Author notes: hey it's my first fanfiction. Criticism is welcome. In the fanfiction Han is not smuggling/stealing money from Takashi, without further ado I hope you enjoy "beginning,middle and end" .

I was tired and just wanting to sleep when I pulled my car up into the very packed garage. When I got out I did a quick sweep of the room seeing how many people were filling the bottom floor of the garage. Even after living with Han for three years I could never get over the sight of the racers, cars and barley dressed girls that created the underground Tokyo racing Scene. It was like nothing I had ever seen before in the states yes there was a pretty big racing scene but nothing even close to Tokyo.

I grabbed my bag and phone and started heading to the stairs that lead to the upstairs of the garage. As I was half way up the stairs I turned around and looked to the couch in th far corner, as I predicted Han was sat there with two barely dressed girls on either Sid of him. Han with a hand around each of their waist looked me directly in the eye and smiled, I returned the gesture and made my way to my room. I opened the door stepped inside and shut it behind me. I began to strip out of my clothes until I was down to just my underwear and fell face first into my bed.

I lay like that until I heard my door handle moving. I sat up on my elbows and looked at th door waiting for some random drunk person to enter. I was slightly surprised though when had stepped in quickly shutting the door behind him.

"It's just you," I said falling back onto my face

" nice underwear."

"Cheers." I said flipping home the finger and could hear him chuckling at the crude hand gesture. Trust my luck for Han to come into my room the day I chose to wear my dark blue matching bra and underwear set with black lace the day he came into my room.

"As much as I love the free show" he said " why don't you get dressed and come downstairs, You missed the races and I haven't seen you all day."


At that moment she rolled onto her front and gave me a great view of her breasts without a shirt on. And I must say I was pretty impressed and had to fight hard to stop myself becoming over excited. I found it hard to keep my face neutral as she looked at me with those big green eyes.

"Do I have to? I just got in now."

"Yeah you do. Where were you anyway I was getting worried?"

"Ha! You worried about me , don't believe you. You probably didn't even notice I wasn't there. Too preoccupied with your models to miss me. I bet you only noticed I wasn't there because Twinkie was pestering you."

Trust Ellie to think the worst of me, but I can't be asked to fix her opinion of me now so I might as well let her.

"Someone has to babysit him and I didn't feel like it tonight." I reply " where we're you though?"

" one of the girls was sick so I had to cover her shifts. The boss said he would pay me for the time which means I can start the upgrades on my car next week."

She said with a smile

"I don't know why you still work at that place all you boss does is Lear at you and harass you."

"What like you doing now" she said with a hint of teasing and amusement in her voice

"I'm not learning at you." I said as I started walking to the door looking over my shoulder is Said " are you coming downstairs?"

"Yeah" she said standing up and heading to the door. All I could do is stair for a moment before my brain kicked in.

"Not like that you aren't." I said signalling at her underwear and bra.

"What wrong with it. It's more than what some of those models are wearing."

"I don't want you getting attention from the horny male population of people downstairs" I stated.

She leaned into me and used a husky voice."Well if I didn't know any better I'd say that you were sounding very jealous" she then began to lean into me and began kissing my neck. I placed an arm around her waist.

"Ellie..." I started only for her to push away from me with a massive smile on her face.

"Fine I'll get changed." She turned her back to me as I opened the door. "But Han." She called, I paused and turned around


"Your to easy to tease." She said as she un-clasped her bra and dropped it to the floor. I shut the door with a huge smile on my face.