
Nope, he wasn't drunk. He was happy, so happy that he could die. He got out of his brand new navy blue Ford SUV. He staggered through the snow toward the plain-looking 2-story house. Home, sweet home. A wide smile spread across his movie star handsome face. The sky was dim and the street was quiet. It was Friday and he was here to join his wife and newborn son for the family dinner. In his parents-in-law's house. Yeah, he was the happiest man in the world. He'd gotten all he'd wanted. He couldn't ask for more. Well, maybe another child. This time a little girl. Blue eyes. Curly hair. Just like her elder brother, Joseph Junior. He still wasn't sure if he wanted their third child to be a boy or a girl. Better make it four. Two boys and two girls. Angie. Bella. Joe. Tony. More than perfect. He pushed open the door.

The wonderful smell of hot food and freshly baked cookies hit him in the face. His mouth started watering. Butter. Sugar. Salt. His stomach roared. He loved his mother-in-law's cooking. He planned to steal his father-in-law's cookies. He would hold his son to his heart. He would kiss Stephanie on her lips. He would then whisper dirty jokes in her ear. She wouldn't be able to stop giggling and tomorrow morning she would make him another Italian sandwich. Yes, they were a happy big family. He stepped into the dining room. He grinned at the precious child. He frowned. He blinked. He paid no attention to the sudden silence. He stared hard at the boy's bright dark eyes. He knew the child's almost black hair was silky smooth. And that little face reminded him too much of someone. Someone he genuinely disliked. Someone he openly despised. Anger. Shock. Realization. The bitter taste of betrayal. He whipped around to face Stephanie.

"What the Hell, Cupcake?" He yelled and then the universe burst.

The world became blank and he woke up in his own bed. Bob snored beside him. He looked up toward the bedroom ceiling. It was just a dream. Should he smile? Should he sigh? It was but a dream. Was he really in love with Stephanie? Did he really want kids? Could he be definitely sure that the child was his? Cold windy night. Dark nasty thoughts. He didn't feel like himself. Why had he chosen to come back? Why hadn't he stayed in LA? Why become a cop? Of all the women in this world. Of all the places on the globe. He had to get out of bed and go to work at the first ray of dawn. Would there be a dawn? Polar Vortex. Record cold. He didn't want to leave his bed. But did he really have a choice? Could he move to somewhere warm? Florida. Arizona. Gators. Burmese pythons. Rattlesnakes. Bark Scorpions. Work. Drink. Fuck. Did he really have a life of his own? Something had changed inside him. He could feel that in his bones. It was time for him to make some necessary changes. It was time for Stephanie to make a final choice. She couldn't be a bounty hunter forever. She had to become a mother before her eggs got too old. Time. Tide. Chances. Yeah, lucky us. He closed his eyes and decided to sleep a little more. The bed was soft and Bob was so warm. Tomorrow. Tomorrow after the hockey game he was going to propose. He would hide the ring inside her meat ball sub. He would pay a visit to a jewelry shop this afternoon. Would she say yes? He smiled as he fell asleep.

Yes, she would.