Hey everyone! Well this is my second fanfic starring Rebecca and Billy as the main couple. I had to get this out here before I forgot the main plot of this story. Don't worry I'll still finish my first story Confronting the Past. Enjoy :)


Rebecca was back at the Arklay Umbrella facility. She was running around in circles, all alone through the dark, eerie and monster infested facility. For some odd reason she couldn't find Billy.

She was on her last rounds and there seemed to be more and more monsters coming. She ran through the hallways, her eyes searching for Billy and a way out. A light illuminated the room at the end of the hallway, It seemed to be a clear road opposed to the one behind her; filled with about 20 zombies.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, she yanked the door handle open and locked herself inside. As she turned she knocked into someone. "Oh Billy!?" She panted relieved. "There were tones of zombies back there, so going back is out of the question, we need to find another way."

She noticed Billy was still facing the other way seemingly not paying attention to her. "Billy?" She grabbed him by the shoulder and he turned ever so slowly. She gasped, her hands clasping over her opened mouth. She walked back, his hands began to rise simultaneously, he shuffled toward her and to top it all off and he moaned.

His physical appearance had already changed too. His skin was a chalky white color, his hair was greasy and un-kept and his clothes were dirty; there were holes in them exposing the decomposition the other zombies also showed in their physical appearance. Though what surprised Rebecca most was that Billy's eyes weren't the mesmerizing brown she use to know, they were all white and soulless.

He kept shuffling towards her, to her shock the room felt like it was narrowing; even the lights seemed to have faded everywhere else except on them. "Billy, stop this." She pleaded as she unhooked the nine millimeter from her holster.

Rebecca continued to move back until she was leaning against the door she had come from. She held the gun firmly in both hands and raised it unwillingly. Rebecca couldn't bring herself to shoot the man she had fallen in love with.

She lowered the gun in her hands and Billy lunged at her.

She woke up with a start; her heart was pounding heavily and beads of sweat were falling from her forehead. "It was only a dream." She sighed unevenly while staring at the dark ceiling.

Suddenly her alarm went off which made her jump and heart accelerate once again. She shifted in her bed to look at the time, "4:30 already?" she groaned, she'd overslept; the alarm was on snooze. It was time for Rebecca Chambers to get ready for her day.

Sorry its a little short but I wanted you guys to get a feel of where this was going. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. As always I enjoy comments, reviews, follows and favorites! Thanks and Keep reading! :)