Reviews for Avocado is Not the Only Fruit
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 54 . 12/2/2019
I re-read certain chapters of this fic way too much

this is one of my faves
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 49 . 6/14/2019
I know we were talking about SOTTP recently and Alex reminded me of Kostas when I read this chapter

I even read his lines in that accent in my head lol
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 46 . 6/5/2019
“Rory hesitated. She imagined herself walking around Philadelphia, maybe Jess's hand in hers. Finding a coffee shop and talking, filling in the missing gaps of the past few years, and really seeing the Truncheon. The Truncheon, where they had kissed, their bodies close. Rory sucked in her breath as she imagined it now, going to the room above with no one to stop them“

the way that you wrote her thoughts here though

wow talent
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 39 . 6/5/2019
heh I love Paris again in this chapter with her questions
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 60 . 6/5/2019
The part where the music is playing reminds me of Ghost and I love the ending where Rory is content/at peace with herself.
Djmikeraps3 chapter 18 . 3/14/2019
I really appreciate your author's note, and summing up what is happening. Thank you.
Guest chapter 34 . 7/24/2018
Didn't she put the letter she wrote Jess in the book? Also funny thing, the set of Stars Hollow is in California (I got to see it at Warner Brothers studios).
Guest chapter 18 . 7/23/2018
I used to read all the time but then my depression got worse and I stopped reading actual books.
The way he just laughs at her all the time like what she thinks means nothing is sad and frustrating.
Guest chapter 60 . 5/26/2018
Good story!
Logan is such a butt, so is Rory lol
2 of my least fav characters are Logan and Rory..but for some odd no reason I still ship her with Jess...Hes my fav character.
Amazing Job! It did get boring sometimes,,but that is expected to happen in any book/fan fic
-Savannah GilVe B-
Alonia Everclear chapter 25 . 11/20/2017
I've been slowly making my way through this fic. Just wanted to say that your scene in this chapter with Luke and Rory in the diner made me cry. So beautiful, believable, and well written.
fayevalcntine chapter 59 . 6/24/2017
Apparently my review got cut up so I'll post the rest of it here.
- Jess's patience and giving Rory space throughout all of this. I know that at this point it's a given because it's Jess and he cares so much for Rory, but for the part where she asks for some time away from him to her leaving for her trip, and throughout this Jess only ever asks to talk to her but never pressures her into doing so was a lot to me. Very emotional, but also very significant, because it again indicates how Jess respects Rory and gives her space when she needs it. Reading throughout these scenes was too much for me because I just knew that Jess suffered throughout this as well, but he knew that Rory needed space, so he gave her that. Him saying how her kissing someone else doesn't change anything when it comes to him being in love with her just broke me, but in a good way.

- Emily and Richard throughout and after Rory's marriage, as well as Emily in particular. Even though I never really liked their enthusiasm towards Logan being with Rory based primarily off of him being well off and from a famous family, as well as being too interested in their relationship at times, I do like how you don't gloss over how it affects Rory in a bad way while showing that they truly just love her and only wish well for her. Richard punching Logan after finding out about the affair was just a highlight for me, I loved it so much because it's just so Richard to me, in a way. He can have wrong opinions on how Rory's life should go at times, but he is very protective and loving of her, and that remains a driving force behind their strong connection. I also love Emily and her characterization throughout this. I love how it's showcased that her views on marriage and sacrifice for it can be very old-fashioned at times, but it's the only thing she knows as a person. I love the fight between her and Rory and how after they settle on an even ground of their own. Her telling Lorelai that she wants her to be happy with Luke was another moment I loved dearly, and again just shows how they both care for their daughter and granddaughter.

- Luke and Lorelai getting back together. I was actually a bit surprised (even confused) as to how they weren't back together in this fic from the start but I haven't watched season 7 yet so I don't really know how the storyline of them getting back together went. I can say though that I love how it was handled. It just feels very in character for Lorelai to be worried over her daughter's state and only get back with Luke once Rory's a bit better and away. Also them getting back together and there being no related drama over it was great to experience for once.

