Name: Gale Rogers

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Occupation: Marine Gunnery Sergeant

Blood Type: O-negative

Hair: Hip length, straight, red

Eyes: Deep gray (glow red)

Skin: Tan

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Mostly Muscle

Build: Slender

Family: Beverly (mother) (D), Lance (father) (D), Casey (older brother), Matthew (younger brother), Abby (younger sister), Coleen (younger sister), Debora (younger sister)

Weapons: CZ75 Phantom (with silencer), IMI Desert Eagle, 2 machetes, throwing knives, compound bow and quiver with arrows

Personality: Rational, motivated, quiet humorous, dependable, kind, caring, hardened emotions

Other Info: Wears elbow length fingerless gloves to hide scaring on wrists and lower arms; Large X scar on stomach

Outfits: Polyvore: gale_rogers/set?id=108479168

