The Epilogue – the summer after year seven. Somehow sad that that's the end, but there was no book to base on anymore… and I think the epilogue will end this fic nicely.
And I also finally tell you who Tom is… (just if you're interested, that is xD )
I hope you enjoyed it and I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you.
And now on with the story for the last time…
Disclaimer: all JKR's, not mine…
Epilogue: A Girl at the Counter
The war had ended. And while the wizardry world started to assort its life, old Tom was standing at his counter in The Leaky Cauldron polishing shining glasses. His bar was like always. Sometimes it was full of people, sometimes it was empty. The people went through to Diagon Alley, they used its floo, they stayed to eat or to sleep. It was like always and it would not change forever.
"I know who you are." A young girl sat down on one of the chairs at the counter. She was seventeen and definitely a survivor of the battle at Hogwarts.
"And I know who you are, young Hannah Abbott." Tom replied and cocked his head. "But… do you just know who I am or do you know, who I used to be?"
"That's a good question" The girl replied. "I think I know both."
"Do you?"
"Yes." The girl now narrowed her eyes at him. "But I don't know why you are still here. Voldemort is gone… you are not needed anymore."
"I have never been needed in the first place, my girl." The innkeeper replied. "On the other hand I have never been needed more than now."
"Are you sure about that? Voldemort's gone. Why should your power be needed when there is no-one to rescue anymore? They are all safe now."
"I never rescued anyone from any dark wizard" Tom replied. "I don't care if they perish. My power does not safe anyone from his fate."
"But once you did rescue…"
"Once – but that was a long time ago and I was a different man at that time…"
"Then what are you doing?"
"I comfort them, I heal them." Tom answered without hesitation. "For the rescue they needed a different person. You know of whom I've been talking about."
"Harry" Hannah didn't even stop to think about her answer. "That's Harry's part."
"Yes, lovely, it is."
"Then what exactly is your part?"
"Like I said: I comfort and heal them."
"But how?"
"Look around, my dear. They are coming here, they are talking. It's my part to let them clean their soul by talking. Some of them need more, but for the most of them this is enough."
"Then what are you doing with people who need more?"
"I give them more. I've my whiskey for this. I watch them and choose my special whiskey for them. Whatever their problem is, there is always a way to help them to continue with their task… even if a little bit of magic is needed."
"That sounds as if you are busier than before."
"I am, sweetie, I am."
"So you will not leave for some years."
"Then, when I ask, will you teach me?"
"There is nothing to teach, young one."
"But you said yourself that you are doing more than selling whiskey. I would like to have an inn. Can you teach me?"
"So you came to ask me that?"
"Yes, I did. Are you cross about that?"
There was a silent between the young girl and the old innkeeper. The old man was looking at the girl, reading her intensions in her mind without telling her, what he was doing. The girl was sincere. In her mind, he could see her wish to have an own inn since she was small. When she had met him and had learned about him she set her mind on him teaching her. To his own surprise it had been Severus who had set the girl on him. Apparently the young man had been certain that the girl was the right one for Tom. He would not have helped Hannah to see the real Tom if he hadn't been sure.
"No. I'm not cross." Tom answered. "You are chosen to come to me."
"I am?" The girl in front of him seemed more than surprised. "I think you are mistaken."
"No, I'm sure, sweetie. You have been chosen to be my apprentice. You have been chosen to be the next owner of The Leaky Cauldron."
"I did not ask to be the next owner of the inn." The girl frowned. "I asked to be your apprentice. I did not ask anything further."
"I know. But it is time. I have been too long in this place. I need a new start somewhere else. I will teach you and leave in a few years' time for good."
"No! That's not what I want! You don't have to…!"
"I know, but it's time. I'm here too long."
"But, Merlin…"
"It's 'Tom' now, my dear."
"Yes, sorry, but…"
"There is no 'but'. You have been chosen. I will trust the choice of my late friend. He has chosen you and I will go with his gut feeling."
"So you're taking me in because he asked you to?"
"No. I'm taking you in because I asked him to choose. I would not have been able to. I would not know the young ones good enough to do so. But my friend always had had a keen eye. It has way keener than anyone knew. There is no way he could be wrong about you."
Now the young girl frowned.
"He would have to know me better than…"
"I told you – young Severus had a keen eye. You are my chosen. Will you accept?"
The girl eyes widened but she just hesitated a moment, then she nodded.
"So come back at Monday" Tom said, while seeing the future of the girl in front of him in his shining glasses. He saw her grow up, he saw her marry Neville Longbottom and he saw her happily working in the inn he was calling his until she was ready.
And so Tom decided to return to business as usual until the time came and the girl who had left his inn a few moments ago, was ready to take over.
And when the girl finally was ready, Tom handed her his keys gladly.
"But what about you?" she asked him.
"It is time to lay Tom to rest" Tom answered shrugging. "Don't worry. I will be fine. I always have."
And if some hundred years later a red haired man with startling blue eyes and unusual glasses would take over The Leaky Cauldron from his predecessor, the similarities to Tom's original appearance was pure coincidence.
The lad's name was Harry and if sometimes he was called Merlin by people who used the special rooms behind the counter, the people who did that were delusional. After all – Merlin was long gone.
"Good Day, my name is Harry. A drink today? I have a special whiskey to your liking…"
And, did you guess right about Tom? (I know at least one of you has… xD)
Information: Thought I should add that before I get asked by someone…
Yes, Tom's (Merlin's) new name is Harry. No, it has nothing to do with 'Harry Potter'. I chose Harry because of the saying 'Tom, Dick and Harry.' I do not like the name 'Dick' so that left me with 'Harry' – now thinking about it… somehow funny that Tom first shared his name with the villain and then with the saviour… well, no way changing it xD
I hope you liked my story.
Over and Out.