Timeless Gazing

I feel him gazing at me every time we are near, he eyes burn a whole in my heart, and he makes me tremble, Sometimes I can't bare it and wish I was in his arms, and that we where married and that everything was simple. I always know when he's looking at me, I can feel his eyes on me even when I'm not looking, Clara says its disgusting the way we play with each other through our eyes, but I ignore her most of the time, I find it ridiculously romantic.

I Love when he enters a room and I'm not alone, He stares at me whilst addressing the others, his chocolate eyes darken with lust so much I can hear the passion coming though his speech I sometimes giggle to myself hoping that no one else can hear what I hear.

Like last month when Mr. Weston had asked the girls and I to present to the heads of departments about our modern ways in Ladies wear, John was sitting on the chair, his long legs crossed, you could tell he was annoyed with Mr. Weston and me to for ignoring his wishes but he still held his gaze, his eyes travelling everywhere I moved, I could feel his eyes focusing in on my lips every time I spoke, and when we finished I swear he clapped the loudest in the room I looked down at him and his gave me a small smile, just for me, only for me and I know he is no longer annoyed just proud of me, and I can see that in his eyes.

Even when we weren't together, the moment he walked into the room my heart would beat faster knowing he was gazing at me with all the passion in the world, I would try my hardest not to look back at him but I couldn't resist falling into his soft eyes.

When he looks into my eyes he knows like I know when I look into his.

When we kiss, although he is such a good kisser it is often not his lips that make me shake with pleasure but the intense yearning beaming from his eyes into my own.

His eyes make me feel safe, trusted and loved.

And I can't get enough of them