- Jess and Rory's relationship after she gets the job. At this point I should just say I loved everything about them in this fic, but I have to break it down into individual moments because that is the least this fic deserves. I loved the idea of them living in separate cities but coming to see each other on the weekends. It definitely gives Rory the space to become accommodated living on her own and caring for herself, while still being with Jess. I also love how it's such an interesting metaphor that captures their relationship, in the sense that (at least in my opinion), they can both be individuals with their own goals and jobs while being together, and how distance at this point is irrelevant for them.

I might come back to note on something else I must have missed, but I hope that this at least does the fic some justice. Thank you so much for writing this, I can't wait to read through your other long fics.

I should also note that while there are other amazing fics for Jess and Rory as a couple out there, if this was honestly the only one that existed, it would've been enough for me.
fayevalcntine chapter 60 . 6/24/2017
I've been postponing writing a review for this for too long but I just keep coming back and rereading parts of the story so much because I'm too in love with it. I'm sure that I'll miss mentioning something further on in this because there is no part about this fic that I don't love, so I ask for your forgiveness on that. I'm currently skimming the chapters to remember exactly what I want to mention that I loved so much:

- First off, I love your depiction of the first two years of marriage between Rory and Logan. As much as I'm not really a fan of this relationship, I love how you showcased it as being happy and good in the beginning but how it started to wither as time went on. Rory having problems getting work in the beginning is always something I love being depicted when it's well done, and you handle that topic so realistically in terms of her trying, but not being able to find a job because she can't be hired without ever using any connections, and Rory refusing to use them or get Logan to get her a job is so like her, as a character. I also love how this ties in with many of the other differences she has with Logan's world, apart from his family and his upbringing.

- Rory's feelings being presented with such heart-aching honesty is one of the fic's greatest aspects. You just get into the heart of her as a character in this and how she suffers throughout her marriage as certain things just don't go her way in the beginning (her not being able to get a job, the drastically different setting as opposed to what she is used to in her home town). I love how you write her as a depressed character, how easy it is to spot the symptoms of that and how it's easy to understand how it developed and where it started.

- The chronology and scene placement in the whole fic. Capturing Logan and Rory's marriage near the end with so much detail while continuing to showcase Rory's mental state and feelings throughout it all just gives this so much more feeling and it's just so much more profound as a written piece. I cannot tell you how much my heart ached throughout this fic, particularly for Rory through the first 20-30 chapters while she's still married and thinks that she must try to save it, even if she has to ignore how awful she feels in it. Along with that is just how easily you can see just how Rory feels trapped and hopeless in this. Every scene you've placed in this fic, particularly for this, is so well done because it offers such a good insight on many pieces of their marriage and life together. I know I say this too many times but seriously, the detail in this fic is what makes it so good.

- The scenes with Jess and Rory and Rory/Paris while she's still married are so good and important. I know that Lorelai is a very important person whose opinion factors a lot into Rory's life, as we've seen on the show, but it's also nice to see two people who aren't part of that tight circle she has with her mother and how they care for Rory and in the ways that they showcase it. Jess with his comfort and gentle but blatant honesty, and Paris with her brutal one. Also the unforgettable Lane Kim, who offers a lot of wisdom to Rory especially when she's also tackling a marriage and three kids on her own.

- While we're on the subject of Lane Kim, I have to state one of the many things I loved in particular about you writing her. Lane loving and being protective of her kids and family but at the same time obviously regretting not getting more time before becoming a mother is so important for me to see in written fic. I don't think many fans remember how Lane was given the shortest straw of them all in the series from the start, and I haven't really seen writers try to tackle her post-series as a character, which is tragic. Lane is such an amazing character and there is a reason why she connects so well with Rory, apart from being best friends since they were little. So seeing them talk and communicate throughout all these drastic and intense moments and changes in Rory's life is not only important but just feels right, narrative-wise. I just feel like if this kind of thing had ever happened on the show, you just know Lane would be one of the main people in Rory's life offering her comfort. And in this, I love how you manage to do that but also make her a separate person who has her own life and doubts. You don't just push her in for the sake of offering some advice to Rory when needed but you give her space to be a person of her own, and I appreciate and love that so much. I also love Rory continuing to have a close bond with her even after she becomes better and more stable and finds a job of her own. I love the moment where Lane stays over at her apartment and goes to so many record shops. That is something I loved so much as a scene played out.

