Hey guys! So this is my first fan fiction. It might start off a bit slow but don't worry, it will get good I promise. Enjoy, and please remember to review. Bring on the flames!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters in this story they belong to Rick Riordan.


Of course, soon or later, another monster had to show up. Did it matter that it hadn't even been an hour since they had last got attacked? Nope.

Jason and his friends had just warded off another attack by some Stymphalian birds. Everyone was exhausted. Once that had finished they all retreated back to their rooms, to catch some sleep, Leo taking watch. It had only been a day since the House of Hades, and already they had beaten off seven monster attacks. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel had filled Percy and Annabeth in about what had happened to them as they had traveled to the House of Hades, while they told them about Tartarus. It sounded horrible, and Jason was glad they were now reunited with their friends. Now they just had to face, and hopefully destroy, some giants. Easy as that; of course if they managed not to die along the way.

Jason had managed five minutes of rest, before Leo called a meeting in the mess hall. And the mess hall definitely lived up to its name, everything was scattered everywhere, there was no real order. Who said heroes lived in style? Cursing, Jason got up and wearily strode towards the mess hall, Piper beside him. She squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek, to which Jason smiled; Piper had been a great comfort over the past few days. She had matured so much both mentally and physically since that day on the Grand Canyon. Together they walked into the room. Everyone was assembled. Percy grinned- he looked tired, but he was still his cheerful old self, his arm around Annabeth.

"Well guys, it's sure great to be back here with the rest of you, but why are we here?" Percy asked. Jason had been wondering that himself.

Leo answered, " We need some supplies, and I figured we can get all that I need from the nearby town of Arta and Lake Niti which is where we are parked right now- hopefully we won't get a parking ticket!" He chuckled to himself, and Frank gave a hearty laugh that drowned everyone else out. Most peoples spirits were light, albeit the terrible task ahead of them. Leo quickly gave jobs to everyone, except Percy and Hazel, who would stay and guard the ship.

"What do we do while we're here?" Hazel asked.

"Think of a way to kill Gaia," Jason said grimly.


Jason quickly climbed back on board with Annabeth, both of them carrying medical supplies. Luckily their trip to town had been successful and uneventful- thankfully there had been no monsters. Suddenly he saw Leo frantically beckoning them. Jason could see the rest on board, all looking worried. Percy shouted out, "Something is moving about down there, its pushing the currents strongly."

Then several heads emerged above the surface of the glistening blue lake.

The monster was a mottled, scaly green, dripping wet, with four heads, each one baring its fangs, hissing.

Annabeth screamed "HYDRA! Quickly: Jason attack from above. Hazel and I will attack from the front; Frank and Piper go behind and attack it. Percy attack from the water. Leo make sure your ready to burn the heads, after they've been cut off." Fortunately Annabeth, like always, had a plan.

Jason felt the wind gather up and carry him as the hydra climbed on board. He watched as the boat tipped and Hazel slid down the boat. He drew his sword and yelled at the hydra.

"Come here you maggot – brain!" Jason winced in his head as he said that. He had probably earned number one spot on the stupid insult list. He slashed at the hydra's rough skin. One of the hydra's heads turned and spat poison at him, slimy green venom hurtling towards him. Jason pushed the wind and dodged, as he swiped at the hydra's head, cutting it clean off. Suddenly he saw Frank as an eagle attacking its eye, while Hazel and Annabeth were stabbing the Hydra's stomach. Another head fell off as Percy rode the waves high, waving his celestial bronze sword. Leo immediately burst into flames and started burning the heads. The hydra, in a rage, whipped around and smacked directly into Piper, who had been stabbing attempting to stab the Hydra while at the same time keeping balance on the rocking deck.

Piper was caught by the wing and flung far into the distance. Jason watched in anger and prepared to take off to save Piper, as he saw some more poison coming towards him; he nimbly ducked under the spray, and charged, yelling, as he as with one nimble sword stroke, the second last head got set ablaze. From the corner of Jason's eye he saw Frank dive after Piper.

Suddenly the wind changed and Jason struggled to stay in the air. Frank crashed towards the ground, and disappeared below trees. But Jason had no time to worry about that because he was falling out of the sky. Annabeth jumped up, cutting the last head, which fell, and Leo blasted it with fire. The headless hydra roared mightily and collapsed, disintegrating into golden dust, which scattered in the fast wind. Water splashed everywhere and splattered across the deck. Jason fell towards the deck, managing to steady himself at the last minute, as he lowered himself onto the deck. He felt a chill run down his spine, as if a strong presence was nearby.

"We have to go get Frank and Piper!" Hazel cried.

"I don't think I can let you do that." A voice sneered. A tall dark man materialised in the middle of the howling winds. "You've made me angry, killing my hydra- they're not cheap pets you know. I am Eurus, god of the East wind, and you should be five scared demigods."