her father being brainwashed and kidnapped. They put all the food into storage, whatever they had not eaten.

Everyone bought new platters and new drinks, and they all had a large party, where they all celebrated being free. Even though the cops were not called to it, the party was a wild success.

Heliodor presented what he did to the two stones Lord Kunzite had given him: a magically fused stone of the golden heliodor and pink morganite, both from the same family of beryl.

"Emily, you have shown me great faith and great love. I know you liked my advances, though you were simply being proper. Forgive me for being so forward. It is here, and now, that I have chosen the one who my future rests in, if she will have it. Emily Victoria Vaziri, Supreme Commander of the Golden Kingdom, will you marry me?"

Emily was overcome. This was the one thing she wanted more than anything else. She threw her arms around him and said, "Yes."

With a cheer, everybody acknowledged the engagement.

That very night, the two of them lay in an invisible tent on the sand in St. Petersburg, Florida. It was warm and humid; perfect for lying beside each other. Heliodor stroked her hair. It was a perfect night-the sand, the gentle sounds of the gulf, nobody around to hear them.

"Do you want to?"

"Of course."

"Close your eyes."

She did, and the man kissed her deeply, soulfully. It was just perfect the way he moved close, and delicately pressed his body to hers.

They came together, quietly among the crashing of the waves.

When they returned to Kentucky, they kissed again, Emily's ring on her finger, and went their separate ways. Nobody knew a thing except them.

"Let's set a date, baby."