So this is it guys the end of the road. I am so eternally thankful for all the support you've shown me over this fic. It's been an awesome ride. I want to thank venaira for the awesome beta work she's done for me. (go check out her fics lol)

A/N: Don't own em. Wish I did. Still very, very tragic.

In every relationship whether it be marriage, dating, friendship, monogamous or open, there is always a bond that ties the two people together such as physical attraction, emotional attraction or a highly mixture of both. There will always be something that brings people together. The word bond literally means to tie or link to obtain friendship, fellowship, partnership, association, affiliation, alliance, and attachment.

With vampires though, the word bond brings on an entirely new meaning itself. They are all those things that are associated with the literal meaning of bond but vampires are connected through a more cosmic level, even a spiritual level if you will. It is like they are two halves of one soul, sharing love, hurt, anger and every human emotion possible.

That was something that Tara had yet to grasp the concept of. She was barely a three-month vampire before Pam went off on her masochistic venture. Tara really didn't know what it meant to be maker and progeny. Tara was still holding on the mortal part of her life and how she perceived relationships were supposed to be. Vampires go by an entirely different set of rules and that's just how it was, and Tara had to learn that.

Pam couldn't say she was entirely thrilled about teaching Tara the ways and rules that came along with being a vampire. Tara was so stubborn and headstrong that it will probably take centuries for her to truly understand. Thrilled or not, Pam wasn't going to give up, she couldn't lose another person she cared about.

"You were wrong before." Pam finally broke the silence between them after Tara silent revelation.

"What are you talking about?" Tara asked confusingly.

"I did want you. I wanted you from the first day I saw you, but I was too wrapped up in myself and Eric to ever tell you. So when the opportunity presented itself, to have you and get Eric back. I thought why not, ya know? Why not kill two birds with one stone? You know, have my cake and ice cream too?" Pam's voice was so small, so uncharacteristic of the blonde that Tara didn't have any other choice but to believe her, but Tara being the hard harden victim of years of rejection and circumstance she still questioned her confession.

"Oh yeah? Well you couldn't have proven that by me."

"Tara will you please just stop with the sarcasm? I know I've hurt you, believe me, I'll probably spend the rest of eternity proving to you that I am sorry, which is something that I will admit I'm not too particularly happy over. Something you've got to understand about me Tara is I don't apologize to anyone over anything. It's not in my nature. For over 100 years I've not had to answer for a single thing I've done." Pam's heart-felt speech made Tara a little uneasy. What all had Pam done? She wondered.

"So why apologize to me then, why even bother?"

Pam sighed ,God did she hate feelings. "Because there is something about you, that makes me feel remorse."

"And you've never felt remorse before?" Tara chuckled in bewilderment.

"Not once in my entire existence, not till the day I left." Pam said to the point.

"Why didn't you come back then, why stay away so long?"

At that point, Pam thought it wise to finally open the bond. When she did Tara was literally thrown back. Tara grab at her chest, the avalanche of emotion and feels came flooding into her.

"Wha…what was that?"

"Everything I've been feeling for the last 8 months."

Tara couldn't hold back the tears that were spilling over her eyelids at an alarming rate. Pam's feelings of remorse, hate, love, anger, anguish, etc… Was almost too much to handle.

"You asked me why I stayed gone. What I just poured into you was what I've felt with Eric for over 100 years. The bond it's like a drug and literally marker and progeny as the addicts. It was taken away from me, my drug was gone."

"But you have a bond with me, why couldn't I be your new drug?" Tara voice was laced with so much sadness; it literally broke Pam's heart.

Pam knelt down in front of Tara, making sure they were at eye level. "You are my new drug, but Eric is my maker, he will always eternally be a part of me. I couldn't just let him leave without explanation or reason." Pam looked down breaking the eye contact with Tara. What she was going to say next would turn her into a whirlwind of despair.

"But he didn't want to return, he doesn't want to be around me or this place anymore." Pam closed her eyes and thought back to the last interaction she had with her maker.

"Eric, why won't you come back" Pam asked on the verge of tears.

"Because there is nothing for me there Pamela!" Eric boomed

"I'm there Eric, what's wrong with me?"

"You have Tara, you don't need me anymore. As long as I am around you will never step up to the marker role."

"What about Willa? You are still connected with her." Pam was crying now. Trying to use every tactic she could think of.

"I made Willa to piss Governor Bruell off, I didn't want her Pam. Yes I know that's shitty of me, but oh well. Listen, I am not going to fight about this anymore, its time for you to live a life with out me and live it will Tara." Eric walked up to Pam and placed both hands on her shoulders. "You have to be strong for her, you have to continue my legacy. I have been on this earth for over a thousand years I'm done. I don't want that life anymore and if it means leaving you and Willa behind in the process then so be it. It's time for you to go back to your progeny and forget me, for now. Our paths will cross again." Eric then gave Pam a small chaste kiss on her forehead and left her standing in a gulf of wind.

Pam was crying and the droplets were starting to make a small pool on the sidewalk. Tara lifted Pam's chin. "He told you to leave him be, didn't he?" Tara asked quietly.

Pam only shook her head in confirmation.

Tara's blood started boil, Goddamn did she hate Eric Northman. She wiped the away the tears streaking Pam's flawless face. "This no way excuses what you did, but I do understand." Tara gave Pam a half smile "I probably would have done the same thing, when you love someone, you'll go to the ends of the earth for them."

