Reviews for The Blackbird and the Bowman
Lunadream chapter 19 . 12/2/2017
This is so good! Please continue?
suzii3499 chapter 19 . 8/24/2015
What an ending! Took me awhile to let it sink. Feel so bad for Sigrid. Can't wait for next chapter!
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 19 . 2/21/2015
-stares at ending- ... I hope Sigrid didn't see that, but such a hope is likely naive. She and Bain are floating right there, after all.
Meagain chapter 19 . 2/8/2015
Jakob was beginning to grow on me! I'm sad that he's gone :( please update the next chapter soon - I'm curious about how this will all end and tie in with the story.
SilverZelenia chapter 19 . 1/28/2015
Well now I'm sad, I was starting to like him... XD
SilverZelenia chapter 15 . 1/28/2015
I KNEW JAKOB WAS UP TO SOMETHING. It was too convenient... But maybe he's redeemable since he seems to actually like Sigrid.
SilverZelenia chapter 14 . 1/28/2015
I TRULY do not trust Jakob... He seems so nice and innocent but I'm willing to bet he's part of the plot against our favorite family.
SilverZelenia chapter 12 . 1/27/2015
I have a bad feeling about Jakob...
ForEver-A-DayDreamer chapter 19 . 1/26/2015
Finally !
Dalonige Noquisi chapter 19 . 1/26/2015
DAMNIT! THE HELL?! Sooo sad!
Miriel Tolkien chapter 19 . 1/24/2015
NOOOOO not Jakob I was shipping Jakrid already. *cries* And she's going to poison somebody, I'm pretty sure. :) Definitely a lot of good action in this chapter.
ForEver-A-DayDreamer chapter 18 . 1/7/2015
You promised a happy ending ! Live by your word please lol !
suzii3499 chapter 18 . 1/5/2015
Damn that cliffhanger! You better not let her die again. I don't think I can reread that twice.
Hallielf chapter 18 . 1/5/2015
I have enough with GOT to think we have another unexpected death heading our way!
I honestly have no idea how this is going to go, but Tarin and Malik need their just desserts.
uniabocetaP chapter 18 . 1/5/2015
Hello! Happy new year! Finally, I managed to catch up with your story (I should have never fallen back in the first place). I like a lot the background you gave to Jakob, it is interesting and gives more depth to him than the usual prince for the girl... and also I like the human side of the Master. He loved once, and he seems to love both his children in some way, he is not a foolish, bad guy. The plot is moving forward on nicely with many twists (you are a master in that). I hate though cliffhangers :(
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