Today I was talking with a friend and came up with an idea for a Carrie/Chronicle cross-over since the two characters of Andrew and Carrie are very similar in many ways. I loved the idea so much that I began to write it, and I have so many ideas.
The story will take place in a hybrid universe of the 2012 film Chronicle and the 2013 film Carrie. Essentially, the story will be a hybrid of the two movies with a few added plot lines. If you like the idea or don't like it, please comment and let me know why. Enjoy! :)
Andrew Detmer opened his eyes, awaking to the sound of his alarm clock radio.
"Good morning!" the voice on the radio said, "Thank you for spending your morning with us!"
"Like I have any choice…" Andrew said to himself.
"It is currently 6:30 AM," the voice continued, "and the weather is currently sunny with a temperature of 68 degrees outside, and I don't know about you, but here at the studio we are experiencing a BEAUTIFUL sunrise." Andrew got up out of bed and opened the blinds to his window to see this "BEAUTIFUL" sunrise that the man on the radio was talking about.
"Meh, it's okay, I guess…" Andrew wasn't much for scenery, so, of course, he wouldn't be too interested.
"Alright, enough of this," Andrew said as he turned off the radio, "time to get ready." He opened up his dresser and grabbing the first pair of clothes that he saw. After getting changed, he went through his normal morning routine of washing his face and brushing his teeth and hair. He picked up the razor that his cousin, Matt, got for him for his 16th birthday. He looked at his face, and saw that his peach fuzz wasn't quite long enough to shave yet.
"Soon." He said to his razor as he put it down next to his sink. He smiled at his utter ridiculousness of talking to his razor.
However, his short-lived smile soon disappeared completely when Andrew heard his dad pounding on the door.
"Andrew, get outta there, I gotta piss." Andrew sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Okay, dad. Gimme a sec." He did a few final touch ups.
"Why do you even bother?" Andrew heard his dad say.
"…what?" Andrew asked, confused at the question his dad had asked.
"Why do you try to look good? Is it to try to make some new friends? Or to impress a certain special someone?"
Ignore him. Andrew thought.
"Andrew, I'm your father, I asked you a question. Now give your father the respect that you need to show him, and answer the question, dammit."
"I do it to look presentable. Though you wouldn't know anything about looking presentable, would you?" Andrew knew how snarky and rude this comment was, but he had to laugh a bit. He suddenly stopped hearing noise from outside the door. Did he scare off his dad? Andrew smiled and thought of this as a moment of victory. With a feeling of confidence, he walked to the bathroom door. Andrew opened it, to see his dad standing right there.
"...dammit." was the first thought that came to Andrew's head, and the last one that came to his head before his father grabbed him and pushed him against the wall and down to the ground.
"DON'T YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Andrew looks up at his dad. Saying his dad looked furious would be a gross understatement. "I AM YOUR FATHER!" His dad continued to scream into his face, "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, AND THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS GIVE AN HONEST ANSWER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Andrew groaned a bit.
"Ow….dad I think you hurt my back-" Andrew's dad slammed him against the wall again.
"DO. YOU. UNDER. STAND." His dad asked, slamming him into the wall with every syllable.
"Okay, I got it!" Andrew said. Andrew's dad nodded and smiled as if he was enjoying his dominance over Andrew.
"Good." Andrew's father said, still smiling. "Now go to school, you're gonna be late." Andrew's dad let go of him and walked into the kitchen and then to the refrigerator to get himself a beer.
"You know, it's not a good idea to drink first thing in the morning…" Andrew said, not wanting to have to come home to his drunken dad. After saying this, his dad turned to look at him.
"Excuse me, Dr. Andrew, I don't think I asked you." His dad said.
I don't need to waste my time here. Andrew thought as he walked to the door, and walked out of the house.
"Well that was a productive morning." Andrew said, wincing as he felt his back and began to walk to school.
"Carrie, time to wake up." Carrie White heard her mother say. Carrie half-opened her eyes.
"Can I sleep for just a bit longer?" Carrie asked.
"You and I both know that you can't." Her mother responded.
"Okay." Carrie said, as she continued to lie down. Her mother didn't budge.
"Carrie White, get out of bed."
"Alright, momma. I got it."
"I mean it."
"Yes, yes, I know you do, now please, leave me alone."
"Little girl, you get out of bed right now." Carrie's mother said as she grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her bed, and she fell onto the floor on her shoulder.
"Ouch, momma that hurt!" Carrie said with a sad look in her eyes.
"You're awake now, aren't you?" Her mother said with a serious face.
"Yeah, I'm awake. Gosh…" Carrie stood up. Her shoulder hurt.
"Carrie, you know what God says about respecting authority, don't you?" Carrie's mother said.
"Yeah, I know, momma. You don't need to start." Carrie said as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She pulled up the sleeve of her nightgown to reveal a red spot that she was sure was going to turn into a nasty bruise. But she didn't let that get her stop her from doing her morning routine. She brushed her hair, brushed her teeth, and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Yeah, I'm pretty." She said.
"How are we doing in there, Carrie?" her mother asked from outside the door.
"I'm okay!" Carrie said with a "get off my back" tone.
"Carrie, do you need to go into your closet?" The words that Carrie's mother said sunk in and Carrie suddenly took a very respectful tone.
"No, no, that's okay, momma."
"Don't use that tone with me or with anyone else ever again. Got it?"
"Okay, I got it, momma. I love you."
"Alright, good." Her mother said, without even so much as a "I love you too." Carrie eagerly grabbed together her stuff and started to walk out the door to school. Sure, everyone ridiculed her and bullied her and she had no friends, but it was a lot better than being pushed around by her mom.
"Bye, momma." Carrie said as she was about to walk out the door.
"Hold on, one more thing." Her mother said, stopping her. "Remember to not sin and pray all throughout the day. Do you understand?" Carrie rolled her eyes.
"Momma-" Carrie began to say before she was cut off.
"I said do you understand?" her mother said a bit more harshly. Carrie sighed.
"Yes, I understand." She said in a defeated tone.
"Good. Now go and have a good day." Her mother said.
"I'll try." Carrie said as she walked out the door.
"Now wasn't that productive." Carrie said sarcastically as she started her way to school, rubbing her shoulder, which still hurt.
Like I said before, if you would like to comment and let me know what you thought of it, please do! :)