Pam was taken aback by Tara's words. Surely to God she wasn't forgiving her that fast.

"So you forgive me?" She asks hopefully.

"Oh no, you are not getting off that easy," Tara chuckles. "I'm still not too happy with being second best." Tara's chuckle turned into a serious statement.

"For fucks sakes Tara, you aren't second best!" Pam rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Then what am I, if not that?" Tara asks

"Mine," It was a simply notion. Meant to be taken however Tara wanted to take it.

"I don't think I like that either" Tara gives a hearty chuckle.

Knowing she was far from forgiven. Pam had to try anyways. "Will you come home with me to Fangtasia?"

Tara looked at Pam for the longest time. Tara wanted to go back with Pam, but she didn't. She wanted to be around her, but she didn't. She liked the set up had here, it was safe, and it was familiar. It's where time had about driven her crazy. So it had it's advantages and disadvantages.

"Stay here with me." She finally spoke it was more of a statement than a question.

"Here, with Sookie? I don't think so." Pam deadpanned.

"Then I'm not coming with you." Tara spoke with purpose.

"Damn it Tara." Pam sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose what she was about to say next almost made her physically ill, "I want to work on this. I want to work on us."

"Then you need to lean to compromise. You need to learn to stop being selfish. Learn to take other peoples fillings into consideration. I am not just going to jump and come with you because you are back. If we are going to work on this we need to do it together, and you are going to start with a little self sacrificing." Tara left no room for argument.

Pam knew Tara was right and good lord did she hate to admit it. "Fine," Pam huffed.

"Pam." Tara spoke in annoyance.

"I said fine damn it, and that all your getting right now. One step at a time Tara, I cant do this feelings bit in all one fail swoop." Pam's words were laced with her famous sarcasm but here totally true. It was new territory for her, and on instinct, she had to tread lightly.

Tara gave Pam a genuine smile. Step one. She thought to herself. Putting others before ones own self. Maybe this could work after all, maybe over time Tara could learn to forgive Pam fully and they could maybe start living life in a sense of normality, and that's using the word lightly. Maybe for once things will be okay.

"Looks like that suns about to come up, I'll go get Sookie to let you in." Tara turned and walked back into the house to get Sookie.

Tara and Sookie returned shortly. They both looked a Pam and waited for her to ask if she could come in.

"Oh for god sakes. May I come in?" Pam gritted through her teeth.

Testing Pam, as Sookie always loved to do. "What's the magic word?"

Pam huffed, "Ugh, please."

Sookie laughed, "Yeah you can come in," before turning around and walking away leaving Pam and Tara alone.

Pam stepped through the threshold and stopped in front of Tara. "Where are you and Willa sleeping?"

"In the cubby."

"Tara, that's barely big enough for two." Pam gave a vacant expression.

"I know, one of us is gonna have to sleep on the floor" Tara chuckled.

"Tara Mae, I am not sleeping on the God forsaken floor!" Pam shrilled.

"Pam, remember what I said. Thinking of other's before ones self, self-sacrifice, you remember? " Tara was sarcastic with her words, and hopped it pushed all of Pam's buttons.

It did.

"Oh my god, no, hell no! I am not sleeping on a fucking floor Tara. NO WAY!" Pam bellowed.

Tara started laughing, the kind of laughing that made you abdomen sore.

"What's so fucking funny?"

Tara could barely talk for laughing. "We had the cubby converted into two rooms, with separate beds. We made the space bigger." Tara coughed trying to quit laughing; Pam's facial expression was anything but amused. "I wanted to see what you would say, if you would actually sleep on the floor for me, you failed miserably."

"That's not fair Tara, you know I…" Tara cut her off

"I know Barbie, I know. That was mean of me I apologize." Tara said taking Pam's hand. "Come on, let's go to bed before the sun catches us. Tomorrow night is going to be a big night for you. "

"What makes you say that?"

"You know, you've got to start coming up with excuses for me to forgive you and stuff."

"I thought we had eternity for that?"

"Well you know what they say; the early bird gets the worms."

Pam simply rolls her eyes. "Fucking baby vamps."

Tara laughed and leaned up to kiss the corner of Pam's mouth. "You know you love it." She spoke when pulled away. "Now lets go to bed." Tara let go of Pam's hand and started toward the cubby. Pam sighed and with her voice barley above a whisper she simply spoke "I do."

Pam and Tara had a rough road to go. It wasn't going to be sunshine and rainbows. There was going to be a lot of heartache and pain, but in the end it would be worth it. Some loves are just too hard to sweep under the rug and forget about. Pam and Tara were made for one another, both equally stubborn and pig headed but full of so much love and raw emotion. They are truly in all sense of the phrase two halves of one soul.

And for them, time it would seem can made all the difference.

So what did you think? Did I do it justice?

I wanted to leave the ending kinda open ended. Let you choose your own out come. I didnt want to take the easy way out and have all things forgiven and forgotten. It would be unrealistic and it would put the story to shame.

Relationships take work, and being the realist I am, I tried to convey that notion.

So if you liked it drop me a few lines. Tell me what you think. I'd love to hear it.

If you want prompts or have questions, concerns. Hit me up here or on tumblr, or twitter.

Thank you very much for reading, so until next time, I bid you ado.