- Lorelai admitting to have made a mistake in trying to teach Rory about caution and love in relationships is a definite highpoint to me. I love her as a character but Lorelai's love life was far from perfect and it's very obvious that, even if she didn't mean to, that in a way affected Rory and her opinion on guys as well. The two have always had such a big influential part in each other's life but it's very obvious that Lorelai had the bigger one in Rory's, being her mother and all. So for me, seeing this moment play out, and her desperately trying to get her daughter away from a crumbling marriage is very significant. The development of their relationship during and after this was so stirring, from Rory temporarily cutting off ties when she goes back to Logan to them reconciling, to having different opinions on Rory becoming intimately closer to Jess. All of it was just so moving to read through, and I think you did such an amazing job capturing the main relationship and heart of the show.

- I can't really say I found everything that Logan did in character but for the most part, all the significant things that happened and the way he reacted towards them, to the many reasons why their marriage fell apart, it felt like it was something that definitely would happen. Logan cheating on Rory wasn't out of character for me, if anything else I can see that he will always have a problem fully committing to someone in a relationship, and seeing as how he kind of did cheat on her in the show during season 6, it's not far fetched. The moment where he was being so insensitive and rude while talking about their sex life to the brigade was also something I could honestly see happening. I never found myself being interested or captured by the brigade and their stunts, if anything I just found them rude and obnoxious as people. Him drinking a lot is also an understandable thing that I can see happening. I personally don't see Logan as like, as bad of a person or boyfriend as Dean was, because Dean was just emotionally abusive and obsessive with Rory, but I also can't see myself ever really liking Logan unless he drastically changes.

- Paris being the first one to tell Rory she needs professional help was a great moment and again, one that I could see happening.

- All the moments with Jess and Rory during Rory's marriage. I just love them all, I can't pick a personal favorite. I love how they renewed their connection as friends and confidants in their own way during this tumultuous period of time in Rory's life, especially when I can definitely see Jess, now grown up and so much more stable, as a source of comfort for Rory. I also love how her attraction to him is a recurring topic from the start, something that just never really went away from the both of them, but rather was forgotten but then sprung up in Rory's mind again.

- All the moments with Jess and Rory after Rory's marriage. Like, I cannot explain to you coherently how this just might be the one story that has my favorite Jess/Rory relationship development post-series. It's's too much to even explain properly. There are far too many things to count when thinking about this. From Rory's feelings and attraction, to the letters, to both of them confessing that there are still lingering feelings there to them sleeping together. All of these scenes are just too intense when I read them, and I have to admit, are the main scenes I reread every time I come back to this story. I just can't explain it but you manage to capture so many feelings between them both. I especially love the couple of scenes during the period in which they can't define what they are, but there's so much attraction and love between them that they can't stay away from it.

- Rory's depression and treatment. At this point I've mentioned it too many times but it honestly deserves a paragraph of it's own. This particular element in the fic is something that at times was a lot to read through, but was shown in a very honest and accurate light. Everything from Rory's feelings, to her treatment and to her reacting to everything happening to her, it was all very well depicted and something that I in particular want to praise you for. I love all her scenes with Dr. Moran and how Moran as a character was just a very important person to Rory during this time, and just offered a neutral but very needed ear to everything Rory's been bottling up. I also love how apart from Rory's marriage, they addressed so many other aspects of Rory's life throughout their sessions, from her need to please people/need to save her marriage just because of the misguided belief that she must because she vowed to do so, to her relationships with her friends, with her mother, with her grandparents. Everything was just amazing in this part.

- Jess's patience and giving Rory space throughout all of this. I know that at this point it's a given because it's Jess and he cares so much for Rory, but for the part where she asks for some time away from him to her leaving for her trip, and throughout this Jess only ever asks to talk to her but never pressures her into doing so was a
cass chapter 60 . 6/20/2017
"It was a beautiful day."

perfect line to end this story with. i've enjoyed every second of it. thank you for writing and sharing this.
cass chapter 54 . 6/20/2017
"Rory looked at him and the awkwardness evaporated, along with the sense of wrong clothes."

this, along with that other thing a couple chapters back about never feeling out of place around jess... it's just beautiful, and, i think, a part of what it means to love someone
cass chapter 51 . 6/20/2017
"Rory's eyes settled on the endless blue. The sky was no longer an enemy."

love that
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